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High Score Competition (Sep: Osotos)


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Well I embarrassed myself today almost..I thought I had the high score in St. Nick, but when i was making the list of scores, I found that my nemesis, Globeron, won this month.


So since I compiled the scores, I thought I’d post them. I’ll leave it to Globeron to pick the next game.


St. Nick - December 2018

1. Globeron 28240

2. Jwild - 27470

3. Opry99er - 24750

4. Chue - 20430

5. Save2600 - 17640

6. OLD CS1 - 6630

7. I like turtles - 4170

8. Buckobrand - 2580

9. Vorticon 3950

10. Tursi 1940

11. Fimbulvetr 380

12. Digdugnate 100


Happy New Year Everyone!





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Happy New Year!


But the next game will be Munchman II (by John T. Philips)

"The Monster is Back"


Find it on js99er.net


(I have the .bin, .dsk, etc., but I am boarding a flight back to Europe).










FinalGrom or Classic99



Module: Game 512K Cart 2 (real or in .bin format for Classic99)

(press spacebar second screen option A)




> Software > More > MunchMan II


Disk version:

Editor Assembler option 5.. First file DSK1.MUNCHM21


Source: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/232358-munchman-ii/

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(I really do not have so much TI hardware myself for the game competition to give away unfortunately. My father though has quite a lot of TI hardware, but I need to find time to investigate it and probably need to keep it for spares/repair).


For next time I will look for software based prizes if it is okay with the group, still have some fun stuff (some of them shared already on FB / AtariAge).


Prizes for the winner (thanks to Tursi):

* Atarisoft module (by Rasmus/Tursi), with Centipede, PacMan, Mrs. Pacman, Donkey Kong, Defender, Dig Dug, see screenshot.




* 2x Modules without housing:

The Attack

TI Invaders567d54b3a0e39ea1a325b700b25b0005.jpgcbe5a431c427704d1334d8dc99108acc.jpg


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I need addresses for jwild and for globeron. You guys have winners packages coming!


For some reason I keep getting an error “The user Opry99er can’t receive any more personal messages”. Hmmm





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For some reason I keep getting an error “The user Opry99er can’t receive any more personal messages”. Hmmm





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Heh... it took 10 years without deleting any personal messages, but I finally hit my 500 conversation limit. :)


I have deleted some. You may proceed, sir.

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Several days late and many dollars short - I know. But playing Munchman II, I discovered today that I had a bad/flaky extension cable going to my Wico joystick adapter. All of the sudden, I could no longer move left. Tried reseating the cable ends, etc. to no avail. Something internally must have come loose/broke off and not shocked considering it was a brand new Chinese Retrobit extension cable.


Anyway after discovering this, decided to give 'ol St. Nick another try, as I was certain the flaky cable was to blame when I experienced some not so responsive action out of Santa at times. Damn witch nipped me in the corner there, else I was on a roll! :dunce:





I know it's too late, just felt the achievement was worth sharing for posterity. I'll post some scores of Munchman II soon. :)

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I see how you are..employing Shock and Awe to scare us all!





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Get as much Honoos as possible each time eating a power pill max.1875 points per pill x8 pills = max. 15.000 points per level (but hard to get all hoonos each time), but every 10.000 you get a new Munch Man. Once you get it going, the more and more MM you get. I have not checked what the max. is only 4 are displayed and I did not count it. I did not had a feeling that Hoonos became more intelligent to find Munch Man or became faster over time.


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Several days late and many dollars short - I know. But playing Munchman II, I discovered today that I had a bad/flaky extension cable going to my Wico joystick adapter. All of the sudden, I could no longer move left. Tried reseating the cable ends, etc. to no avail. Something internally must have come loose/broke off and not shocked considering it was a brand new Chinese Retrobit extension cable.


Anyway after discovering this, decided to give 'ol St. Nick another try, as I was certain the flaky cable was to blame when I experienced some not so responsive action out of Santa at times. Damn witch nipped me in the corner there, else I was on a roll! :dunce:





I know it's too late, just felt the achievement was worth sharing for posterity. I'll post some scores of Munchman II soon. :)

Yowza!!!!! That's a score for the ages there! :) Brilliantly done!

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