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capcom to nintendo.. bye!

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Recent reports suggest that Capcom will focus more toward a multiplatform strategy.


According to the Friday edition of the Nikkei Business Daily, Capcom is starting to reevaluate its current relationship with Nintendo. The next game in Capcom's Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil 4, will remain exclusive to the GameCube, but Capcom has reportedly stated that future games in the series would be made available on other platforms as well. Part of this comes from recent sales figures, which have fallen short of Capcom's original expectations. The article also says that Xbox accounted for only 1.5 percent of Capcom's sales, but the company hopes to increase that particular figure.


We'll post more as it develops.

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That's cool. I think all 3rd parties should treat all systems equally *cough*Konami*cough*cough*.


Sales are probably lower than Capcom expected because they are aiming to high. RE and RE0, 2 of the only 3 games Capcom has put out on the GC, both sold around a half million (I'm pretty sure, don't quote me on that!). Those are fine numbers, nobody should demand more.

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Im not a resident evil fan, id rather watch someone play it than play it myself. But if everyone thought it looked great on the GC, imagine what the xbox could do with it. And with the HD and the fast loading, it can be an xillent game.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 came out for xbox - but i can afford the 50$ for it :sad:

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I dont think Capcom should have expected those games to sell exceptionally well. Then only one of the games they "re-did" was Re1, the rest were ports with same PS1 level graphics, and sold them for a ridiculous price...now maybe RE 4 will be a different story.

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another nail in the coffin for nintendo. i hear there losing in sales to the x-box and ps2 in every damn market except the states where there only losing to ps2. with this exclusive deal gone then some more good games come back to ps2 and the monster in first place and continue to crush bill gates's hopes of being number one. i hope this means there start making resident evils for the ps2 again although it would be kinda cool to see a 2d version of resident evil come out on gameboy advance. i've been waiting for that to happen since i played card fighters on my neo geo pocket and they had that 2d version of the resident evil manson in it

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Pity, I think the more we can avoid multiplatform games - the better.

By designing a game for a specific platform, you can really optimise it for that platform. Multiplatform games pretty much always have to follow the capabilites of the least powerful system they're developed for (the PS2 in this case). Imagine if Metroid Prime, the new Zelda or Halo were developed with the PS2 in mind - they'd me a lot more restricted in scope than they are now. Sure, it makes financial sense to go multiplatform - but in gaming, as in any other art, creativity has to be weighed against capital gain.


I'm getting pretty tired of Capcom these days anyway. i'm not playing any more Resi games - if I want to contantly ferry keys to doors I'll play adventure:) Silent Hill beats RE any day.

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Useless info: apparently the online part was removed because Capcom no longer has the Marvel liscence (Activision holds it.) So capsom could only make a direct port to xbox. Online would be cool though.


Yea I read that too,so there is no hope ofr a third any time soon.And I rather play that online that Capcom vs. SNK 2 online too.Damnit Capcom! :x

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Capcom realized that Nintendo is not doing as well as they have in the past and they have to get out of their contract with exclusives to Nintendo. While it has been profitable for them in the past, they need to move to other systems that are more prevalent like the Xbox and PS2.


Die, Nintendo, Die! You killed Atari and now someone else is going to kill you! :x

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Useless info: apparently the online part was removed because Capcom no longer has the Marvel liscence (Activision holds it.) So capsom could only make a direct port to xbox. Online would be cool though.


Yea I read that too,so there is no hope ofr a third any time soon.And I rather play that online that Capcom vs. SNK 2 online too.Damnit Capcom! :x


shame i was looking forward to part3 of the Marvel V's Capcom games :|

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Capcom realized that Nintendo is not doing as well as they have in the past and they have to get out of their contract with exclusives to Nintendo. While it has been profitable for them in the past, they need to move to other systems that are more prevalent like the Xbox and PS2.


Die, Nintendo, Die! You killed Atari and now someone else is going to kill you!  :x


Yikes. Bitterness aside, that's historically inaccurate. Nintendo didn't kill Atari, Atari killed themselves through mismanagement, bad executive decisions, and oversaturation. Nintendo was no giant killer in '83 and '84, and would never have gotten big if Atari hadn't swandived to begin with.

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Well if Nintendo had gone through with the licensing deal with Atari, Atari might have survived and be around today. The two companies could not come to terms (Thanks to Ray Kassar) and Nintendo was able to take over the video game business after the crash had weakened Atari.

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Atari was already on its deathbed by the time Nintendo made their move. If the NES didn't take over, it would have been Sega or someone else. Atari died all on its own from the idiocy of management. From all stories I've heard, Nintendo was practically begging Atari to produce the American Famicom but Atari felt that console games were dead.


This Capcom deal is just part of the Great Crunch of 2003, many companies are going to disappear altogether. Many contracts are going to be rethought and rewritten. Everone will admit that PS2 has won this round of the console wars hands down, even a major company such as Activison suffers huge losses because of their Xbox and Gamecube flops.

I expect to be playing future Marios and Zeldas on the PS3.

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Do you really think that Nintendo is never going to make another game system like they said? How long do you think that is going to last when the Gameboy begins to lose its audience? PDAs will be able to play games as well as the Gameboy some day and offer other options to boot.


I would be getting considered if I were Nintendo that they are starting to look obsolete by standing still.

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Atari's downfall was a totally self inflicted gunshot wound. Atari marketing idiots started making engineering decisions that sank the company, they didn't even play video games.


My recollection was that Atari did have the U.S. distribution rights for the NES in the late 82 to Tramiel sale time period. I remember having a number of NES consoles in the lab and playing Popeye on them.



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Atari's downfall was a totally self inflicted gunshot wound. Atari marketing idiots started making engineering decisions that sank the company, they didn't even play video games.


My recollection was that Atari did have the U.S. distribution rights for the NES in the late 82 to Tramiel sale time period. I remember having a number of NES consoles in the lab and playing Popeye on them.



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Not quite right. Atari was negotiating with Nintendo for the world wide rights but the talks broke down when Ray Kassar saw Coleco sellling Donkey Kong on its Adam Computer at the Summer CES show in 1983. He got so mad since Atari had the computer rights to Donkey Kong and felt that Nintendo was breaching the contract.


By the time the issue was resolved a few months later, Ray Kassar had resigned from Atari, the great videogame crash was in full swing, and Atari could no longer afford the deal.


So the window of opportunity opened for Nintendo to sell the system itself in the US.

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According to some of the books I've read and people I've spoken with, the Nintendo / Atari story was blown out of proportion. The real story is something like this:


Nintendo thought Atari would have the muscle to market the Famicon, but Atari didn't have the money to promote another video game console on top of their computer division. There was some sort of jacked-up deal that went on, that ultimately ended with Atari trying to screw Nintendo (as, if we are honest, Atari tried doing to a lot of companies). Nintendo didn't lose its cool, and went on to produce one of the most popular consoles ever.


I'm very surprised that so many people on here seem to be so anti-Nintendo... Out of the remaining three companies, Nintendo is the only video game based console maker. The other two companies are a consumer electronics company and a software company. I trust Nintendo with the industry a lot more than I do with the others.

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I wouldn't consider myself Anti Nintendo, but I really don't see the fascination with them. Yea they made some cool games, had some good selling systems, but other than that, they have never been more impressive than anyone else IMO. I for one also don't see what difference it makes if they do video games only as compared to Sony and MS :? I mean, I can understand the history of Nintendo and accomplishments but just because they do games/consoles only doesn't make them better at it by default. Nintendo has done just as many shady things as anyone else has too, so they are no better in that catagory either. I hope they are around for a lot longer, I wouldn't care if they never made another console though. The N64 and GC haven't been too impressive. But I do feel it would be a shame if they no longer made games.

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If Nintendo does falter in or even leave the console market, I think there will be lots of sentimentality towards the company (like there is with Atari). It has possibly the most classic system (NES) next to the 2600 and many people grew up on Nintendo with its many kid games and characters. In the college newspaper here they had a recent front-page article on video-games with one writer writing about and defending a system and trashing the other ones. The systems compared were the XBOX, the PS2, the GameCube and the NES. It treated them all like they were legitimite competitors with pros and cons. NES has strong nostalgia among college kids today.

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I'm very surprised that so many people on here seem to be so anti-Nintendo...


I've never gotten that feeling. Nobody has ever dissed me for collecting Nintendo games, and in fact a large part of our user base at VintageGamer is culled from people who post right here. :D

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