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i got lucky and was asked to write for IGN's Macintosh channel, but then they proceeded to not pay me after the first month


I dont know what it is, but I don't really like IGN....maybe its the greed...I dont know...not as in greed as in you wanted money, but as they have so many banners and garbage and subscription fees for news i can get anywhere else for free

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I dont know what it is, but I don't really like IGN....maybe its the greed...I dont know...not as in greed as in you wanted money, but as they have so many banners and garbage and subscription fees for news i can get anywhere else for free


Same here. In the late 90's I used to go to IGN all the time. Then all of a sudden they started all these advertisements. A couple of them are fine, but they put way too many on that site. I understand that advertisements pay the bills but they went a wee bit overboard.

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well, ill defend them at least to the point that they are a mainstream gaming site that has no ties to any larger corporation, after the internet demise, its nice to know they are still around, and Tal is an all around great guy (i dealt with him with moderating issues). Besides, gamespot has started charging as well. Frankly, the state of modern gaming is so lame these days, i dont care to keep up with it. When the Dreamcast was new, my level of excitement and interest was much greater. These days, there isnt much out there to get me excited.

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