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High Score Competition (Sep: Osotos)


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All Parker Brothers' games have that option for selection #2, @Globeron. It is a central part of the coding for their CROM chips, with the CROM handing off control to the actual program after setting the starting variables (number of players, etc.).

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All Parker Brothers' games have that option for selection #2,@Globeron. It is a central part of the coding for their CROM chips, with the CROM handing off control to the actual program after setting the starting variables (number of players, etc.).
But the image I have on the FinalGrom is showing Tutankham (and not too sure if it is different than the one in the .zip file or an older version)16536a4309a24881139d9d2478ec868a.jpg
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On 7/7/2019 at 8:43 PM, jwild said:


I also have to disconnect my PEB for reliable play. Sometimes i can play the first level with the PEB connected, but usually not.

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Yeah, confirmed.  Plays fine with the NanoPEB removed.  First game I've encountered like that. 


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46 minutes ago, arcadeshopper said:

likely because this was unreleased beta/alpha software. They likely didn't test it with 32k 

I've done some testing in Classic99, it doesn't make sense that it's the 32k, it doesn't touch that memory (plus it runs just fine under emulation that has it). It's got to be something else in there -- if we can figure out what, we can probably patch the ROM to fix it. Since the NanoPEB does it - maybe disk or serial/PIO. Has anyone tested with less-loaded PEBs?


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On 7/5/2019 at 10:44 AM, chue said:

Works on my system without an F18A.  I do have the NanoPEB + FinalGROM.

@Tursi When I ran it before, it ran fine in the demo (attract) mode.  I don't recall if I started a game though.  I didn't have a joystick at the time, so I wasn't able to play.  (I'm in the process of moving, so my TI stuff is in boxes.)


Just to clarify, my TI has: Speech Synth + NanoPEB + FinalGROM.  I don't have an F18A.

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On 7/8/2019 at 10:25 PM, pixelpedant said:


Yeah, confirmed.  Plays fine with the NanoPEB removed.  First game I've encountered like that. 



I noticed I can no longer play Tutankham (cartridge or bin files) since I've been using a TI with 32k internally. Graphics corrupt and/or the game freezes after a short while.


Bin file version with FR99 or FG99 never worked, even on a TI where I could remove the external memory. Only way I've ever been able to play the game is on a TI with no expanded memory (don't think the speech synthesizer attached or not, mattered) AND the cartridge that Jim made for me.  


Long story short, can't play the game now. Unless I was to drag out my bare bones black/silver system again.

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23 hours ago, chue said:

@Tursi When I ran it before, it ran fine in the demo (attract) mode.  I don't recall if I started a game though.  I didn't have a joystick at the time, so I wasn't able to play.  (I'm in the process of moving, so my TI stuff is in boxes.)


Just to clarify, my TI has: Speech Synth + NanoPEB + FinalGROM.  I don't have an F18A.

I played through 30+ levels in Classic99 (with lots of cheats on lives and bombs), with debugger breakpoints set to capture access to the 32k memory space. It never touches it, so that's why I don't think it's the 32k that causes the crashes. But as Save2600 notes, there are a number of people who say 32k is the only thing they have attached. I can't reproduce, so I don't know what to say. It may be something hardware-specific. Nobody seems to mind so I stopped spending time on it. ;)


I don't think I ever implied the F18A...


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I did a quick test last night.

TI-99/4a unmodified worked fine playing Tutankam with FG99. Came up to “How many players?” screen and then into the game.

Test2: added speech synthesizer only. Failed with grey lines on screen after selecting single player.

Test3: removed speech synthesizer and added PEB with 32k, disk, serial, tipi. Failed after selecting single player with lots of colors on screen.

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11 hours ago, jwild said:

I did a quick test last night.

TI-99/4a unmodified worked fine playing Tutankam with FG99. Came up to “How many players?” screen and then into the game.

Test2: added speech synthesizer only. Failed with grey lines on screen after selecting single player.

Test3: removed speech synthesizer and added PEB with 32k, disk, serial, tipi. Failed after selecting single player with lots of colors on screen.

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If you do FCTN-= Quit, then you will see the menu option first in the FG99  (what do you see  Parker Brothers  or  Tutankham ?)

but with Test2 I believe my image works with a Speech Synth.   It is the 32K that gives the problem.


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On 7/11/2019 at 12:10 PM, jwild said:

I did a quick test last night.

TI-99/4a unmodified worked fine playing Tutankam with FG99. Came up to “How many players?” screen and then into the game.

Test2: added speech synthesizer only. Failed with grey lines on screen after selecting single player.

Test3: removed speech synthesizer and added PEB with 32k, disk, serial, tipi. Failed after selecting single player with lots of colors on screen.

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we've seen fg99 have issues deoending on what is plugged into the side port.. thinking it may be a voltage drop or equiv.. facemaker shows corruption if almost anything is plugged in as well

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If you do FCTN-= Quit, then you will see the menu option first in the FG99  (what do you see  Parker Brothers  or  Tutankham ?)
but with Test2 I believe my image works with a Speech Synth.   It is the 32K that gives the problem.

I see Tutankham on mine.

I will try ArcadeShopper’s idea and test with more than one console and more than one power supply. Just for fun.

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