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"Code rain" effect [Updated to v0.4]

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I have coded a simple "code rain" effect, similar to in The Matrix.
I do not recall anything like this already being coded on the TI.
If it has been already, oh well. Without bumbling on further, my humble code rain effect.
Think you can code a better one? Have at it. Pure basic code, runs under console basic and extended basic.
My next challenge for my self: recreate the same effect in assembly language. I have put off learning assembly long enough.
Now if i could just find time to actually devote to learning it... The mind is willing but real life is not...


Chack post #11 for the v0.4 release.


Edited by ramidavis
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Pretty stinkin' quick here.


Compiled using Harry Wilhelm's (senior_falcon's) compiler....


You might want to add some delay loops to this bugger now, as it zooms the characters onto the screen so fast, you lose the "rain" effect... But it DOES still look very cool. Enjoy


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I was going to wait until next week to release this, to give my self time to come up with the best possible effect.
Honestly, for TI Basic, i think this about the best i can do for this effect.

Here is version 0.3 of my code rain effect.
Major improvements over the other versions:
Has a more matrix-like feel to it.
Highlights in shades of green are randomly placed.
Code has been formatted to a more modular approach.
Every thing is as small as i think i can get it. With out actually removing REM lines and doing a "RES 1,1" to get smaller line numbers, this as compact as i can get it.
Only other thing left to trim out would be the "The matrix has you" ending message, but personally, i think it is quite a fitting way to have this program end.

With all of that said, here is the latest, (and probably last, for a while) version.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Code rain version v0.4 is ready. For what ever reason, i had the wrong screen width set in the other versions, and never noticed it until now.

(the program would never print to columns 25-32)
Program can now print to the whole screen area, and streams do not always start at the top row.
Looks best when compiled or run in classic99 emulator with cpu overdrive active.


Looks decent on real harware as well.

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Well for hell of it I wrote a RXB only version. Using CALL VGET and CALL HPUT not available in XB or TI BASIC.

110 CALL CHAR(127,"001CBEFFFFBE1C00")
120 CALL CHAR(128,"01030303013C2303")
130 CALL CHAR(129,"183C7EFF7E3C1800")
140 CALL CHAR(130,"FF818181818181FF")
150 CALL CHAR(131,"00020F27667C1")
160 CALL CHAR(132,"383810FE10282828")
170 CALL CHAR(133,"FF0C0C1212212121")
180 CALL CHAR(134,"0810207F201008")
190 CALL CHAR(135,"103854921010101")
200 CALL CHAR(136,"080402FF020408")
210 CALL CHAR(137,"101010109254381")
220 CALL CHAR(138,"E01804FFFF0418E0")
230 CALL CHAR(139,"1DC9FFFFFFC91D00")
240 CALL CHAR(140,"C0C0E0701808")
250 CALL CHAR(141,"0003021E3E7E0000")
260 CALL CHAR(142,"000000FFFF000000")
270 CALL CHAR(143,"0103070F1F3F7FFF")
280 CALL CHAR(144,"000000000F0F0F0F")
290 CALL CHAR(145,"3030180C07030000")
300 CALL CHAR(146,"F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0")
310 CALL CHAR(147,"0707070707070707")
320 CALL CHAR(148,"000808492A2A7F00")
330 CALL CHAR(149,"081C1C1C1C1C3E7F")
340 CALL CHAR(150,"FF404040FF040404")
350 CALL CHAR(151,"0000183C3C180000")
360 CALL CHAR(152,"FF01010101010101")
370 CALL CHAR(153,"000000102044C8D8")
380 CALL CHAR(154,"42C342C342C342C3")
390 CALL CHAR(155,"1414141414141414")
400 CALL CHAR(156,"183C7EFFFF999981")
410 CALL CHAR(157,"223E2A08082A3E2A")
420 CALL CHAR(158,"00FF00FF00FF00FF")
430 CALL CHAR(159,"C6FE282828FEC6")
440 C=INT(RND*32)+1
450 CALL VGET(1,C,23,Q$)
460 CALL VCHAR(1,C,INT(RND*159)+30)
470 CALL VPUT(2,C,Q$)
480 GOTO 440
Edited by RXB
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