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Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack)


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(This video is not the latest progress, not yet uploaded)

Here is a sprite and color hack of Double Dragon for the 7800. It's not a major overhaul... no miracles were worked. I was looking at the sprites of the game and realized they actually look really good and are more faithful to the arcade than most of the 8-bit home console counterparts. The thing that always bothered me was the transparency. I know there's only so much that can be done with 3 colors and to do this game justice, we really need at least 4 color sprites, but here's an alternate interpretation. Originally, I used the original sprites and started by filling in the gaps while also adding a bit of shading here and there with various tweaks. Doing this meant having a blonde Billy was no longer viable, so his hair is now dark red-brown. However, as of late Aug, 2016, I've redrawn the player sprites from scratch, trying to match the arcade proportions as much as possible at the decreased size. All levels have also received quite a few graphical and color changes.



Let me know what you think and if anyone has better ideas for sprites, please share. icon_smile.gif

The a78 file can be played in MESS as is. If you want to use Prosystem, you'll need to add these lines to your Prosystem.dat.

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC7b)

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC7)

Update 15 June 2017:

I probably should have uploaded this a long time ago, but wanted to have all graphic edits done before I uploaded again. As far as I can remember, this is the same as the version 7 ROM, but has a lot more color variations for the enemies. I'd still like to update the leaves graphics in the forest area (not that there's anything wrong with the original ones, but I'd like to make the style match the newer grass), but I don't know when I'll get time to do it, so I'm uploading the latest version which is probably from late September 2016.


Update 5 Sep 2016:
It looks like I chose the wrong ROM last time I updated this thread. Although labeled as "RC7", the last one was not RC7. That has been corrected and it is now available for download below. If you downloaded the last one, please download this one instead. Changes since the last update include a complete re-draw of the player/enemy sprite. I started from scratch, trying to get as close to the arcade as possible in the constraints of the resolution and colors. I'm finally pretty happy and the animation can be seen above. I introduced a bug a while back where the game would crash if you fell down a pit. This has been fixed. Also, the title screen has been updated as well as Missions 1B, 2 and 4. I still haven't done the work I plan to do on the forest level, but I'm pretty much done with the other stages (unless more ideas come).


Latest: RC7b

Double Dragon (RC7b).a78

Double Dragon (RC7).a78


post-9364-0-71286300-1473223214_thumb.png post-9364-0-40007400-1467454275_thumb.png
post-9364-0-76991700-1471239690_thumb.png post-9364-0-46780000-1467454289_thumb.png
post-9364-0-23619300-1467451153_thumb.png post-9364-0-87480700-1467454304_thumb.png
post-9364-0-30506400-1467357232_thumb.png post-9364-0-14221200-1467454317_thumb.png
post-9364-0-16927900-1473222696_thumb.png post-9364-0-01903700-1467454327_thumb.png

Older Versions:

Entry for Prosystem.dat

title=Double Dragon (RC6)

1 Aug 2016:
I've made a lot more changes that I wasn't planning on making and I think there are enough to justify another ROM upload. I still haven't done the work I plan to do on the forest level, but I think I'm done with the other stages.

Double Dragon (RC6).a78

Entry for Prosystem.dat

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC5)

30 June 2016:
Not the most major of changes; but some detail added here and there, like in the mountain level. Also changed the car in the 1st screen and some other bits here and there. Minor edits to Player/Enemy arm and fists. See below for new graphics edits to Missions 1 & 3B.
Double Dragon (RC5).a78

UPDATE 16-Oct-15: Possibly the final edits for graphics & colors. Lots of new changes. Detail added to various objects/backgrounds. Player/enemy sprites have received more updates to tweak them a little closer to the arcade. No screenshots yet, but I'll add some when I get more time.


Entry for Prosystem.dat

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC4)

ROMs for use in Prosystem and/or Cuttle Cart:
Double Dragon (RC4).a78
Double Dragon (RC4).bin

ROM for EPROM for use with board by Panos:
Double Dragon (EPROM).bin

20-Sep-15: More color changes to the levels, several more tweaks to character sprites and colors, (Characters now have open mouths when hit, some tweaks to sprite alignments and sizing, the bat is larger, the chains on the mountain bridge in Mission 3b look like the arcade, additional detail in background of mountain bridge screen, the final level has added shading to the walls, and the font has been replaced with the arcade font).

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC3)

post-9364-0-38129600-1442821894_thumb.png post-9364-0-61917600-1442821902_thumb.png post-9364-0-78978700-1442421894_thumb.pngpost-9364-0-31332100-1442822185_thumb.png post-9364-0-90566600-1442821961_thumb.png post-9364-0-26327400-1442821977_thumb.png post-9364-0-71162700-1442822192_thumb.png post-9364-0-51459700-1442822213_thumb.png post-9364-0-41339400-1442822225_thumb.png

Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)RC3.a78
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)RC3.bin

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC2)

post-9364-0-15924500-1441867195_thumb.png post-9364-0-82529800-1442421870_thumb.png post-9364-0-94375900-1442421883_thumb.png post-9364-0-60762500-1442421901_thumb.png post-9364-0-35050100-1442421917_thumb.png post-9364-0-18510100-1442421938_thumb.png post-9364-0-43061600-1442421943_thumb.png post-9364-0-03107000-1442421863_thumb.png

Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)RC2.a78
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)RC2.bin

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack RC1)

post-9364-0-25658100-1441867207_thumb.png post-9364-0-57081200-1441867202_thumb.png post-9364-0-69080400-1441867214_thumb.png post-9364-0-42396900-1441867223_thumb.png post-9364-0-57806500-1441867230_thumb.png post-9364-0-45028600-1441867237_thumb.png post-9364-0-75611800-1441867242_thumb.png
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)RC1.a78
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)RC1.bin

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack)

post-9364-0-98403800-1441690817_thumb.png post-9364-0-81501500-1441660107_thumb.png post-9364-0-01321500-1441660113_thumb.png post-9364-0-55905900-1441660117_thumb.png
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)v2.a78
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack)v2.bin

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack)

Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack).a78
Double Dragon (Sprite-Color Hack).bin


Edited by KevinMos3
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I know there's only so much that can be done with 3 colors and to do this game justice, we really need at least 4 color sprites,...

hmm, if the 7800 can do handle multiple sprites, could one just overlap a sprite over another to give the illusion of a six colored sprite?

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hmm, if the 7800 can do handle multiple sprites, could one just overlap a sprite over another to give the illusion of a six colored sprite?


Yes, see here; additionally, this post and another may be of interest to you as well.


However, overlapping sprites functioning properly throughout the game would require significant code changes and additions that go well beyond working with the existing template(s) of the original.

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Lot more changes (in the first post). I really like the character sprites now, but I'd like to hear others feedback. I'm calling it done for now. I'd like to spend more time on it in the future, but for at least the next month or so, I won't be able to do any more work on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New Abobos. Minor tweak to the player's hair (not sure if it will stay this way). Many changes to various sprites and animations to make them more closely resemble the arcade. Unfortunately, most of those changes aren't represented in the screenshots because I was focused on capturing the Abobos. No binaries yet, because I'm still away from home and want to test it on real hardware when I return so I can make some final tweaks. My intention is that the next upload will be the final one.


post-9364-0-35043500-1444489778_thumb.png post-9364-0-05324900-1444490274_thumb.png post-9364-0-35487300-1444489807_thumb.png post-9364-0-70861100-1444489828_thumb.png post-9364-0-66248200-1444489840_thumb.png post-9364-0-75200300-1444489854_thumb.png post-9364-0-45755900-1444489873_thumb.png post-9364-0-74965300-1444489886_thumb.png

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New ROMs in 1st post. No new screenshots yet. I'll update those at a later time.


This version has the new Abobos, some updated backgrounds, and more tweaks to character sprites. Likely the final graphics update unless more ideas come forth.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Updated ROM is 1st post. Some changes include the car in the 1st screen, more detail in the mountain level, minor edits to missions 2 and 3a, and lowered the arm and fists of the player/enemy sprite a bit. The only other graphics changes I "plan" to make is to try out some new leaves patterns in the forest level.


Note: there were 2 downloads while I was still editing the 1st post, so if you downloaded it before, please download again for the latest updates.

Edited by KevinMos3
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I keep having ideas for changes, so here are alternate colors for the 1st Mission, with some minor graphics edits to the 1st screen.


First the original blue background (shows up in building and sky).



Then an alternate red color scheme to better match the arcade.



Now I need feedback. Since we're talking about a background color, whatever color we want the building will also be the color of the sky. I think the red still looks okay, like sunset color, but I'd like to get others' opinions. Also, and this is the more important part, if anyone has a way of playing this on a real 7800, I'd like to know if it has glitches in the second part of Mission 1. MESS shows some glitches there, but not ProSystem. I can't currently play this on a real 7800, so I don't know if it shows the glitches or not.


Double Dragon (Blue).a78

Double Dragon (Red).a78


For playing in ProSystem:

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack Red)

title=Double Dragon (Sprite & Color Hack Blue)
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I keep having ideas for changes, so here are alternate colors for the 1st Mission, with some minor graphics edits to the 1st screen.


First the original blue background (shows up in building and sky).

attachicon.gifDouble Dragon (RC5).png


Then an alternate red color scheme to better match the arcade.

attachicon.gifDouble Dragon (RC5) Alt.png


Now I need feedback. Since we're talking about a background color, whatever color we want the building will also be the color of the sky. I think the red still looks okay, like sunset color, but I'd like to get others' opinions.


Classifying the red as a better match to the Arcade is indeed for the building, as noted though, the sky color is impacted as well. In the Arcade, the color is blue for the sky. Arguably, the visible sky portion of the level last longer than the building portion and would be a less accurate match to the Arcade for the sky setting of red.


However, the red obviously has more warmth and IMHO overall has a better look as the building gives the impression of being part of the foreground, and the sky, the background; the building appears to stand out and is more noticeable than the sky difference.


Still, another part of me believes going red is a step backwards in accuracy to the Arcade due to the impact on the sky. Really a tough call, I'm almost split down the middle on the choice, giving the red option a slightly more preferred favorite over the blue.


Also, and this is the more important part, if anyone has a way of playing this on a real 7800, I'd like to know if it has glitches in the second part of Mission 1. MESS shows some glitches there, but not ProSystem. I can't currently play this on a real 7800, so I don't know if it shows the glitches or not.

The ProSystem emulator may have an easier to use interface than MAME, but for anything test/timing worthy, it is not good. MAME on the other hand is very accurate in its timings.


Running RevEng's 7800 Tests (ROM) will show how well (or poorly) an emulator is with timings among other items. ProSystem is pretty badly off in a few cases, especially in its 'generosity' of cycle provisioning.


Of course, real hardware is best, but if no-one is able to confirm under the real deal, bet towards MAME being accurate and ProSystem providing false hardware results.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

...silent improvement ? :-D





Sort of. I did mention it in the 1st post and hinted with my avatar, but didn't want to add another new post to the thread until I had more done.


Thanks for the picture. The way you put all those sprites together helped me to see a few more areas for improvements. :)

Below is a pic of some of the latest sprites, although I'm not ready to upload a new ROM. I'd prefer to be completely finished for the next upload. We'll see.


Also, I've now drawn new sprites for Willy, aka the Shadow Boss. I'm not sure which alternate 2nd attack I prefer. There's not quite a direct match with the arcade. I should know this, but I don't... not sure what the 2nd arcade attack is. The arcade sprites looks like he's throwing something rather than punching. The original 7800 version added a butt-stock hit. I've done an uppercut for the 2nd attack. Thoughts, preferences?





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  • 2 months later...

Indeed, there is some sharing of sprites between the player and enemies with a color palette swap being the only difference.


Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent it without a major deconstructing/restructure of the ROM; in essence, you're on the road to rebuilding/remaking the game.


Love to see it done, but you need someone with the time, interest, and skill set.

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  • 6 months later...

Uploaded a newer version in the 1st post. This is the same as the previous ROM, but with more color variations for the enemies. I tried to go with colors similar to the arcade for various areas. Of course, many variations don't look right in three colors with the given sprites, so I just included variants I thought looked reasonable.


I didn't want to upload again until I was completely finished with the graphic edits, but since I don't know how long it will be before I have time for more work, here's the latest version I was working on. I think it's actually from late September of 2016.


post-9364-0-42037800-1497573727.png post-9364-0-15047500-1497573736.png

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  • 2 years later...
On 6/16/2017 at 2:50 AM, KevinMos3 said:

Uploaded a newer version in the 1st post. This is the same as the previous ROM, but with more color variations for the enemies. I tried to go with colors similar to the arcade for various areas. Of course, many variations don't look right in three colors with the given sprites, so I just included variants I thought looked reasonable.


I didn't want to upload again until I was completely finished with the graphic edits, but since I don't know how long it will be before I have time for more work, here's the latest version I was working on. I think it's actually from late September of 2016.


post-9364-0-42037800-1497573727.png post-9364-0-15047500-1497573736.png

How’s PokeyOne-sound going?


If you’re not into music, perhaps some people here could make it?




Edited by Giles N
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