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Wow, it's been a while...

I snagged a pile of those old compute's gazette disks on zips, for use on emulator.


I can't remember how to load the main menu though...

the file names (according the .txt file) are

filename filename filename filename
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
++jul 1987++ winning numbers sam & ed s&e custom. load
s & e customizer squeeze alt-80 for 128 calendar maker
remedy animator loader animator lovedatafilemakr
cubedatafilemakr graph designer notepad printer hi-res demo 3
hi-res demo 4 hi-res demo 5 datamaker 64 datamaker 128
text framer 64 text framer 128 a bit of art
so "++jul 1987++" is a "USR" not a "PRG"...
LOAD "*",8
just does "winning numbers" (the files here are list via rows not columns)
anyone remember what the magic foruma was for getting to the menu on these things?
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I'd start out by reading the directory from within BASIC:





At the top of the directory, you might see a menu program intended for the whole disk. (The actual first line, in reverse, just shows you the disk name.)


Replacing the file name with an asterisk will load the first PRG file on the disk (or, if applicable, the last file loaded).


LOAD "[Filename]",8,1 automatically runs a machine-language program that's been coded to do so. Try loading the first program (or any other, if the first doesn't turn out to be a menu / loader) with the comma-1 added.

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