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Any Mercenary fans out there...


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Mercenary of course was one game to love or hate.


Did Mercenary first start on the Atari 800 before it was put on other systems?


Because ive already prefer the Atari version due to this extra smoothness feeling its got.


I ended up finishing Mercenary but that was on the C64 and thats one Adventure/Flight Simulator/Trading game ill never forget.


Isnt the planet Targ huge, and theres a few isolated buildings in the outback, not to mention the huge Space Station floating the air.


It was so realistic (expect crashing your spaceships :D) and so much freedom gameplay.

There was some fantasting buildings to see.


Underground in the building I sometimes got lost and sometimes outside I lose my spaceship somewhere and have to walk for 3 or so hours the next underground complex. But that was all the fun.


My friends Hated it because of the "stick graphics". But so what, you forget all about the graphics when you sink into the game.


Any liked Mercenary ? :|

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I loved it! I use to play it all the time on my 130XE! Personally, I loved the "line graphics" better known as "Vector" graphics, the fore-runner to todays Polygons, the same thing for all intents and purposes, except vector graphics were indeed wire-frame only. The only version I ever played was the Atari 8-bit version, so I don't know how it compared to the C64 or any other systems, I did think it was very cool on the Atari 8-bit version that they let you choose between the High-res graphics or the low-res faster&smoother graphics. Although while the low-res was indeed quite a bit faster&smoother, I didn't think the high-res was all that slow. At least it allowed 48k 800 users to play it too, and wasn't just for those with 64k+. I never did finish the game myself, I did manage to find one building out in the "outback," but I never was able to figure out the conclusion or get to the space station. the hint book said it had something to do with that spider-web in that one hall, but I never did figure that out. I sure there was a lot I didn't figure out, but I still enjoyed it very much.

Do you know of any strategy/hint/cheat guide to use to finish the game? Or do you remember what to do and could tell me? I'd love to play again if I can actually finish it. Did the sequel ever come out on the 8-bit Atari? I know it did for the ST and probably the C64 and Amiga...I forget what it was called off-hand though. But I did love that game! I'll take 3D worlds, even if in wire-frame and low frame-rates anyday over 2D games! The whole concept of the 3rd dimension and first-person-view makes up for the simple graphics in my book! With a little imagination, these type of games could always make me feel like I was really there, really involved, and not just playing a video game in a disconnected-from-the-game-world way. It felt like me there, not just controlling some sprite on a computer monitor. I guess that's why I am so glad the video games of the last decade have become mostly 3D; it's great to play a 2D classic style game once in a while, and I still love them, but the immersion possibilities that the imagination can lead you too with 3D virtual worlds is what keeps me coming back for more, day after day, year after year, even though I'm supposed to be "grown-up" and "mature" and not playing with "toys" anymore...BAH! if that's the way it has to be, then I'll be immature as long as I'm alive! :D

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It is still great game. When I show it to somebody who does not know 8 bit and tell him that the game is 15 years old they don't believe me. I finished the first city but not the second city. I saw the game beside Atari on C64 and Amstrad CPC. On 8 bit was second city too. I remember Damocles (Mercerary 2) and Dion Crisis (Mercenary 3) on ST.


Btw I have find this interesting site with solution and survival kit http://www.geocities.com/paris/7150/merce.htm

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I think recalling, getting to that space ship thats 66,000 feet above ground. (You can always see it from anywhere as its a white dot in the sky).


I think you can get there was the first space ship you buy at the start of the game, it just take patience, its best to go into location 09.06 first and pick up the Sights so navigating was a bit easier.


I never completed Mercenary: The Second City before buts theres not much difference expect different building locations and objects and trading are harder to find.


Ive actually "jumped off" the Space Station before without entering my spaceship first. :D (But of course I survived - Low Gravity maybe :D)


I dont think that Spider-Web in 09.06 had anything to do with the game, as some useless objects like table and chair. But those useless objects were good for navigation for "marking" a already visited room down.


I only ever finished Mercenary once and I bvarely remember how I did it expect trading the right object the power up this rocket you find somewhere inside a building or so. But it was cool. :ponder:


As for Amiga's Damocles and Mercenary III, they were good and had loads of planets to explore and solid graphics but somehow they werent as good as the original 8bit Mercenary (I found them too complicated and other games were out and more or less based on Mercenary by then).



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Btw I have find this interesting site with solution and survival kithttp://www.geocities.com/paris/7150/merce.htm




I just downloaded the PC Windows version and its the smoothest Ive seen yet.


But you can't play full-screen and thats the biggest you get it. :(


Ill stick with the Atari 800 version because its the original and the best!


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@Sharky- actually that cobweb IS an integral item in the game. In the above solution/survival kit link, step "F" says the cobweb, along w/ the kitchen sink, opens all doors.


When I played/finshed it (& haven't played since) I recall being able to take the cobweb for something important...

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