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Yes, that are known bugs.


Creature XL has got ill, so he can't do any correction on this, but he wanted to release it for nyd, as somewhat of a demo and when he is back again, he will bring us a working version.


you have to get out until a minute is gone, and if not a game over screen should appear, but it crashes. So take it as a demo of what comes.


thanks pps.

Since two days I am better, got some antibioticum from the doc on Friday (stupid holidays).

I was busy fixing bugs (and adding end screens :)

Two bugs remain and I'll write a manual and try a release early WE so you guys have something to play on the WE :P

Already send two people test versions as Flash and OSon told me it is too hard. So I am waiting on feedback from these two and make it easier maybe.


But remember, it was a quicky and is not meant to be a long polished game.


BTW, even in the released version are two "extra time" icons to collect, have you found them both? :D

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I would like to announce that gameplay of Quarrion is finished now, it includes special tiles, animations and difficulty increase as you advance.

I have received nice design mockups, so I'm working on turning them to reality. I hope it will be finished soon...and as always this game contains some stuff that I haven't used before.

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here is the final version of the little game. Minor glitches still in there but nothing serious. Except one bug which hangs the computer which is rather seldom :)


The manual is in the spoiler:




by the Morons of H.A.R.

This little game is an epilogue to the game "Heli in the Cave". It was created
for the "New Years Disk 2015" as a gimmick. Therefore, it has some minor
graphical glitches which, however, shouldn't affect the gameplay.

Finishing the game is rather easy. The main difficulty is in the collision
detection :) After getting used to it - the level design never demands pixel
perfect movement - it is quite manageable to reach the goal. Well, the tricky
part might be the switch in the last room, but again, a few tries should suffice
to master it.

After leaving the "switch room" you can eiter simply drop down and finish the
game or try to kill up to three enemies for bonus points. Don't be afraid,
they cannot kill you. Talking about points, after getting the "Thrust Kick" you
are able to kill monsters in the cave. Just double jump and then hold the stick
down and press the trigger again.

my best score is 5800.
Not sure if more can be reached. It was a rather perfect run.

Now some hints in case you do not want to experiment with the game yourself:

Hint 1: Jump off of enemies
After killing an enemy you can jump again to reach a secrete area

Hint 2: Don't hesitate
The way to the first extra timepiece is well timed

Hint 3: One is enough
Jumping over all three enemies makes it easier and faster to reach the
extra timepiece, however, if you miss a jump, the leftmost NPC is enough
to reach the ledge, but to get the timing right is time consuming.






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thanks pps.

Since two days I am better, got some antibioticum from the doc on Friday (stupid holidays).

I was busy fixing bugs (and adding end screens :)

Two bugs remain and I'll write a manual and try a release early WE so you guys have something to play on the WE :P

Already send two people test versions as Flash and OSon told me it is too hard. So I am waiting on feedback from these two and make it easier maybe.


But remember, it was a quicky and is not meant to be a long polished game.


BTW, even in the released version are two "extra time" icons to collect, have you found them both? :D


Good to read your health is improving! From all things I think a good health is one of the most important!


I think I'll try your improved game today! Exciting!

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here is the final version of the little game. Minor glitches still in there but nothing serious. Except one bug which hangs the computer which is rather seldom :)


The manual is in the spoiler:





by the Morons of H.A.R.


This little game is an epilogue to the game "Heli in the Cave". It was created

for the "New Years Disk 2015" as a gimmick. Therefore, it has some minor

graphical glitches which, however, shouldn't affect the gameplay.


Finishing the game is rather easy. The main difficulty is in the collision

detection :) After getting used to it - the level design never demands pixel

perfect movement - it is quite manageable to reach the goal. Well, the tricky

part might be the switch in the last room, but again, a few tries should suffice

to master it.


After leaving the "switch room" you can eiter simply drop down and finish the

game or try to kill up to three enemies for bonus points. Don't be afraid,

they cannot kill you. Talking about points, after getting the "Thrust Kick" you

are able to kill monsters in the cave. Just double jump and then hold the stick

down and press the trigger again.


my best score is 5800.

Not sure if more can be reached. It was a rather perfect run.




Now some hints in case you do not want to experiment with the game yourself:



Hint 1: Jump off of enemies

After killing an enemy you can jump again to reach a secrete area


Hint 2: Don't hesitate

The way to the first extra timepiece is well timed


Hint 3: One is enough

Jumping over all three enemies makes it easier and faster to reach the

extra timepiece, however, if you miss a jump, the leftmost NPC is enough

to reach the ledge, but to get the timing right is time consuming.






Very nice game, finally i was able to finish it. My highest score is 5200, after killing all enemies and taking 1 timepiece.


..but as i'm quoting your post, i see spoiler part that says

something about secret area reachable by triple jump (in fact it was rather quadruple jump)

- im on!


I managed to access hidden area, and second time piece, but even I killed every enemy I met (3 enemies were killed twice) and finished with 30 or so seconds left...(maybe I should try one more loop trough secret room to get 5800)


my final score was "only" 5450 :)




two loops over secret area helped me to beat your score


So now i'm curious if someone can beat my 6000 :)


I must admit i admire how u can utilize sw sprites.




Edited by matosimi
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So now i'm curious if someone can beat my 6000 :)

Hehe, finally managed to reach the end :)

Awesome little game! Can't wait for extra large game like that from CreatureXL!

Game is hard... Collision detection with spikes made me curse out loud :)

As I've also got some kind of flu last few days I emphasize with CreatureXL's sickness... My motor skills are not their best so I had to use Intellectual powers to win the game - nobody said cheating is not allowed ;)

Score after returning to rooms and killing enemies again and again :)



Please try the game at least hundred times before playing with time trainer bellow :)


To stop the timer type this in Altirra console (F8 to break execution):

f 24e0 1 00



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As I've also got some kind of flu last few days I emphasize with CreatureXL's sickness... My motor skills are not their best so I had to use Intellectual powers to win the game - nobody said cheating is not allowed ;)

Score after returning to rooms and killing enemies again and again :)




I managed to finish game without cheating, but in order to get 6000 I had to use altirra quick save states... so I did not alter timer routine.

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You guys suck! :)

After I finally managed to beat the 6k score (just did 6100) I read about the 6400 :(


My "cheat" was playing the game on the OpenPandora so I basically used a nice D-pad and buttons instead of a joystick.

Although, this might not be such a big cheat, as there are gamepads for the A8 as well.


Not sure if I try to beat the 6400. If I do I let you know :)

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... totally forgot to mention that there will be an upgraded MasterIt 2015+ with graphics, (hopefully) sound, title screen, and of course some additions to make the game more challenging.


btw. my sons best score so far is: 15249 - who will beat him?

I did fluke 20K+ on the 4th line! crushed him :evil:


Great work everyone :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Had a lot of fun trying out everything :)


Just got the other games to improve on:

DITCH I still can;t figure out how to kill the baddies :dunce: down and fire in the air?

Dimo's Quest has much better movement now :thumbsup: (both versions?)

was the first screen meant to be so grey looking?


SGB having trouble plugging the Xbox dance mat into port 2 :grin:



p.s. thanks for the mention Sikor ;-)

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DITCH I still can;t figure out how to kill the baddies :dunce: down and fire in the air?



Yeah, space is a bit limited (16 chars) :)


You need to double jump and then hold stick down and press trigger. This initiates the "thrust kick".

If you do that above an enemy it will be killed (and paves - at one location - the way to a time bonus) :)


I am curious if you can beat the 6400 (current top score)

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You need to double jump and then hold stick down and press trigger. This initiates the "thrust kick".

If you do that above an enemy it will be killed (and paves - at one location - the way to a time bonus) :)


I am curious if you can beat the 6400 (current top score)

Ahh i was trying after a single jump.

4500 so far but I can see there is a potential killing spree near the end.

I really like D.I..T.C.H. just the dodgy spikes bit can be annoying. I don't know what you have in mind but the idea of a game made up of several 'short' levels like this where you can play to maximise your scores or something would be cool - perhaps so many attempts and it's up to you which stages you use/re use them on. Or just one giant fantastic game of course... I'm sure you have plans.. You have lots of interesting control elements; the controllable jumps mean you can save fractions of seconds by making optimal jumps.


Well Done Creature XL :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

While pimping up my tools, I figured posting this overview picture might be a good idea.


Talking about tools, it seems people are more interested in them as I thought. So there might be some pics (videos?) about my mapping tool later. A release of the tool itself is planned. However, not in the near future as it is still a PoS codewise. When a feature is needed it gets implemented somehow in the shortest time possible as my main coding-time is dedicated to Atari-code.




The BMP is created (simply) by calling the save() method of the .NET-Bitmap-class. It is not readable by all picture viewers.

It works flawless with The Gimp and EOG. If anybody knows how Bitmap.save() writes a wrong header I am all ears.




added PNG



Edited by Creature XL
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The .NET image library has a lot of options which can be set when setting up the image, before calling the save or create method. It's been a while since I used it, but intelli-sense should show all the options.


Thanks for the hint. I tested some other formats, although I guess 32bppArgb should have been fine.

It still didn't work. SO I checked the header. The first 14 bytes were totally wrong - according to the Wikipedia article.


Some quick search on Google didn't help me. So I checked teh Image.save() method for other options. And found the one to specify another file format :)

So I will just use PNG from now on. Here I am, thinking that AT LEAST Microsoft should be able to write a BMP file! Maybe the -NET-developers don't use BMP themselves :)

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