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HSC12 Round 14: Beam Rider & Bonus Star Rider

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Beam Rider



Superb shooter, set a new HSC record for a bonus point [scalak 48,188]. Destroy the waves of spaceships, then push up to launch a missile at the mother ship... remember to collect the extra life thingys and not shoot them :P


Bonus Game:

From Analog/Page 6 Magazines it's Paul Lay's Star Rider




Beam Rider Fandal XEX Atarimania Info Full Info on the game Post #30 from ballyalley :thumbsup:

Star Rider Fandal XEX Info... Page 6 Issue #36 Full Info on the game Post #48 again from ballyalley :thumbsup: :)

Round closes Sunday 6th Sept 10am UK time

Edited by therealbountybob
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First Tables

Beam Rider

1st therealbountybob (p) 39,240 12pts
2nd SHiNjide (p) 39,178 11pts
3rd jblenkle (n) 31,612 10pts
4th JK40001 (p) 18,210 9pts
5th Sleepy (p) 6,140 8pts

Space Rider
1st therealbountybob (p) 185 3pts
2nd SHiNjide (p) 180 2pts
2nd roadrunner (n) 180 2pts

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The Origin of "Beamrider's" Attack Patterns

Back in July of 2010, I rediscovered a Quicktime movie with Dave Rolfe (the programmer of "Beamrider"). He explains how he came up with the attack patterns for "Beamrider." Sometime before this, I had read an interview with (I think) Mr. Rolfe, that said the attack patterns were based on the letters of the alphabet. It turns out that was only a half-truth-- it didn't tell the whole (and better!) part of the story. I guess Dave didn't want to say the off-color complete story.

According to the video on the "Intellivision Rocks" CD game compilation for the PC (released in 2001), Dave got the idea for the attack patterns from a Sam Kinison comedy routine. I was going to summarize what Dave says, but instead I transcribed the one minute fifty-one second interview. I removed most of the "ands" and the "uhs" because Dave speaks, almost, in one long run-on sentence. Here's the transcription

"So, where would I get the attack patterns? Then I flashed onto some memory, and this is why it's useful to have an eclectic set of experiences (because you never know what you can draw from or who you can steal from). There's this, there was this, very raunchy comedian named Sam Kinison (who is subsequently dead, but you can go look up his tapes) and I'll give credit where credit is due. One of his particularly raunchy, uh, raunchy skits, involved explaining to men how to orally pleasure their women. The bottom line was that you were supposed to lick the alphabet, starting from A, B, C, D, E, F, G... and this would create the impression that you were very sophisticated and possibly even French. That you knew what you were doing."

"I'm not sure about the application of this for the intended purpose, but I thought at least I could apply it to the attack patterns and say, 'Well, I'm gonna have these aliens trace the alphabet.' So I just went through the alphabet and said 'Okay, let's have, on the beams, the alien try to do the letter A.' So it would come down [Dave traces the letter out in the air], and then up and around, and how about the B. B. And then the C. And then the D. Go down the list trying to make the aliens do all the letters of the alphabet. Some of them, you know, worked better than others. When they were done they would just retreat to the top. So I created this list and then I threw in the numbers for good measure and a few others, the creative ones I could come up with, without borrowing from others. Then I just ran them all and I looked at them. Subjectively it worked. Some of them looked hard. Some of them looked easy. I started ordering them. I started eliminating the ones which I didn't like. I started putting in little bomb droppings, and it all eventually worked out and I had this series, the adequate number of attack patterns, all nicely laid-out thanks to Sam Kinison."

Back when I first transcribed this video, I read the above first paragraph to my wife and she looked at me funny, shook her head back and forth, and then just said, "Hmm."

I think in the other interview, the written interview that I read many years ago, that Dave went into a little more detail about the patterns, but I'm not sure. There are actually four videos on the "Intellivision Rocks" CD in all (I'm not transcribing anymore-- it takes too long). One video that is right before this one does explain that originally Dave wanted the aliens to use AI, but that another guy convinced him that players would like to learn the patterns and that they would think that was more fun. Eventually Dave agreed to this method.

Pretty neat, huh?

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Forgot to say well done SHiNJide, you've beaten Scalak's HSC record... but...


57,002 (19) :D


Very interesting about the attack patterns (!) yes they work out nicely. Some good stuff for a mention on your next pod cast playermissile ;) That movement must have taken some coding. For RampRage I had a table of attributes e.g. move towards/away player X/Y +/- speed strength runaway pull/push go over/under playfields /explode etc. Beam Rider is really good and very intense but despite this you can still seem to avoid stuff - just about :-o Wonder if there are any other baddies; we'll see if anyone gets to Sector 20+ eh?


No improvement on Space Rider - need to work out how to get the suckers more often.


Post scores as you play guys, it's more fun that way :)


jblenkle / playermissile / sleepy if you guys want to add some suggestions to the play list they might feature in the next poll ;)

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No improvement on Space Rider - need to work out how to get the suckers more often.


I'm going to have to play "Star Rider" in PAL mode, I think. The game is quite hard on NTSC systems. You really have to lead your shots. Maybe it is meant to play that way, but it sure makes the game difficult and takes some of the fun out of it. Hopefully I'll get used to it.


My high score for "Star Rider" so far is pretty low:


Star Rider - 75 (NTSC, Real Hardware, 130XE)



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Post scores as you play guys, it's more fun that way :)


Posting high scores as the game progresses, but I usually wait until the last minute to really dig into a game. I haven't played "Beamrider" yet this round (or even this year, I don't think) so this "taunt" (of sorts) got me ready for a quick game. I gave it one go and took a screen capture of how miserably that I played the game. I forgot how long a game takes to play this game (this one game took about 15 minutes).


Beamrider 10,570 (Sector 10) (NTSC, Altirra Emulator)




Hopefully I'll play some more of this game tomorrow. My highest score ever for "Beamrider" (not played this round, so it doesn't count here) was reached on March 26, 2009. I managed to reach Sector 18 and get 40,358 points (just barely enough to get a patch in the 80s). I'd love to beat that score this round.


The manual says "The restrictor field is 99 levels deep." That's 99 levels. I wonder what happens when I player (of incredible skill!) gets that far in the game? The manual says that no new baddies appear after Sector 14. What's the highest level people here have reached? I've topped out at Sector 18.

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Latest Tables

Beam Rider

1st therealbountybob (p) 57,002 12+1pts #
2nd SHiNjide (p) 49,628 11pts
3rd jblenkle (n) 31,612 10pts
4th JK40001 (p) 18,210 9pts
5th ballyalley (n) 10,570 8pts
6th playermissile (n) 6,170 7pts
7th Sleepy (p) 6,140 6pts
8th Sikor (p) 2,056 5pts
# New HSC Record bonus point

Space Rider
1st therealbountybob (p) 185 4pts
2nd SHiNjide (p) 180 3pts

2nd roadrunner (n) 180 3pts
4th ballyalley (n) 75 1pt

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