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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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This whole thing is such a cynical cash grab combined with people who seem to know nothing about running a business let alone one in a competitive market like video games. Its somewhat disheartening honestly to see people trying to cash in on other peoples' childhood memories. Because lets face facts carts, chip/hu cards, and floppies were used because they were the best we had at the time not because they have some sort of innate purity over CDs, Blu-rays, or DVDs.


Retro style games are being made every day many of them quite good and very affordable so its not like this is an ignored market segment either. I'm not collecting old 7800 and 2600 games because of ideological purity its because I like collecting old tech. If it was just about playing the games I could run an emulator. The VGS folks seem to think retro stuff is about form i.e. the cartridge and not about the things people are nostalgic about which is about being objects form a particular place and time.

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Agreed about the indie game ignorance. I've seen people posting things like "I'm not really a download person" on the RVGS page. WTF? That's what really burns my butt about this concept.


Your hardware idea sounds pretty good, except for the Jaguar shell and the USB cartridges. :-P


If the thing did get off the ground, these people's heads would explode from the aweseomeness of the Steam games. I just dunno why they don't fake the carts to make everything cheaper and more likely to succeed, no one is gonna care. If they want to reach the dumb/casual market, that's the way to go. You don't reach 'em with overpricing everything to the moon and using the best parts known to man to run shit from the 90s.



What's to stop anyone from doing that right now? Just get a broken Jag off ebay and make yourself the most excessive Pi shell.


I wouldn't want Mike to get off that easy. I want him to actually make some sort of actual console that works off cartridges.


I definitely would want Mike to get off that easily so there's a product out there that is cost efficient and feasible.


I only used the Jag example as we know Mike wants to use them. I fully realize I or anyone else could inexpensively make my own "console" with flash-in-the-shell out of DRM free games using Atari Pac-man carts for peanuts. That's why I can't fathom how they tried to market their thing at $300+. But, I'm not insane and thus just play shit on my PC.

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How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling the tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. Calling this thing a Coleco doesn't make it a Coleco. (I posted this comment to one of their chameleon pics on Facebook, let's see if they're deleting stuff...)

Six if it's a male that hasn't been "snipped!" :rolling:

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It's pretty easy to put Steam on a NUC box or even ... a Steam box. When I think about best case for this, with nice-enough hardware, an SDK, and some okay controllers, I'm right back at Ouya, which everyone apparently hates, despite it being delivered on time and under budget, with a well understood spec and lots and lots of software. I assume Ouya software development has dried up, but there are tons of retro-style things on there, including emulators.


But, Coleco Chameleon. Because, cartridges. <----I love that.

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I want to read stuff like this and take it as proof that maybe their idea is actually working this time, but the realistic part of my brain keeps telling me "those poor souls have no fuckin' clue what they just got themselves into"





I sense a hint of sarcasm? :P

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So far, I have contacted all of the "potential" publishers for the RVGS, based on the failed IGG campaign page, and have only had one say they were working on anything for the Coleco Chameleon and that was only because they were contractually required to. Keep in mind, not everyone has replied yet. When I get a few more responses I will publish a new article detailing this sad situation. Basically, don't hold your breath for any of your fan favorites listed on that IGG page- chances are, they are not coming to the CC.


Um, I doubt that as they are giving a lot of info about this. Only one has mentioned anything about a contract and that was for ONE game, rather than the 5+ they were hinting at leading up to the IGG campaign. I am sure there are contracts involved but I doubt NDA's were involved, at least as far as their involvement. I am sure NDA's were included to keep from having hardware information leaked though (but as my interview proved, the RVGS team doesn't even know what hardware will be in this thing).

Lemme guess. That's the guy behind their poster game, Tiny Knight, right?

I feel bad the devs for that one game got dragged into this mess. I would like to play Tiny Knight at some point, but it is clear the RVGS / Coleco Chameleon guys are totally incmpetant to launch a game system. Might as well release a Jaxx Pacific styled joystick with Tiny Knight as the sole pack in because nobody will release any additional games for it.

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I have been quietly lurking on this thread for awhile. I had some mild interest in the initial idea of the Retro VGS. Then the price was announced with still no proven prototype followed by all of the shenanigans tool place right through the indiegogo debacle. It amazed me how someone would go through all of that effort with smoke and mirrors to accomplish nothing and piss a lot of people off.


Then there was the announcement that they were regrouping and there will be a kick starter campaign in 2016. Since they had no prototype the first time around, it would take some delusional thinking to think there would be one so soon.


After all of that... the Coleco branding. I am not sure what to say, but that takes things to a new low. Coleco does not invoke too much nostalgia to me, but it already has bamboozled those that are not as aware of things as others, so that crosses a line when it affects others. Someone questioned what is really going on here several pages back, and I can't figure it out and can't wrap my head around it. It's all irrational and makes no sense.


But maybe that is the point.... this is incomprehensible to any rational person. Everything I have read suggests that this is some crazy person using a bunch of smoke and mirrors for what exactly? Someone mentioned this is all just BS to stir up the pot to sell Jaguar shells again. Why go through all of that effort just for that? Is there a market for Jaguar shells? Probably not a big one Maybe if one were to sell it along with some basic parts so people can build their own retro whatever as a hobby and have a shell to contain it, there might be small market. So why not just sell shells and people do whatever they want with it. You are not going to increase your market by stringing people along with all of this Tom Foolery. Wait, I am trying to think of something rational for something that is 100% irrational.


There are two things I can think of that are not mutually exclusive:


- He is trying to draw a lot of attention and hoopla with all of smoke and mirrors. Maybe he has some self-esteem issues where he thinks this a way to draw attention to himself, but this only going to go on for so long before all bridges are burned.


- There is mental illness at play. As mentioned in someone's earlier post, the fact that rational friends have already tried to explain things to him as and it all falls in deaf ears may be some indication of this. Is there some irony for the choice of Chameleon as part of the name? I assumed it was picked for the fact that the system is supposed to support multiple games from older systems as well as new ones. But as an example of an illness that often comes with severe self esteem issues, goggle borderline personality disorder and the chameleon affect and draw your own conclusions. I am not saying that is it and that name was picked because of it. If a mental illness is at play, this is a no joke and he needs help. He will bring more ruin to himself and those around him. Not fun or funny at all.


Of course, there is always the possibility that he is a mastermind at manipulation and can string people along with smoke and mirrors at will. That is something else all together.


All of that aside, people are trying to think of what the hardware might be, will it include ColecoVision games, how to make things better, etc. Nothing wrong with that, but as far as we know, there is no real hardware. Just 3D renderings and mockups at best. Everything I have read about these things indicates that it takes a long time to have a working prototype if one is doing things right, and more often than not, something comes up to complicate things, and the timeline for such project gets longer. If they have nothing, what are the chances of them having something for that toy show? Not very high. Starting a kick starter campaign with less than anything legit would be a disaster. My feeling is this will simply smoke and mirrors version 2.0. If I am proven wrong, so be it.


On a lighter note, I don't have good photoshop skills, but that mock up really needs a fake blue Air Raid handle on it.... ;)

Mike is an idiot. 'Nuff said. LOL on the Air Raid handle! :lolblue:



"You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter"


This saying might be crude but it explains the whole Retro VGS situation perfectly.

Take these pills, man, and you can poop glitter all day long!



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What you say sounds absurd at first but absurdity equals logic with this project and I fully believe we'll hear that they're in talks with FAO Schwarz, Toys 'R' Us and Hamleys et al now if only people will invest $250 (plus shipping) in their Kickstarter campaign.


Add Babbages and Circuit City to that list...

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Lemme guess. That's the guy behind their poster game, Tiny Knight, right?


I feel bad the devs for that one game got dragged into this mess. I would like to play Tiny Knight at some point, but it is clear the RVGS / Coleco Chameleon guys are totally incmpetant to launch a game system. Might as well release a Jaxx Pacific styled joystick with Tiny Knight as the sole pack in because nobody will release any additional games for it.

Yes, it is Collectorvision that are stuck making a game for the system whether they want to or not. Sounds like a good plan there if you ask me.


Tiny Knight is no longer exclusive though and will be coming to Super Nintendo and Wii U so you will be able to play it whether the CC launches or not.



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Yes, it is Collectorvision that are stuck making a game for the system whether they want to or not. Sounds like a good plan there if you ask me.


Tiny Knight is no longer exclusive though and will be coming to Super Nintendo and Wii U so you will be able to play it whether the CC launches or not.



I'll take the SNES version. Will Piko be selling it?

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Not that I am aware of since Collectorvision release their own carts. Kind of like Sega releasing a Nintendo game, or vice versa, type situation there.

Dang it. I checked their website and it appears both released SNES games were only limited edition Kickstarters. Will they have standard, non-limited editions of the games? :???:




Released games

It has been a very long process to get there! Programming, testing, drawing, writing, printing, building… Many steps are necessary to release a game. Only a few steps are left until you get it in your hands!

Unfortunately, many games are sold out as we can only produce small quantities. You may still find them at online shops such as Good Deal Games. Nevertheless, we might still have the possibility to produce a few more copies. Send us your requests.

We do hope you will enjoy playing our games and that you will appreciate all the hard work we put in them.

Really grinds my gears when people do this... :???:

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I think they should hold a competition. Give away Jaguar shells and whoever builds the best console out of one wins and it goes into production.


Maybe start releasing the magazine on cart, and the system could act as a comic book reader you hook to the TV.

Edited by TheClassyGamer
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Nah, it needs to be on a VHS tape, just like the N64 days.


While I don't like the idea of a magazine on a cart, Sony did something similar with the first four years of Playstation Underground. They did actually refer to it as a magazine, it was distributed quarterly and you could pay for a subscription to it. I've started to collect them and I almost have a full set.

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I've seen people posting things like "I'm not really a download person" on the RVGS page. WTF? That's what really burns my butt about this concept.

With the risk of making sense:


I think in some ways the cartridge concept is ok as it forces:

- to finish a game

- to make it 'bug free'

- to make something that fits in the cartridge (no useless fill-ups).

- some kind of copy protection. This is a compromise, if they want longevity, everything should be downloadable so everyone can make backups etc. (even the console should be just an emulator so it can live forever :D)


But then again:

- no demos

- no bugfixes

- expensive

- not the absolute best in longevity, lose/break your game/system and it's gone. so that's a compromise too.

Edited by roland p
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From today's NYT: "As downloads take over, a turning point for the video game industry."

A number of factors are at play, but none as significant as the industrys march toward a future of games downloaded over the Internet rather than bought in stores, analysts said. All mobile games are delivered over the Internet, as are nearly all PC games. But the transition for console games the biggest segment of the business has been far slower. Large game files could take hours to download and quickly fill a consoles hard drive.


Now, faster broadband speeds and the bigger hard drives in the latest generation of consoles are reducing those obstructions.


It finally feels like the inevitable is becoming the inevitable, said Evan Wilson, an analyst who follows the game industry for Pacific Crest Securities. It feels like this is the holiday season where its finally having a big impact.

Advantages of GameStop: in-store buying help, trade-in credit. Sales figures for industry.


Disadvantages of GameStop: everything else.


Relevance to "Coleco Chameleon": it has all of the minuses and none of the pluses.

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Can anyone fill me into why this is now a Coleco system? I saw the article on Destructoid this morning, and I'm ... I'm just lost.

Mike bought the licenses to use to COLECO name from the holder of the name. From what this community has concluded this was done just to pull at nostalgia of the people not in the know of this consoles past and to make money off of the COLECO name from the press associated with it.

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Mike bought the licenses to use to COLECO name from the holder of the name. From what this community has concluded this was done just to pull at nostalgia of the people not in the know of this consoles past and to make money off of the COLECO name from the press associated with it.


Whether it was intentional marketing deception or not, from a press coverage standpoint, it seems to have worked perfectly. Whether that buzz translates to anything tangible sales-wise remains to be seen. Certainly based on sales of the relatively recent ColecoVision Flashback, for instance, the brand association held far less value than I personally anticipated.

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