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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling the tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. Calling this thing a Coleco doesn't make it a Coleco. (I posted this comment to one of their chameleon pics on Facebook, let's see if they're deleting stuff...)

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I want to read stuff like this and take it as proof that maybe their idea is actually working this time, but the realistic part of my brain keeps telling me "those poor souls have no fuckin' clue what they just got themselves into"





Edited by StopDrop&Retro
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So far, I have contacted all of the "potential" publishers for the RVGS, based on the failed IGG campaign page, and have only had one say they were working on anything for the Coleco Chameleon and that was only because they were contractually required to. Keep in mind, not everyone has replied yet. When I get a few more responses I will publish a new article detailing this sad situation. Basically, don't hold your breath for any of your fan favorites listed on that IGG page- chances are, they are not coming to the CC.

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thanks for the info triverse.

chances most of those involved are NDA(No Disclosure Agreement) so they can't say anything about it.

Um, I doubt that as they are giving a lot of info about this. Only one has mentioned anything about a contract and that was for ONE game, rather than the 5+ they were hinting at leading up to the IGG campaign. I am sure there are contracts involved but I doubt NDA's were involved, at least as far as their involvement. I am sure NDA's were included to keep from having hardware information leaked though (but as my interview proved, the RVGS team doesn't even know what hardware will be in this thing).

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.... my 2c ....

...if they really want to have Coleco backcompat it turns out there exists a particular joypad that could do the trick ... it's the Jag one ... just saying.


On a different note:

why all the early speculation? .... they only announced the name and that they'll show something at that toy fair ..... can't we wait until around Feb?

Every negative post is based on nothing, as any positive post would be ... we know nothing more than the brand/name and the Jag/dental camera case.


They have changed pictures (and I mean rendering) before so I don't expect what they have now (4 USBs, 2 by 2) to be the end of it, so no point in wasting energies one way or another.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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Um, I doubt that as they are giving a lot of info about this. Only one has mentioned anything about a contract and that was for ONE game, rather than the 5+ they were hinting at leading up to the IGG campaign. I am sure there are contracts involved but I doubt NDA's were involved, at least as far as their involvement. I am sure NDA's were included to keep from having hardware information leaked though (but as my interview proved, the RVGS team doesn't even know what hardware will be in this thing).

it was just a guess, no big thing but a chicken wing

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On the subject of the Jag controller being able to do Coleco games, indeed it could.


I have only seen the team yapping on about the Jag shell, the Jag cart and that Wii U controller. No mention of the original Jag or Jag pro controller (or whatever it is called).


Did it come with the purchase and they just binned it or is it someone else who own it and the molds for it?

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On the subject of the Jag controller being able to do Coleco games, indeed it could.



Wow. I almost think that a coleco compatible jag controller, or a run of pro controllers, would both be incredibly interesting things for me to have.


Which means the RVGS team has absolutely zero interest in them. It would make too much sense.

Edited by Reaperman
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Yeah, considering they joined forces with a Coleco licensor rather than any sort of professional marketing department, I doubt they have the know-how to make NDAs.



On the subject of the Jag controller being able to do Coleco games, indeed it could.

I have only seen the team yapping on about the Jag shell, the Jag cart and that Wii U controller. No mention of the original Jag or Jag pro controller (or whatever it is called).

Did it come with the purchase and they just binned it or is it someone else who own it and the molds for it?


According to Mike himself, he doesn't have the molds to the controller. He does have partial molds to the CD unit, but some were missing. If he went through the trouble to keep some incomplete molds for the CD unit then I bet he doesn't have the controller molds because they were completely lost. What use would a dental camera company have for a Jag controller? They probably went to the smelter.

Edited by StopDrop&Retro
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I have been quietly lurking on this thread for awhile. I had some mild interest in the initial idea of the Retro VGS. Then the price was announced with still no proven prototype followed by all of the shenanigans tool place right through the indiegogo debacle. It amazed me how someone would go through all of that effort with smoke and mirrors to accomplish nothing and piss a lot of people off.


Then there was the announcement that they were regrouping and there will be a kick starter campaign in 2016. Since they had no prototype the first time around, it would take some delusional thinking to think there would be one so soon.


After all of that... the Coleco branding. I am not sure what to say, but that takes things to a new low. Coleco does not invoke too much nostalgia to me, but it already has bamboozled those that are not as aware of things as others, so that crosses a line when it affects others. Someone questioned what is really going on here several pages back, and I can't figure it out and can't wrap my head around it. It's all irrational and makes no sense.


But maybe that is the point.... this is incomprehensible to any rational person. Everything I have read suggests that this is some crazy person using a bunch of smoke and mirrors for what exactly? Someone mentioned this is all just BS to stir up the pot to sell Jaguar shells again. Why go through all of that effort just for that? Is there a market for Jaguar shells? Probably not a big one Maybe if one were to sell it along with some basic parts so people can build their own retro whatever as a hobby and have a shell to contain it, there might be small market. So why not just sell shells and people do whatever they want with it. You are not going to increase your market by stringing people along with all of this Tom Foolery. Wait, I am trying to think of something rational for something that is 100% irrational.


There are two things I can think of that are not mutually exclusive:


- He is trying to draw a lot of attention and hoopla with all of smoke and mirrors. Maybe he has some self-esteem issues where he thinks this a way to draw attention to himself, but this only going to go on for so long before all bridges are burned.


- There is mental illness at play. As mentioned in someone's earlier post, the fact that rational friends have already tried to explain things to him as and it all falls in deaf ears may be some indication of this. Is there some irony for the choice of Chameleon as part of the name? I assumed it was picked for the fact that the system is supposed to support multiple games from older systems as well as new ones. But as an example of an illness that often comes with severe self esteem issues, goggle borderline personality disorder and the chameleon affect and draw your own conclusions. I am not saying that is it and that name was picked because of it. If a mental illness is at play, this is a no joke and he needs help. He will bring more ruin to himself and those around him. Not fun or funny at all.


Of course, there is always the possibility that he is a mastermind at manipulation and can string people along with smoke and mirrors at will. That is something else all together.


All of that aside, people are trying to think of what the hardware might be, will it include ColecoVision games, how to make things better, etc. Nothing wrong with that, but as far as we know, there is no real hardware. Just 3D renderings and mockups at best. Everything I have read about these things indicates that it takes a long time to have a working prototype if one is doing things right, and more often than not, something comes up to complicate things, and the timeline for such project gets longer. If they have nothing, what are the chances of them having something for that toy show? Not very high. Starting a kick starter campaign with less than anything legit would be a disaster. My feeling is this will simply smoke and mirrors version 2.0. If I am proven wrong, so be it.


On a lighter note, I don't have good photoshop skills, but that mock up really needs a fake blue Air Raid handle on it.... ;)

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So who is going to contact them at develop@retrovgs.com to ask about target specs for development? Maybe ask them if their hardware will support common middleware tools like Unity.

Already did. Made point to mention that it was for a future article. Actually could be for development as we plan on relaunching our print magazine (print, digital and media like cartridges).


Just as I was about to hit publish on the latest article discussing the lack of games for the Coleco Chameleon, contact was opened with a new developer that has stated they are planning on making games for the CC. I am waiting for more information on this and will publish the full article later today, possibly tomorrow - depending on when they get back to me with the details (I have a day job).

Edited by triverse
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The irony is neither the developers nor the people this is target towards give or know two shits about indie Steam games that would have to populate this console. That's the scariest thing of all to me. It truly goes to show you the nature of collectors when they're on board (in theory, I think we all would buy this if it came out in the right scenario) and know dick about indie gaming. How terrifying is it that people are only willing to play these games if they can overspend on cartridges instead of just playing them on Steam for peanuts? If the thing comes out, my money is on the Coleco Chameleon to be the least played game system in history, that's for damn sure. 90% of their games will remain sealed.


I wish someone would start a damn company that goes the IndieBox route and releases games with a box, manual and credit card sized flash drive with art on it. This way it's fuckin' cheap, and we all get physical editions and physical "cartridges" that we also can play digitally so we don't have to switch carts if we don't want to and we all win and we can bypass a stupid, new, meaningless console. Or if you have to have a new console, get someone to rig up USB slot that you can stick your usb cartridge into that will install itself into a Pi and have it in a shell and be do things like a sane person instead of jumping through hoops and raising costs for the sake of jumping hoops and raising costs.


Seriously, would anyone here be against a USB coming out of a Jaguar cart shell which plugs into a usb extender cable in the cart slot of the Jaguar shell which leads to a Pi? Wouldn't that be enough?

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Seriously, would anyone here be against a USB coming out of a Jaguar cart shell which plugs into a usb extender cable in the cart slot of the Jaguar shell which leads to a Pi? Wouldn't that be enough?


What's to stop anyone from doing that right now? Just get a broken Jag off ebay and make yourself the most excessive Pi shell.


I wouldn't want Mike to get off that easy. I want him to actually make some sort of actual console that works off cartridges.

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