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High Score Competition (Oct: Gridwars)


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I honestly didn't think 470,000 was a mega score.


As far as posting scores early vs. late in the month, it would make sense to me that seeing a seemingly high score only a few days in would motivate one to match or beat that score.


I wouldnt have a bar to reach if iwantgames hadn't posted his excellent score.


So far we have only had a couple repeat winners... I don't feel as though the competition is being monopolized.


But if you guys think an adjustment is warranted, I am up for any ideas that will improve the quality of the gaming experience, as long as regular contributers/players in this competition agree to them.


Last thing I want to do is alienate possible participants. :)


I was pretty terrible at Miner2049er and Parsec... But I did very well with NeverLander and not too bad with Crossfire. Everyone has different skills and abilities. :)


Let me know what you guys think... We can always make adjustments if need be.

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Not that I think the competition is monopolized, and I am not thinking "well, screw it, I'm not even gonna try," (although mizapf often seems like some kind of Pinball Wizard ;))


My thought was time is precious for me right now and once a few people have posted astronomical scores I just start looking toward the next game. Given more thought, the amount of time I would spend playing the game without those scores posted is the same amount of time I would spend with them posted if I was to spend time at all.


Therefore, Mr. Chair, I retract my support for the motion.

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Getting closer ... played on 60Hz emulation with joysticks. Maybe I try with keyboard next time to see which is better.


("pinball wizard" LOL ... far from that, remember that Parsec was the only game where my score was a bit ahead)




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He worked pretty hard, and got lucky a couple times. :)



I watched both of his missile banks get destroyed right at the start of the 4th level... He had one truck left, and not one single falling projectile hit it. It was like watching a horror show and coming out on the other side okay. :)



I'm sure he'll give it another shot later in the month. He really didn't like the game too much, but he wanted to get a score posted on the HSC this month. He's missed Atariage as much as I have. :)

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First score over 500,000 in a while. Haven't been playing much lately as I've been working on AI for my game and getting sucked into hours of Agar.io, but I figured I'd post this one up. Classic99, keyboard control.


Does it play differently in emulation?


I noticed lately a couple of games listed with the ".io" at the end of the URL. have you ever noticed what happens when you type in the URL: forums.atari.io it's a little like a smaller alternate universe.

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The "m" in front of a web address is actually just another subdomain called "m" and has nothing to do with presentation ... at least from a technical point of view. It is a completely broken concept of requiring different domains for different devices, although web servers can easily determine the device type and deliver appropriate contents.


(Sorry, wasn't against you ... I'm just sometimes really annoyed about weird things going on in the web. :) )

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