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Just wondering if any XB owners picked up the "Ultimate Halo Companion DVD" from Best Buy. It's around $5 and it shows Halo from it's original state that it was first shown at the MacExpo in '99 and then to it's final release form. Wow!! I cannot believe how much the game improved over each expo showing thru the years. Amazing at how much work and thought was put into it.


Also, some new Brute Force scenes are on there and after picking my jaw off the floor, I gotta say that I can't wait for it to be released. Not too sure how the game will play out but it seems as though it will be kick ass :) If you get the disc, make sure you check out "Bombing Raid" for Brute Force - that's where I got the thread name from ;)

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I have the "Making of Halo" DVD that you could get from Bungie if you ordered the Halo Soundtrack from them. That has the Mac Expo footage and when the XB version was first shown at the 2001 Game Developers Con. There is also a cool 5 to 10 minute Halo movie, the one where the Master Cheif takes out two Elites with a sniper rifle at the begining of the movie. There is also a bunch of screen savers, desktop themes, artwork and interviews....all very cool. No Brute Force footage though.


Is there any Halo 2 footage on the Ultimate Halo DVD?


BTW, Brute Force looks like it is going to turn out really well. Microsoft had the lead tester from Halo be the lead tester in Brute Force, so that he could work his magic. After he is done on Brute Force, he will get back to work on Halo 2 and help tweak and refine the gameplay for that game.

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The only Halo 2 stuff is the trailer that you can download from xbox.com.

On a side note for the halo junkies there is a scene that must have been cut from the game in which master chief kills an elite with one of those energy sword things. This will just get bungie's site swamped with idiots demanding to know what the code is to unlock the weapon in the game.

Other than that I thought it was very cool to follow the progress of one of my fav games.

Brute force stuff looks very cool. Can't wait. Every game released on the Xbox should be systemlink. Makes a good game better IMO.

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The movie where the MC takes out the injured Elite with his own sword is on the Making of Halo DVD. Very cool. :D



Bungie actually had to rush Halo near the end of developement, so that they could have it ready for the XB launch date. There were a bunch of things that were not included in Halo that Bungie wanted in the game. There are also a few bugs in the game as well, nothing that effects gameplay though. If you haven't read it yet, this is a cool article about Halo and Halo2.



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