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Games with serious bugs ?


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Some games I know with nasty bugs :


- Universal Hero , game crashes , is unplayable

- Feud : cannot pick up one herb for lighning spell

- Colony : graphic bugs , if you activate the second robot

- Rogue : my version was unplayble , not possible to fight monsters


All games are from Mastertronic , seems that their quality control was bad.


Anyone know more games with serious bugs ?



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I claim the Last V8 is buggy since I NEVER could get into shelter before dieing of Radiation posioning!


Yes , this may be possible.I never finished the game,too.


But it was possible on the C64 - I think the ATARI version is a really crappy conversion of the C64 original.



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Phantasie III; my game keeps crashing whenever I enter one particular cave.


Maybe a problem with the disk or does this happen with all Phantasie III ?


BTW. I had a problem with Phantasie 3 on the ATARI ST.It always crashed when I entered a building in the city.


Maybe it was a bug , maybe it was because I have an 1040STE which is not 100% compatible to old STs.


Did not happen on the AMIGA (the AMIGA version is an 1:1 port of the ST version)



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Phantasie III; my game keeps crashing whenever I enter one particular cave.


Maybe a problem with the disk or does this happen with all Phantasie III ?


BTW. I had a problem with Phantasie 3 on the ATARI ST.It always crashed when I entered a building in the city.


Maybe it was a bug , maybe it was because I have an 1040STE which is not 100% compatible to old STs.


Did not happen on the AMIGA (the AMIGA version is an 1:1 port of the ST version)




I don't think it's a problem with the disk. The game crashes quite late in the game, and prevents its completion. It's so aggravating!

The entire Phantasie series is wonderful, though.

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- Universal Hero , game crashes , is unplayable  

- Feud : cannot pick up one herb for lighning spell  

- Colony : graphic bugs , if you activate the second robot  

- Rogue : my version was unplayble , not possible to fight monsters


U.H - I patched this one, its available on Jindoush's site I think.

Feud - didn't know that

Colony - very infuriating that one! Guess we'd need the original source to correct it?

Rogue - very cr*ppy conversion - stick with Temple trilogy ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not buggy- just TOO DAMN HARD!!!  :x


This is true. I managed to make it once, then died soon after inside the complex because of it being too hard, I really wanted to like that game too!


As for the other games mentioned, I never noticed those bugs, except for feud...do you have originals? Or are these downloaded copies that may be bad cracks?

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I claim the Last V8 is buggy since I NEVER could get into shelter before dieing of Radiation posioning!


But it was possible on the C64 - I think the ATARI version is a really crappy conversion of the C64 original.


The Atari version was actually a little easier than the C64 one, i completed it first and then went back to the Breadbin with the mental map of the Sci-Base to finish that one too. For the record, i've completed both versions legitimately and with short-cuts on the first level [smug look =-]

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Ok, what are the shortcuts!


V8 only checks a small area under the car (on the C64 it's one 4x8 pixel character) so there are two points where, with a little practice, it's possible to sneak through the landscape.


The first is near the start, after a couple of straights there is a very tight corner and at the bottom of that corner is a small gap it's possible to sneak through if you line the car up just right. Further on the road is shaped like a large MS and there are two similar gaps at the bottom of the S. Of the two, the latter is the better because it plonks you right next to the bridge near the end of the first stage.


As for the Sci-Base, i did a map a few years back on USENet that was archived into the Commodore Knowledge Base;




i've just been playing the Atari version again with an emulator, it is possible to do the entire first level without shortcuts and just scrape into the inner city as the bomb warning is going off...

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