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High Score Competition (Oct: Gridwars)


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Well I'm pleased to learn the cartridge version of TI Burgertime has greater randomness and hence more challenge, such that identical patterns can't be depended upon.  Or so it would seem to me, after a couple games.  Though essential strategy is basically the same regardless of version.  And the disk version is perfectly playable, as long as one isn't looking for long term challenge.  Anyway, here's the score from my second swing at the cartridge: 81500, Pattern 18.  That can be improved upon by a lot, to be sure. 



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Just for the heck of it, I tried the disk version and it is definitely easier than the cartridge version. The patterns are much more predictable, the enemies always start from the bottom and work their way up, and I think it is more generous with extra lives but I could be wrong on that count.


Interestingly, it alternates ice cream and coffee for extra pepper, while I’ve only ever seen ice cream in the cartridge version.


45850 on real iron with pain sticks instead of my Tac 2 joystick, and I still doubled my last score on the cartridge on my first go.





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Oh, incidentally, the cartridge version's manual explicitly refers to the Ice Cream Cone and Coffee Cup granting 500 and 1000 points respectively, despite the fact that (as fimbulvetr observes), the coffee cup is not in the cartridge version. 


Another difference is that P does not pause the game in the disk version, while it does in the cartridge version. 

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I would observe, incidentally, that my strategy in the cartridge version is definitely to maximise kills per drop on each level.  With burger layers being mainly a tool for farming enemies for points.  A finite resource, since they have to fall at least one level per set of kills.  But enemies themselves are an infinite resource.  So if at all possible, you want each drop to be at least one kill.  As a consequence, it can be desirable to take a "bottom up" approach, so that you don't "waste" drops (by chaining them).  The game's sufficiently deadly in the later levels (20 and up kind of territory) that I feel you really need to make the most of the "safe" levels. 


That makes the game extremely time consuming, incidentally.  Since you're essentially doing the level in the slowest possible way (and waiting around for enemies to show up where you want them).  But I think it's the most efficient, from a points standpoint. 

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6 hours ago, digdugnate said:

it's interesting there's such a difference between scoring on the disk version and cartridge version.

It's about enemy patterns, mainly.  Enemies enter at the same (bottom) level every time, in the disk version.  So you can always, with perfect reliability, kill them.  There's no reason to ever die.  You can just play until you get bored, if you understand the game on even a basic level.  The number of enemies also never increases, in the disk version.  It's static.  So there's no escalation of difficulty. 


In the cartridge version, enemies increase in number as the game progresses, and enter at varied positions.  So unpredictably problematic patterns will occur, and difficulty does increase over time. 


Still, I think the 129,250 which is currently my (cartridge) high score can be improved upon by quite a bit. 



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I see. We have both versions in MAME as "burgertm" (normal) and "burgertb" (beta). The beta version starts with a black screen with "GAME START", the normal version says "BURGERTIME" and some more text. Also, the beta version requires a memory expansion (seems to be moved into RAM before start).

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