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homebrew question


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Ok. How does this work? I mean, during or after creating the game aside from owning the rights to what I develop.. selling it for the VCS 2600.. what are the conditions for such?

Here's one example: I made a crappy Atari 2600 game that was originally a failed example program using batari Basic, Other people put it on cart, did the manual, box art, cart art, and so on. Out of the roughly 200 people in the world who still buy Atari 2600 homebrew carts, it probably sold less than 100 copies and that's including the Limited Edition that was sold before it was in the AtariAge store, so don't plan on getting rich. :D

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How does one sell their creation for the VCS, without legal repercussion?

I see that you changed your post. If you create something original, you don't have to worry about anything. But if you are looking to get your name in the news and sell more carts than you normally would, you either get permission from a big company so you can legally create an Atari 2600 version of their famous game or you do it without asking and hope they won't hear about it and sue your pants off.

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Here's one example: I made a crappy Atari 2600 game that was originally a failed example program using batari Basic, Other people put it on cart, did the manual, box art, cart art, and so on. Out of the roughly 200 people in the world who still buy Atari 2600 homebrew carts, it probably sold less than 100 copies and that's including the Limited Edition that was sold before it was in the AtariAge store, so don't plan on getting rich. :D

I honestly believe that the VCS 2600 should be the only game system in existence to this day & I the reason say that is because today's games are all about high quality graphics & lack any decent if not sensible game play. If you can at least draw decently & program it to do what you want it to & it works, then it should sell. With that aside, I don't plan to make it rich IF I were to ever decide to develop a game for the VCS 2600 as I would leave all that up the consumer. The consumer sees the VCS 2600 as a box that allows two dots & a line, based on today's generation of consoles however what I have seen come out of the homebrew in recent years shows me that the developers of that timeframe basically rushed to put out their product rather than carefully designing it, knowing that yes they believed they had very little 'memory' to work with which would come to light that they were wrong, again from what I have seen in the past few years with homebrew projects.

I see that you changed your post. If you create something original, you don't have to worry about anything. But if you are looking to get your name in the news and sell more carts than you normally would, you either get permission from a big company so you can legally create an Atari 2600 version of their famous game or you do it without asking and hope they won't hear about it and sue your pants off.

I know all that & no I would not do any de-makes of any of today's 'games' or should I say 'interactive films'. :lol:

Edited by phillip_roberts
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