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A better way too increase speed?

Retro Lord

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I'm testing my waters doing a racing game in order to further my understanding of bb, and I've realised I must learn a new way to increase difficulty speed. Player1 is a car that goes faster and faster and creates a light trail over time. This is 10 frames long.


What would be the most efficient way to make player0y+ increase over that time. When f=100 that would be max speed.


My current way is no good at all:

 if f=10 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.00

 if f=20 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.10

 if f=30 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.20

 if f=40 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.30

 if f=50 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.40

 if f=60 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.50

 if f=70 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.60

 if f=80 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.70

 if f=90 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.80

 if f=100 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D+1.90
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If you mean it's not fast enough, then try increasing the numbers.

 if f=10 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 1.00

 if f=20 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 1.20

 if f=30 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 1.40

 if f=40 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 1.60

 if f=50 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 1.80

 if f=60 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 2.00

 if f=70 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 2.20

 if f=80 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 2.40

 if f=90 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 2.60

 if f=100 then _P0_U_D=_P0_U_D + 2.80


If that's not fast enough, try increasing the numbers even more.

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It's plenty fast enough it's just that player0 staggers until it hits max speed then it goes nuts and into some weird hyperspeed.

  rem CODE INSPIRED BY Atarius Maximus at http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=109288

 set kernel_options player1colors no_blank_lines

   dim _Bit1_FireB_Restrainer = d

   dim _P0_L_R = player0x.g
   dim _P0_U_D = player0y.h



 if joy0fire then goto begin

 goto title




  player1x = 50
  player1y = 80

  player0x = 50
  player0y = 20

 missile1x=200 : missile1y=200



 const pfscore=1

   pfscore1 = 21
 pfscore2 = 255



 missile1y=200 : missile1x=200






 if a=0 then player0:

  if a = 2 then player0:

  if z=0 then f=f+1
  if f = 10 then player1:
   if f = 10 then player1color:
  if f = 20 then player1:
   if f = 20 then player1color:
  if f = 30 then player1:
   if f = 30 then player1color:
  if f = 40 then player1:
   if f = 40 then player1color:
  if f = 50 then player1:
   if f = 50 then player1color:
  if f = 60 then player1:
   if f = 60 then player1color:
  if f = 70 then player1:
   if f = 70 then player1color:
  if f = 80 then player1:
   if f = 80 then player1color:
  if f = 90 then player1:
   if f = 90 then player1color:
  if f = 100 then player1:
   if f = 100 then player1color:

 if f=100 then z=1
 if z=1 then f=100 else z=0


 if player0y>90 then player0y=0 : player0x=rand : b = (rand&3) : a=0 : score=score+5

 if f<=10 then _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.50

 if f>=20 then _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.55

 if f>=30 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.60 

 if f>=40 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.65

 if f>=50 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.70

 if f>= 60 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.75

 if f>= 70 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.80

 if f>= 80 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.85

 if f>=90 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 0.90

 if f=100 then  _P0_U_D = _P0_U_D + 1.00

 if b=0 then player0x=player0x+1
 if b=1 then player0x=player0x-1

 if player0y<10 && player0x<49 then player0x=rand
 if player0y<10 && player0x>110 then player0x=rand

 if b=3 then player0x=player0x-1

 if collision(player1,player0) && a=0 then z=0 : f=0 : player1y=player1y+5 : score=score+10 : a=2 :  pfscore1 = pfscore1/4 

 if d=0 && player0x<49 then b=0
 if d=0 && player0x>110 then b=1

 if d=1 && player0x<49 then b=0
 if d=1 && player0x>100 then b=1

 if d=2 && player0x<49 then b=0
 if d=2 && player0x>85 then b=1

 if d=3 && player0x<49 then b=0
 if d=3 && player0x>85 then b=1

 if missile0y<200 then missile0y=missile0y-1

 if pfscore1=0 then missile0y=200 : missile0x=200

  if joy0right then player1x = player1x + 1
  if joy0left then player1x = player1x - 1
 if joy0up then player1y=player1y - 1
 if joy0down then player1y=player1y + 1

   if !joy0fire then _Bit1_FireB_Restrainer{1} = 0 : goto __Skip_Fire

   if _Bit1_FireB_Restrainer{1}  then goto __Skip_Fire

   _Bit1_FireB_Restrainer{1} = 1


  goto main

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The part where your checking the f variable could be done as a subroutine then you could also remove each player graphic out as a sub called by the sub check on f. It should free up the cpu from reading all the player graphics and instead call one check on f and send it to the appropriate frame then return back in the loop..

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Easiest is to have a variable that keeps track of the current acceleration. This is psuedocode as I don't use bB.

// accelerate if gas petal is pressed, but only to the maximum acceleration rate (1.00 for this example, use whatever max value makes sense for your program)
if (gas_pedal_depressed) then accel = accel + 0.05
if (accel > 1.00) then accel = 1.00
// decelerate if brake petal is pressed.
if (brake_depressed) then accel = accel - 0.03
if (accel < 0.00) then accel = 0.00
positionY = positionY + accel
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