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available 'vaporware'?


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I don't recall ever seeing this site before:




It was apparently last updated a more than a decade ago.


I'm mostly interested in the last entry: Romox - Nature's Way. Has anybody seen the gameplay and what it's like? Any knowledge about any other games missing? What would you have liked to have seen released (for example, "Galaxian")?

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Quite a few of those cartridges have been found (at least as prototypes) in the years since Bryan wrote that Vaporware page. He has several of the cartridges, I have several others, and a few more are in other hands. Galaxian isn't one I've seen though. Nature's Way is out there, as are Fantasy, Lasso, Crossfire, Angler Dangler, Milliken P/L, Three of the four Linguaphone Cartridges (Key to Spanish), Tutankham, Disk Manager 3, and Terminal Emulator 1200. I probably missed a few too--but as time goes on, much that was thought to be lost has been found.

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Galaxian would definitely be cool to have. I would also love to find Choplifter! and David's Midnight Magic, although I think MicroPinball is very similar to the latter. I am curious about Battlestar Galactica.


Makes me cringe to think that some of these prototypes and missing carts might have ended up in a landfill.

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