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Resistor Identification Help


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I have a common resistor that should be easy to identify, unfortunately because of the way I see colour, especially golds,browns,beige and shadings makes it really hard for me to identify them. Even using reference online I'm unfortunately unsure of myself. It's no problem when I know what I need by calculations and then it's simple to order. Perhaps someone might take a minute to shoot me the #'s please.


To me, the first 2 numbers and the tolerance look closely the same (embarrassed)



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Thanks, Im shaking my head frustrated, because I am doubting you, yet I know you are probably right, lol…. It's frustrating not being able to tell the colours properly.


There was a time in my teens when I could drive at night and positively identify who was driving the car in the opposite oncoming traffic lane… :mad:

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Here's a device that's in shipment to me now. Got it on E-Bay for $20.00


Checks: Transistors







and more!


You don't even have to "hook it" up any special way! Just connect to 1, 2 or 3 using the supplied jumpers.


It will tell you the pinout of the device being tested!


Check the pics!





Edited by SoundGammon
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I got something similar, very similar to this one: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1516087200741?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=151608720074&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] and works good for me. Stick an object in 2 or 3 of the holes and push button. It tested for capacitor rating and its ESR, resistors, transistors, and inductors.


Most of them go for under $15 for bare board model with common 2x16 character display. I haven't seen one with graphic display as shown above

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I got something similar, very similar to this one: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1516087200741?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=151608720074&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] and works good for me. Stick an object in 2 or 3 of the holes and push button. It tested for capacitor rating and its ESR, resistors, transistors, and inductors.


Most of them go for under $15 for bare board model with common 2x16 character display. I haven't seen one with graphic display as shown above

I don't like 9v bats, I will keep looking.

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9 volts do suck cause they have squat current capacity and they seem like they are made out of solid gold for the price they want for them, my meter uses one and i replace it least once a quarter. and thats just for a meter that is only on a few second a week!

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Do you have a link?

Here's one:





This is in the description:


Short three test side, into the test, the screen prompts correction step. When prompted to disconnect the short end of the calibration time off three tests will continue, when prompted in the 1-3 foot access 100nF capacitor over time, access to distribution after correction capacitors 1uF program will automatically enter the next step. Correction until the end of the restart to complete the correction.


Can anyone make any English out of it? lol

Edited by SoundGammon
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Here's one:





This is in the description:


Short three test side, into the test, the screen prompts correction step. When prompted to disconnect the short end of the calibration time off three tests will continue, when prompted in the 1-3 foot access 100nF capacitor over time, access to distribution after correction capacitors 1uF program will automatically enter the next step. Correction until the end of the restart to complete the correction.


Can anyone make any English out of it? lol

Yes, that translation seems messed up. The display of the text on the site keeps going past the margin also. It looks like it is supposed to be the manual.


What is the connector just above the red led? It looks like a USB port from the top view.

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I don't like 9v bats, I will keep looking.


I got an old universal AC adapter from 80's that has 4 tips and 9v plug. From when many of the early LED handhelds used 9v battery. That works for the meter I have, never have a run down battery. It's dang near impossible to find an universal AC adapter today with 9v plug.

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