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High Score Competition (Sep: Osotos)


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I do not know how to do it myself but I am sure someone in this great community can assist you in how to flash a GROM chip with my Bin file. What I think needs to be done is split the BIN file into 5 8K chunks with a binary splitter and then burn the first 5 slots of bank 0 with these 5 split parts. But I do not know how to see the banks and slots in the EPROM programmer you will be using.

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On this one, I'd have to create a new UberGROM image for this, as anyone trying to update theirs would have to blank the program memory of their UberGROM and reprogram it with the new image. I'll see if I can get the time to build that this weekend (or next weekend, as this one is pretty full-up already with "Honey-Do" tasks).

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Do you start at easy level?or other level?

Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk


From a scoring standpoint, it makes little sense to start higher than Easy level and move your way up. That way you can accumulate a healthy amount of lives before tackling the harder levels. You end up rotating through all the levels anyway. For my score I went through all 6 screens on Easy and Normal and made it to the 3rd screen on Crazy. It does take some time though because there are many instances where you are just watching the ball bouncing around while you are protecting the holes, particularly when you have no powerups.

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On this one, I'd have to create a new UberGROM image for this, as anyone trying to update theirs would have to blank the program memory of their UberGROM and reprogram it with the new image. I'll see if I can get the time to build that this weekend (or next weekend, as this one is pretty full-up already with "Honey-Do" tasks).


Jim, one only needs an EPROM burner for this correct?

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On this one, I'd have to create a new UberGROM image for this, as anyone trying to update theirs would have to blank the program memory of their UberGROM and reprogram it with the new image. I'll see if I can get the time to build that this weekend (or next weekend, as this one is pretty full-up already with "Honey-Do" tasks).


shouldn't we be able to just load the grom from GROMCFG?

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I was told a million times
Of all the troubles in my way
Mind you grow a little wiser
Little better every day

Now they say your folks are telling you
Be a super star
But I tell you just be satisfied
Stay right where you are

Keep yourself alive yeah
Keep yourself alive
Ooh, it’ll take you all your time and money
Honey you’ll survive

28158 level 4-1
Real TI

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by jwild
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I was told a million times

Of all the troubles in my way

Mind you grow a little wiser

Little better every day


Now they say your folks are telling you

Be a super star

But I tell you just be satisfied

Stay right where you are


Keep yourself alive yeah

Keep yourself alive

Ooh, it’ll take you all your time and money

Honey you’ll survive


28158 level 4-1

Real TI




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Awesome Score, well done.

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Awesome Score, well done.

Awesome game. The design of the six different levels, the power ups, the spider boss, the tribute to Queen, the flickering of the demon heads when you hit one of them (like pinball), the shout outs to the user groups, and the overall playability.. I can tell you put a lot of time, effort, and love into the game. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.



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Are the files available in a format that can be used on real hardware with a gram/grom device, such as the gram kracker, hsgpl, or even a geneve?


not yet.. I am messing with trying to get it to work in classic99 where i can run CSAVE and save it as a gk file..


here's 1.5 loads into my gk fine.. need to get 1.5 converted over to uber to be able to save it as a gk file.. working on it


files are v9t9 format


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For those who will be burning this onto GROM please use this attached file.


It has a friendlier menu title.



Is there also a FinalGrom .bin version. I tried yesterday this one, I see the selection screen, but then it blanks and game does not start.


Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

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Okay I will troubleshoot it again, maybe the file did not transfer properly or the nanoPEB is interfering?


Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

Hi, I had the same Trouble with my FG99. I started XB and did a CALL INIT. Then Change zo Break Free an it works fine.

I have a TI99 with FG99, Speech Syntheziser and nanoPEB v1 running.

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Hi, I had the same Trouble with my FG99. I started XB and did a CALL INIT. Then Change zo Break Free an it works fine.

I have a TI99 with FG99, Speech Syntheziser and nanoPEB v1 running.


I just downloaded the file again and now it works (I downloaded the .bin file) (and not the .zip file)

(maybe it's because I renamed the file on my PC).

Edited by globeron
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OK. Here's my latest - Broke free twice, don't know what level i made it to after that - screen changed to high score screen too quickly.

With it taking a little over an hour to get here - it's going to be a little bit before my next play session.


EDIT:Real Iron w/SlikStik


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Just tried the 1.5 bin file on my FG99 and UK TI99/4A.


At first attempt opening title screen froze.


Did a TI reset using the button on the FG99 and then tried again- I can play for about ten seconds and then the image goes and becomes corrupt- usual crash condition on a TI. Definitely not stable on an FG99.


The XB tip above does work - exit XB with BYE to return to title screen, then hit the FG99 left hand button, then select Breakfree.


I use a standalone 32k ram plus speech synth plus FG99 and joystick, on a UK 9918A VDP. regards



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Just tried the 1.5 bin file on my FG99 and UK TI99/4A.


At first attempt opening title screen froze.


Did a TI reset using the button on the FG99 and then tried again- I can play for about ten seconds and then the image goes and becomes corrupt- usual crash condition on a TI. Definitely not stable on an FG99.


The XB tip above does work - exit XB with BYE to return to title screen, then hit the FG99 left hand button, then select Breakfree.


I use a standalone 32k ram plus speech synth plus FG99 and joystick, on a UK 9918A VDP. regards



Can you try removing everything and leave just FG99 cartridge. This game runs on an unexpanded machine and I am not sure if there is some device that it is interfering with.

Edited by Davvel
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Yep, no 32k and it works a treat with FG99.


I seem to recall the docs mentioning this difficulty where bin files may assume a memory state that does not apply- which would explain why the CALL INIT in XBas does the trick.







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Oh, I’m burnin’ through the sky yeah

Two hundred degrees

That’s why they call me Mister Fahrenheit

I’m traveling at the speed of light

I wanna make a supersonic man out of you


Don’t stop me now

I’m having such a good time

I’m having a ball


35365 level 4.4

Real TI




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