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I accidentally left my 7800 on for last 24 hours


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I have a habit of doing it, I often don't turn on the TV, when I am working on projects that suck 5V from the joystick port. I just did it 2 days ago and have probably done it to this board about 50 times over the years. The worst that could happen is that you find it not working, because the 7805 burned out, but that hasn't happened yet.

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I was in the Air Force, deployed to Panama for 90 days. My wife and young daughter(at the time) turned on my Atari 800xl and left it on for three months. I still use that 800xl. So, 24 hours, will not kill a 7800. I have left my Junior on for weeks, by accident, and no harm, no fowl. Don't worry, be happy (then buy a back up 7800, cause THEY AIN'T MAKIN' them suckers any longer).

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I thought the title of this thread was gonna be, "I accidentally left my 7800 out in the rain."


Seriously, these are solid state computer components. No harm done.



He wouldn't have done that. Someone else would have. Someone left his Atari out in the rain, and he doesn't think that it can take, though it takes so long to bake it (i.e. its board).

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Or an old Intellivision, I've heard of lot of these burnt out after playing just too much.


Because of odd design. For some reason the engineers at R&D choose to put the power switch *after* the transformer so the transformer is always running, always leeching power, and always warm. Putting the power switch on the main side would have helped some.


That still leaves the chip creep. No matter how much glue they used, the chip will creep out of the sockets. And those chips do run warmer than the chips in 2600. Maybe because Intellivision runs on 56 different voltage as opposed to a single 5v that most game console uses.

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