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Atari 8-bit Software Preservation Initiative


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I'm wondering, why does this torrent only have 1,567 files, and last year's torrent had 1,662 files?


Last year's torrent had what we flag as non-original dumps in it (things we can't confirm came from an original disk). For now, I am excluding those.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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There are problems with some of the publishers. For instance, most of the Zeppelin Games programs should be under MD Software / Micro-Discount (IIRC, original Zeppelin Games titles on disk were only available by writing to the software publisher so are extremely rare). Also, Spy vs. Spy / Spy vs. Spy II should be listed under Avantage.



Atari Frog


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see if the ISP's loves you!

Why is the torrent a single zip file instead of a folder with separate archives like the previous ones? It's less convenient this way.

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The torrent is a zip of zips (very tidy), this ensures only the latest verified images as a full archive are distributed. everything is checked more than once when extracting and it ensures integrity. To be fair un-zipping individual files takes the same effort for me to extract them as is from the full zip, I drag or click the zip and select the file, it extracts it for me automatically.. but your zip program may differ... all mine are set up to work the same way :)

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this ensures only the latest verified images as a full archive are distributed

How is that different from the case of the directory of separate ZIP files?


To be fair un-zipping individual files takes the same effort for me to extract them as is from the full zip

It is certainly more effort than not having to unzip at all.
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Trying to guess what the situation is... on my slowest computer I can't tell the difference between clicking on the zip or the unzipped file... and that machine is ancient... these files are a kilobytes each... the largest being conversational German was almost imperceptible.


It has been mentioned it's available in just about every way a person wishes to consume it.

zipped not zipped, more than one torrent, http, ftp(though I took mine down) cloud... I am not sure how we can make it more convenient.


in any event largest number of seeds so far was 24 at one time, fastest download was 11 seconds, most peers was 34 at one time... longest download I don't know.... they're still working on it... painfully slow internet somewhere...

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What tracker(s) is it supposed to use. For some reason, it comes up with no trackers, ever. If it wasn't for the extended DHT version of the magnet, currently lists 1 seed (me,) and 1 peer, I wouldn't be doing anything with it.


almost all torrents are decentralized these day, we don't need to use trackers and in fact many of the better torrent search/index sites no longer provide public or private trackers... however, I did ask if anyone wished for favorite trackers when kicking off and no one sent a PM or posted one... anybody can add a tracker to their torrent seed if they wish though.... just click add tracker and type/paste one in... or in qbits case paste a whole list of them in.


if you are not getting more seeds or peers, you are miss-configured in either your firewall, your router, or your bit torrent software.. or worst case your ISP has no love for torrents... You might try letting people know what torrent software you are using, and your ISP to get some pointers or go to the torrent software sites help forums... not all torrent clients work the same... I am using qBit but I see the full range of other clients in the swarm.

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Due to torrent sit memberships... my choice of clients is limited. Right now I'm using Vuze. I'm usually fairly good at getting setting right. Most times, I end up (even through just DHT,) getting a good number of seeds & peers. When a specific tracker is given, those numbers go up drastically, usually. For example, one file that I'm currently seeding shows 258 seeds, and 97 peers (it's single tracker only, no DHT.) I've downloaded DHT only torrents as well, and have gotten numbers similar to that. Don't currently have any DHT only torrents except this one, though.

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VUZE has DHT issues and requires plugins for it to work properly, it also requires udp to work properly

The number of users is computed from the DHT which runs over UDP. If UDP packets are not being allowed to be sent from/received by Vuze then the DHT doesn't work properly and you end up with a low number of estimated users.


Changing TCP and UDP ports in VUZE can sometimes help


try the NAT test wizard (Help menu) for both TCP and UDP

Also try the 'network status' check also in the Help menu


At the moment 10 seeds 13 peers.... status Excellent... DHT healthy... PeX.... healthy LSD healthy.... all working


we are not putting out the latest movie here with 300 to 1000's people so your not going to see hundreds of seeds and peers... and there are diminishing returns on too many connections and super seeds... generally 1 super seed and the rest being standard seed is all that is needed once the swarm gets rolling... and as has been noted and tested with reports of 11 seconds, 7 minutes, etc.. with others confirming seeds, peers, and speeds.. it's working as it should... and as mentioned there is more than one torrent and other methods to download direct.

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