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dismantle 5200


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Can't seem to find information on taking a 5200 apart. I took the screws out of the bottom of the console and I can take the top off. Now I see the metal shield over the board and can't seem to remove it so I can get to the board even after I twist the little metal "ties" that keep it secure to the board. I haven't found any additional screws or anything else for that matter that might be keeping the metal cover attached to the board. Any help? Is it glued on? or am I missing something? I don't want to just keep yanking on it in case I break something.

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It's been a long time since I gutted a 5200, but I'd recommend making sure that the tabs are straightened out very carefully to clear the slots in the circuit board. Duckbill pliers do a good job of flattening the tab and manipulating it into position. It doesn't take much misalignment to keep things locked together.


I usually find a way to gently pry on things to determine exactly where the resistance is coming from.


I don't think there were any adhesives involved.


I'd take a look at my scrap pile to get you a solid answer, but I'm thousands of miles away from it for the next week.

Edited by BigO
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Could be a component heat failing. Point a fan at the machine to see if it runs longer before failure.

I had a green screen problem once that only happened with certain games. It was a bad RAM chip, but that part of RAM only got accessed under certain conditions.

I was able to change the behavior by swapping the position of the memory chips. That confirmed that I had a bad RAM chip.

Then I had to figure out which one was bad by swapping each one in turn with an assumed good one.

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