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The Official Turbografx 16 Thread!

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20 hours ago, jeremiahjt said:

If you are going to rag on Bonk 3 for having modern day stuff in it then you have to do the same for Bonk's Revenge which had the same problem.

Fair point.   Don't feel I was ragging on it.  Just saying it didn't grab me like the others.  I hope to try and play and finish it.

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On 1/20/2022 at 7:54 PM, NeonSpaceBeagle said:

Wait there's 2 on the snes ?  Does one have a Japanese name? I'm trying to think how I overlooked it. The Gameboy one was fun too!  

The second SNES game didn't make it to the US.  Super Genjin 2 in Japan.

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Since Bonk's Adventure is being brought up... I'll toot my own Bonk horn a bit.


Here's a video of me beating it "speed" running.  I put "speed" in quotation marks, because I'm actually not that fast...  World Record is around 27 minutes, and I'm at 47 minutes.  But since not many people run it, 47 min is still good enough for 9th place on speedrun.com.  (currently)


Also, you can get across the bone bridge, but it's always close. (bridge at 17 min)


Other highlights include


Skipping part of the dinosaur innards at 2:45.

One Cycle of Kongo Zilla at 18:50.

Skipping a huge chunk of the level at 25:08.

King Drool fight at 41:00.




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I did finish PC Genjin, but I need to finally sit down and play past the first level of PC Genjin 2 or Bonk's Revenge or whatever you want to call it. Something about this series doesn't do anything for me at all and I don't know if it's the level design or the gameplay or both, but maybe I'll like it more if I play past the first level.

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Today I finally decided to play through Bonk III (or 3): Bonk's Big Adventure.  Played about 40 minutes at lunch, left the game paused during the afternoon, and picked it up after I got off work.  The first time I ever actually tried to play the game I beat it, without having to resort to using a continue.  Now I have just finished playing through the first two Bonk games so my Bonk skills are fairly high right now, but I am not sure I should have been able to beat the very first time.  I did the same thing with Bonk's Revenge also.


The game is pretty darn good and I did enjoy the size change mechanic.  I just wish you did not revert back to normal Bonk after the first hit.  It is not too bad maneuvering through the level as little Bonk, but big Bonk creates quite a large target and it is hard not to get hit when big.  At first I did not like the bonus stages, but they quickly grew on me.  Some are better than others, but overall they compare quite nicely to the first two games.  I liked being able to juggle the enemies after defeating them like in the first Bonk.  Speaking of enemies, there was a nice mixture of returning bad guys and a few new ones.  Some people might not like the reuse of bad guys, but I am fine with it.  The game had the same feel as the first two.


I was not a fan of the modern stuff in Bonk's Revenge and this game even has more of it.  I really prefer the caveman era levels.  I just think it goes so well with the characters and action.  I am not sure how many heart containers I missed, but I only found one extra and it was almost at the very end.  Some of the jumps into small spaces are a little too difficult.  I do not recall this problem being so prevalent in the first two, but I could be glossing over that problem.


The bosses seemed easier in this game than the first two, especially King Drool.  In the first two games I felt like King Drool was pretty difficult and the only reason as was able to beat him is because I had enough lives in reserve.  This time it felt I could have beat with one life with a little bit of practice.


Now on to something really important; how do you write the game's title?  On screen it uses a Roman numeral (III), but the physical media all uses an Arabic numeral.

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I got the Kyuukyoku Tiger-Heli Toaplan Arcade Garage last night, and one of the games on it is the PC Engine version of Kyuukyoku Tiger. I just played it for the first time and I think this is a nice version of the game. Unlike the insane and absolutely brutal arcade and Genesis/Mega Drive versions, this version is actually quite approachable. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that compared to the arcade version, they might have increased your helicopter's speed very slightly and also made bombs last slightly longer. Definitely try the PC Engine version if you got completely destroyed by the arcade and/or G/MD versions and want to try something easier.

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1 hour ago, Steven Pendleton said:

I got the Kyuukyoku Tiger-Heli Toaplan Arcade Garage last night, and one of the games on it is the PC Engine version of Kyuukyoku Tiger. I just played it for the first time and I think this is a nice version of the game. Unlike the insane and absolutely brutal arcade and Genesis/Mega Drive versions, this version is actually quite approachable. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that compared to the arcade version, they might have increased your helicopter's speed very slightly and also made bombs last slightly longer. Definitely try the PC Engine version if you got completely destroyed by the arcade and/or G/MD versions and want to try something easier.

I never really liked the Genesis version... you are right with it being too hard. I should try the PC Engine version.

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48 minutes ago, DragonGrafx-16 said:

I never really liked the Genesis version... you are right with it being too hard. I should try the PC Engine version.

I actually think the Genesis/MD version is even harder than the already difficult arcade version. Did you know that there's a typo on the MD version box?





Now you can never unsee it~

Edited by Steven Pendleton
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6 hours ago, Steven Pendleton said:

I actually think the Genesis/MD version is even harder than the already difficult arcade version. Did you know that there's a typo on the MD version box?





Now you can never unsee it~

With the Tiger  on the artwork, and Tiger in the title, one would not be blamed for thinking CATRIDGE was not an accidental  typo.

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8 hours ago, DragonGrafx-16 said:

I never really liked the Genesis version... you are right with it being too hard. I should try the PC Engine version.


9 hours ago, Steven Pendleton said:

I got the Kyuukyoku Tiger-Heli Toaplan Arcade Garage last night, and one of the games on it is the PC Engine version of Kyuukyoku Tiger. I just played it for the first time and I think this is a nice version of the game. Unlike the insane and absolutely brutal arcade and Genesis/Mega Drive versions, this version is actually quite approachable. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that compared to the arcade version, they might have increased your helicopter's speed very slightly and also made bombs last slightly longer. Definitely try the PC Engine version if you got completely destroyed by the arcade and/or G/MD versions and want to try something easier.

Sweet, another game to try.  :)  

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2 hours ago, Cobra Kai said:

With the Tiger  on the artwork, and Tiger in the title, one would not be blamed for thinking CATRIDGE was not an accidental  typo.

Well, it is Toaplan, and they are (in)famous for a certain terrible yet awesome translation...

29 minutes ago, digdugnate said:


Sweet, another game to try.  :)  

AI bullets that are aimed exactly where they need to be to kill you. Uncomfortably slow movement speed and no speed powerups at all. Massive hurtbox. Forced memorization of the levels. Ridiculous powerup movement patterns inspired by ramen noodles (yes, seriously) that will drive you insane and will get you killed chasing them because you are not fast enough to safely chase them without getting hit. The first shooting game to ever have cycling powerups. Brutal difficulty that demands absolute perfection, much like R-Type. Incredibly long, with 10 long stages, totaling almost an hour of gameplay just for the first loop. Amazing gameplay design that will make you feel like a badass, even if you can't master it, all of it perfectly crafted by two of the greatest shooting developers of all time, Uemura and Yuge, who also both worked together on the incredible and rocking arcade soundtrack because they are musicians as well as designers and programmers. If you haven't played Kyuukyoku Tiger, this is what you get from it.


This game is hard. Really hard. It's one of the hardest shooting games of all time, so be ready for it. PC Engine version is easier than the arcade, but it's still a good challenge. Arcade version = 12 out of 10 literally genre-defining must-play game that changed shooting games forever. PC Engine version is good, but the arcade version is something truly special.

Edited by Steven Pendleton
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1 hour ago, jeremiahjt said:

I started playing Military Madness after Bonk III. I am up to level 10 right now and so far I am liking it. The dice roll mechanic seems to favor the computer more than me, but I have benefitted from a good roll a couple of times.

I really suck at strategy games but on top of that I feel like I am just unlucky at Military Madness. Even if I have numerical and terrain advantage the computer always seems to survive longer than it should and whittle me down. Maybe my clock is off on my Turbografx ?

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Hey did you all know that Hudson 25 years also created a 1:1 copy of the PCE version of MM (Nectaris) for Windows 95 in Japan, and it's a 32bit executable+installer so it still works on Windows 10+ too?  It's damn near impossible to find the download anymore, I kept it for years, and it also inclludes extras such as a map maker for DIY stages of your own personal tortures too.


See for yourself:


If I can find a link I'll help, but basically look up Nectaris PC Windows 1997

EDIT: https://nectaris.mobilesuit.ms/faqs.htm

And to verify this was freeware, not warez, here's the webarchives last workign full website in Japanese for the game both the Win95 and Win98 versions(this one works still)



Also for fun here's all the passwords to the game too as they still work whatever region:



Edited by Tanooki
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That’s awesome!!


The amazing thing about the PC Engine is that after years of digging into obscurities I still keep finding games I hadn’t heard of that are really awesome. Genji Tsuushin Agedama is the latest one. It’s like a more platform-y and slower and cartoony Atomic Runner very loosely based on an obscure anime.



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3 hours ago, jgkspsx said:

The amazing thing about the PC Engine is that after years of digging into obscurities I still keep finding games I hadn’t heard of that are really awesome. Genji Tsuushin Agedama is the latest one. It’s like a more platform-y and slower and cartoony Atomic Runner very loosely based on an obscure anime.

That game looks awesome! I need to try it out.

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Up to map 13 now.  Map 12 was a long map to finish.  At the end of the battle I had finished off most of the Axis Empire's forces, but I was left with a lot of Hawkeye anti-aircraft units and they had no aircraft left. It took a while to get my few ground attack units to finish off the last remaining forces.  I did learn on that map that if you place a unit on top of a prison, then an enemy unit cannot take over the prison.  The defending unit has to be destroyed, or moved, to take over the prison and win that battle.  It seems pretty obvious in hindsight, but I guess I never thought too much about it when I would see the computer do that in earlier maps.


I also learned a couple maps before that a unit can take over a factory that has already been taken over by the opposing force.  That came as a shock.  I had taken over a factory, but anything I took out of the factory was being destroyed, so I was holding off.  Then an Axis Panther motorcycle unit enters my factory and now they control it and all the units that were still there.  Now I know to get the units out as quick as possible.  Even if they die immediately it is better than letting the Axis Empire take over, assuming there is an enemy unit nearby in position to take over the factory.



By the way @Tanooki map 9 is GALIOS in Military Madness, not GALOIS like in Nectaris.  Which way is the password spelled for the PC port?

Edited by jeremiahjt
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I don't know I don't use the codes I pulled them from the same site as that Windows version of the game which is a direct conversion of the PCE version, so it should use the same codes.  I think the original site person just typod it.


Wish I had my skills of 20 years past, I'd crack into that game, english the menus and installer, and try and remove at least the bit blue menu graphics and english those as well.  The script would be another matter.

Edited by Tanooki
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I was close to finally winning map 13 after many turns when my troops became too exhausted and mutinied. Did not know that could happen. Next time I played it I did it about perfect and obliterated the computer.


I honestly do not how it is possible to win map 14. There are 5 unclaimed factories. Three of which the computer has no problem getting and you have no chance. One is easier for you to get, but it has only a single unit. One more you can beat the computer to, but barely. By the time you claim it the computer is in position to completely surround your force you used to claim the factory and any units you bring out of the factory. If you can claim the one contested factory the computer still has twice as many units, if they get it they have about three times as many. Each side has one air unit, but their Hunter can destroy your Eagle in one battle. I just do not see a way to win this one.

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