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High Score Competition (Sep: Osotos)


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I can't tell you how much fun I haven't had playing St.Nick on GAMEBASE... First thing to know is that SANTA is supposed to move more than a tiny step at a time... that's what happens when using the cursor keys on my laptop! Next using the TI ARROW KEYS(S,D,E,X) sets SANTA in motion on the second step, but with a delay... hold the key to long... SANTA keeps going... Arrgh... Next, My images won't run on FG99.
Finally I found a .RPK that runs well on MESS 2014.
Now I can detest this game in its full flower.

P.S. I'll give it another chance later when and if I calm back down!

P.P.S. Did I mention that I broke the S key cap off my keyboard. :rolling:

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I tried it for a few minutes this morning before heading out. I did not know the game rules, so I fumbled a bit until I figured it out. I can immediately say that the green elves are already getting on my nerves with their leisurely trolls, and there are only so many times I want to listen to the Holiday tunes during the process! :(

My score? A grand 320 he he... I can only go up I suppose...

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I tried it for a few minutes this morning before heading out. I did not know the game rules, so I fumbled a bit until I figured it out. I can immediately say that the green elves are already getting on my nerves with their leisurely trolls, and there are only so many times I want to listen to the Holiday tunes during the process! :(

My score? A grand 320 he he... I can only go up I suppose...

Not bad compared to my first time playing. ;)

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I will not play this game until someone beats my score!. Especially levels in series 1 are working on my nerves, time and music wise! . Level 2 onwards/faster are

much better.


Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk


Yeah that's not likely to happen... I don't know how your nerves lasted that long!

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