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Ugly blue LEDs...why?


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It seems like whenver I come across a refurbished console or one modded with AV output, one additional "feature" they always add is a gaudy blue LED. I hate blue LEDs in general, I think they are overused and far too bright, but I'm baffled as to why someone would want to ruin the authentic look of their retro consoles with one of these blue abominations. No offense to anyone who likes them, I know everyone has their own taste but in this case I just don't get it.

Edited by Banquo
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There was a time when blue leds weren't possible. And when they were they were expensive.


It's the same thing as why people slam their cars. Something different. Something to do. A novelty. A trend.


For much of the early 2000's they were over used in consumer electronics. That trend seems to have slowed down recently. And that's a good thing. Blue led's aren't ugly in and of themselves. It's just their overuse is what bothered me.



Well I think that authentic is out the window once you start modding a console and have a bunch of jacks added .


Sure it is. So are the old NTSC/RF characteristics. Fuzzy pic, artifacting, all that stuff, all gone. On one hand you got the purists wanting things like they were out of the box. And the other hand you got the modders cleaning up the signal to emulation standards.


All sorts of things going on!

Edited by Keatah
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Well I think that authentic is out the window once you start modding a console and have a bunch of jacks added .


That's true, though they are at least usually hidden out of sight on the back. I know some people like how the blue LEDs look more modern, though personally I find them a bit tacky myself. An NES with a blue LED for example just looks wrong. Give me classic red LEDs any day. :)



Yeah, there are two different camps for sure, the purists and the retro-modder's. I personally love 'em, it gives my old classic a bit more of a modern look, not to mention the fact that the old ones were just too darn dim.




That is an awesome looking setup. I love the TI-99/4A. :)

Edited by Banquo
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That is an awesome looking setup. I love the TI-99/4A.

Not to hijack the thread, but I couldn't agree more. When I mentally retreat to my "happy place", this is the kind of place I retreat to. Nice, clean, organized, well-lit desk with retro computing. Just looking at that picture puts me into a state of complete relaxation.


As far as modded consoles with blue LEDs...I suppose it's what sells the easiest. Kind of like how most car dealerships will always have a selection of black, white, and red cars available in all models. It's the most widely appealing of colors. I understad there are buyers for pink and yellow cars, but it's a smaller group of people. For an amatuer modder, they might be sitting on their hard work for a while if they install a pink LED and be forced to eventually sell it for less money.

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Thanks! It's the one computer I'll have to the day I die. PC's come and go, the TI is forever.

I feel the same way about my Apple IIe. It's the one system with its own dedicated place in my game room and will be the last system I ever part with.

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As far as modded consoles with blue LEDs...I suppose it's what sells the easiest.

I'd think that what sell the easiest is the original red or green LED.

This thread was discussed before, and my idea is still the same. Blue LEDS might be okay, but... A profesionnal looking deep, low power blue. What modder seems to like using are those 1.21 Gigawatts piss blue Chitnese LEDS that screams "Jackass bought 100 of me for 2,35$".


Seriously. I don't want the console I buy being a light source more powerful than my ceiling light, I think it's simple to understand.

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Great thread topic. Some of the awesome flashcarts have them as useful indicators but entirely too bright and out of phase with the system LED's.


The warm red glow of my C64's power LED doesn't distract from anything on screen in contrast to the green and red searchlights on the UIEC. High power LEDS need lamp shades; rice paper works well for dimming them :)


If the high power LED is totally non-functional or just a power indicator I'll put black electric tape over it and block it out completely.

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I like the colour blue. I don't mind them in my electronics, I find it a soothing colour.

As I said, there is nothing wrong with blue. My keyboard have Deep blue and "laguna" blue backlights, and it's very fine.


This is fine :




And this... is not





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I must be in the minority that likes blue LED. But it can't be so bright I get question from FAA and FBI investigating possible illegal laser pointing at planes. If I am going to mod older consoles, it will be using red and green LED. Older, low brightness LED aren't easily found these day but with modern high efficiency (and eye-blinding bright) LED it can be tamed by increasing resistor value a lot. For example, a typical hi-e red LED may do best with 220 ohms resistor on 5v rail but a 1k resistor will bring that down to almost the same as old 1980's era LED. (not to mention usually they last a long time on lower voltage/current)

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Yeah, I think there are a couple more people and a newbie or two that missed the last run. You might consider going << HERE >> and put word out if you want to sell a couple more to some devoted TI FANatics.

Thanks man! Yeah, I have received 5 or so PM's asking if I could do another run (I can't help but think your awesome display had something to do with it, hehe) and I would absolutely love to do it but unfortunately, the color I used to make them was custom and I don't think we will ever get it again. It was called Colonial red and used for a canopy for a High School football field snack/concession bar in the South somewhere.


I pondered maybe doing a Brighter red/white color scheme, maybe something like this...



I have those colors ready to go but wasn't sure if it would look as good as the brushed aluminum/colonial red one :)

I might give it a shot here when I get some free time and see what it looks like...

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