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HSC12 Round 3: Food Fight

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Same here 27,600 (reached level 6) and 20,100 on expert, which doesn't seem much harder.


There is something to Food Fight as you play more you notice the mechanics:

  • The chefs can only fire when then have food / when they are over the piles, so back away sometimes!
  • You only fall down the holes if your feet go over them
  • You can score more by fighting it out for longer
  • You can stand on a pile with fire held and hurl lots or, better, grab stuff as you go
  • The food travels horizontally at the same speed as you so you can chase it to run though to the other side
  • Make sure to grab something to eat before the cone so you start the next level armed! The start to each level is key - sometimes you have little chance!

If anyone has some better hints post away :)

All good tips, especially the one about going pre-loaded into the next round, I've been using that.

Another thing is that the watermelon never runs out, so you can tear them a new one on the screens with melon on

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Never saw the attraction with this game, let's hope the people who voted for it get time to play


I voted for this game, and I'm glad that I did... as otherwise I don't think I would have given this game much of a chance. Sadly, this Atari 8-bit version is not nearly as good as the Atari 7800 game (which I don't own anymore, but I'll put on my to-do list for ebay purchases). I've read that the arcade version used a special analog joystick which allowed movement and firing in 360 degrees. I'd love to run across a real arcade version of this game.

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OK, I'll take last place. 15800, which, admittedly is better than my first score: 0


Having missed most of the second half of the games last round, I can say that I totally agree. Getting at least one point per round, just for playing the game and scoring something, is better than getting zero points for not playing at all. Plus, you might find that you like the game.

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can't believe it beat Alley Cat in the poll though!


I voted for Food Fight even though I prefer Alley Cat. I more than just prefer Alley Cat; I like it a lot. I played my first round of Alley Cat on IBM DOS machines back in my high school drafting class in the late 1980s. I'd never heard of Food Fight until the early-to-mid nineties when I started collecting game consoles. When I got my Atari 7800, my friend knew it had Food Food and he wanted to play it. He used to play Food Fight at a convience store back when it came out and he had fond memories of the game. After playing the 7800 version he wondered why he ever liked the game at all.


We've all turned into a bunch of food critics around here. Please, will someone say they have always liked this game? There should be a bonus point to the first person who sticks up for this Food Fight-- and proves that they like!



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I can't find the Atari 8-Bit manual for this game (can anyone help out here-- maybe even scan it in?). In the meantime, the Atari 7800 Food Fight manual will give you some background (which is short and amusing), pointers, and the rules for the game:




There is also a great video review of the Atari 7800 version of the game:




From watching gameplay footage of the Atari 7800 game, it looks to play much more smoothly than the game does on my NTSC Atari 130XE.


Issue #135 of "Retro Gamer" magazine has an article called The Making of Food Fight (the arcade game is covered as well as, briefly, the 7800 version- -which shares the same source code). After you read the article, you see that Food Fight may have some depth that we haven't seen in the Atari XL/XE version of the game (or that we have overlooked?):




Does anyone else have some links to get folks interested in this game? Food Fight isn't bad game (which is what it's beginning to sound like from comments), but it isn't as good as some of the games normally played in the Atari 8-Bit High Score Club.




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Some great info from BallyAlley (above) the 7800 manual is an interesting read. So, more points for splatting 10+ chefs eh! Not sure about the chefs changing colour bit?


I think they released the A8 Food Fight too quickly without adjusting the difficulty - seems beginner is way too easy and intermediate is very hard. I'm still tweaking Ramp Rage to try and get this right but it does take a lot of effort (heck I'm down to only 2 bugs remaining to fix!). Still interested if an 'average' NTSC player can have a go on beginner and see if the game is more challenging than it is on PAL systems. FF might be improved if you could hold fire to stand still and throw when released?


Looking at the 7800 vid the game looks much smoother/slower/less frantic and the playfield looks taller (perhaps this is an illusion) giving you room to manoeuvre. Thrown items seem much slower giving you time to dodge? Our sounds effects/music are not so great either. This doesn't look like anything our version could not have done, perhaps one day someone will tackle this :)



The Round 4 poll will start tomorrow as I'm not around Monday - the next round will be all Classic Games (Alley Cat included) then Round 5 will be all newish games so they get a chance. Later in the season one round will be all games that got 1 or no votes just incase we missed a gem. I'm keeping a track of poll things here ;)


Add any more suggestions or 2nds on the Games List don't be shy ;)


After many, many, goes, and a lot of cussing... 47,500 (lv8) on Inter and 33,200 (lv7) on Expert! cripes :-o

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Food Fight isn't bad game


I respectfully disagree. A8 Food Fight isn't an awful game.


My 2 cents:

  • Food Fight Arcade = C. I wasn't impressed with it decades ago and time hasn't changed my opinion. I've tried to like it but Food Fight always just makes me want to play Robotron. As a Robotron advertisement, I rank it A+.
  • Food Fight 7800 = C.
  • Food Fight A8 = D. I made up my own rules to make it interesting enough to keep playing. The most successful was never throwing food, just avoiding the chefs and racing to the goal. Even completely screwing around only made the game bearable for about an hour.
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I respectfully disagree. A8 Food Fight isn't an awful game.


My 2 cents:

  • Food Fight Arcade = C. I wasn't impressed with it decades ago and time hasn't changed my opinion. I've tried to like it but Food Fight always just makes me want to play Robotron. As a Robotron advertisement, I rank it A+.
  • Food Fight 7800 = C.
  • Food Fight A8 = D. I made up my own rules to make it interesting enough to keep playing. The most successful was never throwing food, just avoiding the chefs and racing to the goal. Even completely screwing around only made the game bearable for about an hour.


I don't like it at all. I tried to like it too. I don't know why they decided it needed to move so fast; neither the arcade or 7800 versions start out as fast. Robotron-type dual controller support might've helped some. In the end it's a throw-away in my opinion. It'd been better if they'd just left off making this one for the 8-bits.

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None of the home versions have the playability of the arcade version. In the arcade, Charley can stay stationary on the food and fire in all directions without moving do to the analog nature of the controller. The watermelon level is so much fun in the arcade since your food doesn't run out. I never like playing the A8 version.


I've never liked playing the A8 version, or any home version (including MAME) because of the lack of the analog controller.

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Round 4 POLL OPEN :)


Latest tables

1st McKong (p) 108,500 12pts
2nd Deteacher (n) 108,200 11pts * #

3rd snakeboy (n) 100,600 10pts
4th powersoft (p) 80,800 9pts
5th firestorm (n) 52,900 9pts
6th therealbountybob (p) 47,500 8pts
7th akator (n) 39,300 7pts
8th krupkaj (p) 34,400 6pts
9th SHiNjide (p) 30,000 5pts
10th Tickled_Pink (p) 17,600 4pts
11th playermissile (n) 15,800 3pts
12th roadrunner (n) 10,400 2pts
13th jblenkle (n) 6,300 1pts


Bonus points for this round (1pt each)

# Expert Bonus Challenge

* Top NTSC score

$ Highest level reached (ONLY if one person reaches it!)

will be added to the current standings at the end of the round.


Bonus Challenge Highest Level reached on Intermediate (top 3 shown)

1st Snakeboy (n) 15

1st Deteacher (n) 15
3rd McKong (p) 11


Bonus Challenge High Score on Expert

1st Deteacher (n) 73,000
2nd therealbountybob (p) 33,200


Round 4 POLL OPEN :)

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Woah McKong... looks like you are going to be storming further ahead after round 3... but the season is long (and I can make you play my games like I did to Scalak... though he still won the title... hmmm) :D


Food Fight is so damned annoying yet I've just had another 20 goes :-o 49,400 (7)

Lv1 fun challenge 7,200


The replay (also annoying that you can't skip it) doesn't seem to be based on points as I had one at 3,200 perhaps number of kills?


Another thing that's annoying it's very hard to see what is being thrown at you when it's on the same path as what you are throwing :mad: :-o :twisted: :grin:



Round 4 POLL OPEN :)

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I'm using the XE cart version on an XEGS, with 7800 controller. Gameplay is fairly smooth, but the Chefs are FAST. I began level 7 without any 'ammo' and got creamed almost immediately. Assuming I was toast , I snapped a pic at start of the round, since you can't Pause after your last man dies/gets pummeled :D








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It's about time I chime in with my score, in case I don't get another chance to play before the deadline. 75,500 (the picture is blurry because, let's face it, the score doesn't last long on the screen :) )


Count me amongst those who did not vote for this one. I've never actually played it before this but I like it okay. When it comes to voting, though, I will vote for anything but the arcade conversations personally. Not that I don't like them (I certainly loved them at the time), but in this day and age where I have a MAME machine in the basement and can play a much closer approximation to the original than a port, I find the ports boring. I'd much rather play something that was specific to the Atari or at least only available on it and it's competition at the time :)



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