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Rare "Shark! Shark!" Box?


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It seems i own a somewhat rare examplary of "Shark! Shark!"


two showed already interest in it, to me it won't matter rare or not, and i would like to hand it to a collector.


the only condition is i like to have the same cartridge in return it can be in what condition ever as long as the cartridge still works, even "in pieces" i can fix that.


but i don't like to favour one and my idea was to start a competition for it.


i neither like to say "beat me astrosmash", even when i'm a mediacre astrosmasher only.


my idea is competetors should find a suitable game in a democratic process, each must feel fine with the chosen game to compete in.


shipping costs for the Boxed "Shark! Shark!" i will pay, while the winner certainly will have to pay the shipping costs for the returning cartridge, that's fair.




i like to play the games on the original hardware that's all.


Simpliest solution would be compete in "Shark! Shark!",

but like i said, one might guess "oh no anything but not this game, i'm not good in it".


thus post your suggestions and we certainly find something which all evtl. competetors are satisfied with.


except the shit wouldn't be worth the shipping costs for you.

but no, a blister bag won't cost much to ship to switzerland $5 or $10 or something like that.

to me the fun would be worth $10, i spend $10 easy for less useful things (two pints of beer i.e.).


But you can also say it's a stupid idea and i forget that.


Or in a other case, if there are only two who have interest in it and they agreed to that either one can get it, you won't need to compete.

but i thought it could be fun.


In the end it depends on how important it is to you, i really have no idea, i'm new here.

collecting things in this kind of way never meant much to me

(else i collect a lot, i'm a sort of messie, but it's bound only to practical things "can i use this in future?").



the object of interest (the perspective view is because of the else annoying reflection of the flash)










"Dr. Zharkov"



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ah yes it might take me a week or so, but i have to check my moms place, i still believe some cartridges are still alive, if i own already a "Shark! Shark!" (i'm not sure, i really will have to check this first)

then i would apreciate a alternative to it, i.e. "AD&D" (because this game i always wanted and never found here in switzerland, but i love to play this game, it contains something our "new" devs of Pioneer never understood, to use procedural generated things in a intelligent way, not only to create systems and planet surfaces with it, no, to build "the game" with it. because "missions" are something repetive, one can figure out how that works, what are the elements a mission is build with, and from such you could generate always new missions, new challanges exactly like the dungeons in AD&D, the principle is the same "puzzle pieces" which fit on all borders to each other and this can be made with missions as well. It's beautiful to explore the galaxy in pioneer, but after that you like to play. they can spend a year to tinker on voronoi routines to make the borders and sizes of factions, but to be honest the result is pretty much the same as "half and half", useless imho. apart from that 3 factions are far better as 100. it might hve been a challange for the devs but to the player it makes 0 difference. They lost themself in all this details and certainly leak of a "lunatic" like me who keeps the overview to it, who says "the player is king")

condition won't matter.

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until there is only one, you.

let's see who flocks in else.


and i definatly have to visit my mother, anyway, she feels lonely ;)

sometimes she calls me "Gernot i have a problem with my TV"

Ja ja, "problem with your TV" - you like to see me.


Today i fixed my TV (i bought it second hand for 10 bucks), or as far as it was possible to adjust it for gaming, the screen is still out of angle and this is disturbing (for a construction worker, it hurts my eyes).

But it looks like i can't adjust that, the board is as usual only the half of what it should be, i downloadet the shematic layout for it, "we don't need that it saves us 5cents".

But at least it's centered now, quiet sharp and doesn't flickers to much.


Nice, i was out on saturday to buy it, was in a hurry to catch the bus, but missed it, let's take a walk.

and lost my door keys - argh (never lost keys since i'm 7, i know i'm a chaotic, but i learned to take care for a few important things, i have no idea how it happened, distracted as usual.

Still i'm the 7 year old boy and when i see something of interest, that might be a plant or a bird, i forget everything around me)

best of all, it started to snow....


However, it didn't pulls me down. i keep my humor, i guess since i'm divorced a lot must happen before i lose my humor.

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Is it just me or does that box sort of look like the proposed box style for the Intellivision III? Not an exact match, but similar.



Nice spot Tempest! I'd forgotten about these boxes. Maybe the style could be used as an homage for a future Homebrew release. :)!

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No ideas for a game to compete in?


If it would be possible to play player vs. player i would suggest my 2x10mins soccer hack.


"Astrosmash Competition" would be a alternative, but i can't play it on the original hardware.


Besides, i checked briefly the "highscore" thread and noticed that it wasn't declared how to start "Astrosmash" (if i'm right)

but even if it's noted nowhere Astrosmash, like many others as well, has different speeds to start with, in the common way [3] is slowest over [2] and [1] to [4] or any other key or [DISC] is fastest.

I had this still in mind, made it proof yesterday and made a short clip.

Unfortunately it's a bad clip, i have to learn how to handle my camera again, it's quite a while ago since i used it and i can't change something on resoulution or durance of the record,

thus the clip is only 30sec and bad in quality.


However, it's enough, best watch how fast my ship (or better turret) moves, this shows the difference best.

Certainly i could have played it emulated and the quality would be far better as well a unlimited record time, it was a test.



Though if i would suggest now a "Astrosmash Competition" 15mins it's obvious it must be started by pressing on the DISC.


Like i said this counts for many classic Intellivision games, even if there is nothing noted in the manual (i guess it's hardware bound?).

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part two,


i made a capture of "Astrosmash Competition", for two reasons, to check if it acts the same as "Astrosmash" in case for starting with either [3] or [DISC].

further to show what i meant with the "wrong" aspect of NTSC compared to PAL.

It's very easy to make this proof with "Astrosmash" because of the spare turrets, if the aspect isn't 100% proper,

the turrets on the bottom will have different sized "eyes" (the dot in the centre of the turret).

As you can see this isn't the case in this clip and the resolution i chose is 1192x720 to fit it to YT's HD dimensions.

This won't appear on a NTSC screen neither on a PAL screen, both screens have a aspect of 4:3, PAL writes a few lines more,

the result is on PAL the playfield is closer to letterbox, on NTSC it's closer to 4:3,

but there will be no different sized "eyes" because it writes the same amount of lines, it's only somewhat streched on NTSC.

Which one is "original" NTSC or PAL doesn't matters, base for my thoughts was only 159x96 and it's reproduced in proper aspect.

MESS i.e. declares a res. of 189x240 resp. to get the proper aspect 318x240, but if i use this aspect as base the "eyes" of the spare turrets will be different sized.

One a little wider next a little thinner.



while truely it's a tiny little bit streched horizontally, there are still differences between the turrets to see,

but i will see by what this is caused, resp. try to acheive better results, "Astrosmash" is ideal to compare this

because the turrets should be all the same, size and distance between must be the same, if that isn't the case, something isn't 100% accurate imho.


Obviousely "Nostalgia" emulates the Inty a little to fast


a screenshot from MESS


not only streched in height for my choice you can see well the "eyes" have different sizes.

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What's up players?


If no one else has a idea do i have to suggest one?


it's really just because i like
1) each interested should have the same chance

2) play a game, that's why i'm here


i could throw a dice as well, but no that's not funny.


or like i posted BBWW was the early bird...


It's not only about "Shark! Shark!" i took the interest in it as a reason to start maybe some competitions, i know we have the higscore thread, but i have something else in mind.

I have some time left to organize things (some? if i would have money like i have time i would beat mr. gates, but i prefere time to money, always did, you live how often?)


possibility 1

we play for a highscore a time limited game, either i.e. "Astrosmash Competition" or any else game and set a time limit each would have to keep.


possibility 2

something i really would like to start here (or does that exist?) to compete via "Kaillera".

it would allow to compete exactly in "Shark! Shark!", why not?


(future) possibility 3

play it in the browser, i like what happens in the archive, JSBliss and JSMESS open new possibilities, it would be a question how to take care about for the Administrator(s), if at all.




poss. 1

would be the easiest, but like i said we have a highscore thread, but for once it would be fine.


poss. 2

that's what i like to do, start here the idea for more such player vs. player competitions, about a thing one likes to get or just for fun.

we compete via kaillera and a prescripted emulator (it must be the same because of sync).


poss. 3

is written in the stars...




OK, i guess "Todd" has to saddle this horse.




"Astrosmash Competition"


is that fine for everybody (if there is someone else left as just BBWW, else we won't have to play)?


i suggest 10mins, that's short and not to hard the goal is to score as much as possible in a rather easy game.


how to make that proof?

simply by trusting and a screenshot of the score


(probably a hack... that needs some time)

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i guess the idea is good


while two isn't really good, it could end up in a stalemate


we would need a third short game then


my choice would be Golf, it's completely different to the other two, a game for a couch potato, not really short, but well, a chance to score for someone who's not good in Shark Shark

but it's alittle unfair, no Golf is like the other, but no one said you would have to play only one round, best score of 3?

it would take to long i guess

do we have another game for a couch potato?.... no! only two player games.


in case of a stale-mate

a run-off in one of the two, chosen by throwing a coin.


let's summarize


- "Astrosmash Competition" * limited to 10 mins (must be played emulated evtl. except yeah i expect you have all the goodies)

- Shark! Shark!


in case of a stale-mate a run-off in either one


shark shark is a classic, one can start the game by pressing [3] in "advantage to the kid mode", just as a hint.




*i have it open in a hex editor, 8Kb thats very small, astonishing small, the reason is i like to find out if i can't change the countdown though it would count upwards





off topic (a little)


hmm... recently i checked Nostalgia for the kaillera support, do you use Nostalgia?


you are online now,


i would just like to know if that works when i host "Shark! Shark!"


Nostalgia isn't listed in "Kaillera"s homepage as supported emu, but it seems it works, i can host the game on a server.


if that works i would really like (has nothing to do with this small competition) to open a thread (pinned?) to play a game with who ever is interested to play one

or vice versa or who ever likes to play a two player game.


Bliss would work as well, but i would have to install Bliss first.


i mean what about a "Intellivision Soccer World Cup"? (first ever?)


the 2x10mins hack i made a couple of years ago (1st, the recent one is stripped of "potsmoke66 presents - Super Fussball" that's a bit mean), but certainly i had such in mind when i made the hack.

wow that's about ten years ago,

but i had no possibility to meet with other players back in those days.

but it's necessary to meet in a forum for such,

or a chatline, but even this exist here.


does anyone have experiences with Nostalgia and kaillera?


note to myself:

"fix that old joystick first gernot"


"aye sir, soldering iron - plugged in"


even more off topic


Intellivision Golf (v0.1, it's a old version, i made better ones, 18 hole) in Sid's SimGolf (just because of the season)


not good enough? ok then let's see what tiger can do (second attempt to recreate it in twpga2k, i have a 3rd unfinished project with own horizons and objects)


attentive watchers might find reminescences to Intellivision games, maybe a running man somewhere or a hot-dog....

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