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Linux running on un-moded Xbox


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Linux is the key....once you get Linux to run, the world opens up. Being able to do it without a mod chip means MS is officially "screwed" now on the fight against mod chips in the long run...someone will figure out how to do what the mod chip does in Linux and so on and etc etc etc...6 months you'll see the effects of this I'm sure.


I personally think this is a good thing for the Xbox, but MS has a much different opinion...lol. Playing Combat and Space Invaders on your un-moded Xbox might not be so far away...



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MS is officially "screwed" now on the fight against mod chips in the long run...


I don't know about that... this trick is still rather odd, and it's not something you want to have to do on a regular basis. Can you imagine buying this in the store, and reading what you have to do to get it to run?


There's probably more people who are running Linux on modded X-Box's than people doing this trick to them.


I don't think MS is in any trouble yet... but once someone finds a trick where you can just stick in a Linux DVD and boot it up without realizing that you're actually bypassing security features, THEN we've won. There's probably some buffer overflows within the X-Box bios that can be exploited... this IS Microsoft after all.



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The point is that the hole has been found... the software uses for this would not be commercial anyway...it's a homebrew thing...emulators and so on.


cool thing about the X is it's built in drive...i took mine apart and it had a 20Gig in it...they are supposed to have 8Gigs so I guess they ran low on 8's or just started ordering 20's or whatever...but mine had a 20.


Everything and it's brother has been ported to linux, so once you get linux to run you can access the HD and write whatever you want to it.

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If only it weren't for the DMCA, we could just work on cracking the encryption... I've heard it's pretty nasty, but the DMCA makes it illegal to even attempt to break it.


Anyone remember the Indrema that was vaporware a few years ago? Although it failed miserably, it had Linux on it's side, which was it's main advantage. Imagine a successful system that had this advantage.



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MOCK> I right now have an 80 gig HD installed on my X, custom job, but the one I took out of my box when I changed was a 20 I'm not sure what the deal is with that...anyways, I have all my cd's saved to the HD in the xbox now, which is great as I can use it as a jukebox w/ surround sound...now all I need to figure out is how to d/l mp3's to it...that would be sweet :)



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If only it weren't for the DMCA, we could just work on cracking the encryption... I've heard it's pretty nasty, but the DMCA makes it illegal to even attempt to break it.


I know, I know, don't get me started. That's got to be one of the stupidest laws ever written in the history of stupid laws, and I know there are some stupid ass laws (I've seen the web pages that list them all, trust me). Next thing you know, it will be illegal to discuss the fact that breaking it is illegal!

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What exactly is the point of running Linux on so many devices?


It's sort of a nerd thing... it's like the geek equivalent of putting ugly spoilers and enormous tail-pipes on a Honda Civic.


If you ask one of the guys working on this, he'll probably try to tell you that an X-Box is basically a cheap computer. Aside from a keyboard and mouse, you get a whole computer for a pretty decent price. Of course, since you can't do things like print, it's a rather limited computer.



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If you ask one of the guys working on this, he'll probably try to tell you that an X-Box is basically a cheap computer. Aside from a keyboard and mouse, you get a whole computer for a pretty decent price. Of course, since you can't do things like print, it's a rather limited computer.




Given enough time, I'm sure somebody could cobble together a cable that plugs into a controller port and leads to a printer, and write some software for Linux that could control it over that connection. Really, nothing's impossible - it just depends on how hell bent you are to do it. ;)

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