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Price Drop?

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For what it's worth the manager of my local Gamestop told me that he was informed the "new consoles" will be dropping their prices sometime next month. Anyone else hear anything about this? I might buy a PS2 if I can get it for $100. (that old gray playstation is starting to look outdated by my TV)

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Microsoft is already running at a loss for each unit sold on the Xbox...might be bad thing for them if Sony drops prices.....the Game Cube should have been $99 at launch I think and it's probably not worth that...poor ass excuse for a game platform. lol




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Microsoft is already running at a loss for each unit sold on the Xbox...might be bad thing for them if Sony drops prices.....the Game Cube should have been $99 at launch I think and it's probably not worth that...poor ass excuse for a game platform. lol





Is it really necessary to mock a perfectly good console as a "poor ass excuse for a game platform" just because you don't like it or own one? I don't do that for X-Box even though I'll never in my life own one.

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Check out the "Game Over" column at CNN Money, I have always found it to be very reliable and contain the most accurate predictions. In a recent column, it stated that the XBox and PS2 will probably not drop lower than $179 because Sony doesn't need to drop the price. sales are high enough. Just yesterday Nintendo announced that they will not drop the price unless the competition does, so it looks like its all up to Microsoft.


Check out the article, called "How Close is the Playstation 3"



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I might buy a PS2 if I can get it for $100. (that old gray playstation is starting to look outdated by my TV)


I seriously doubt that if they dropped the price of the PS2, it would drop by $100. If there is any price drop, it'd probably go down to $149.

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Ms announced price drop in Europe.

Microsoft have just announced yet another price cut in the European markets. The price in the UK will fall the most. The current reatil price for an xbox is £169, this price will now fall to an incredible £129. Time to buy that second xbox? ;)


The price cut is another attempt to stimulate the market, and put yet more pressure on Sony and Nintendo. Major retailers such as Argos, are now seling Game Cubes for around £79 because they have so many cosoles in their warehouses due to lack of sales.

Here's the link to check it out.


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The X-Box is now the same price as the Gamecube in Europe... I can easily see it dropping here to 149 at least. Microsoft is selling them at a loss, but if no one buys the console, no one will ever buy the games.

Of course lowering the price only will encourage people to hack linux on it. Now there's like 3 ways to do that with the new 007 Nightfire hack. I wouldn't mind having a Microsoft subsidized PC. If it becomes "easy" to put a fully functional version of Linux on the X-box you can kiss the X-box goodbye, MS will have to pull it.

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The X-Box is now the same price as the Gamecube in Europe... I can easily see it dropping here to 149 at least. Microsoft is selling them at a loss, but if no one buys the console, no one will ever buy the games.

Of course lowering the price only will encourage people to hack linux on it. Now there's like 3 ways to do that with the new 007 Nightfire hack. I wouldn't mind having a Microsoft subsidized PC. If it becomes "easy" to put a fully functional version of Linux on the X-box you can kiss the X-box goodbye, MS will have to pull it.


:lolblue: I think that 99% of Xbox gamers could give a rats arse if Linux runs on the XB. Ya, I'm sure MS will pull the XB because Linux can run on the console. :roll:

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People can already run Linux on Xbox by modding it but I don't see Xbox's flying off the shelf. I don't think being able to run Linux on an Xbox is going to be a selling point. Having great games that are exclusive to that platform is a better idea (Why do think that Halo has been an Xbox exclusive for so long? ).

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