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Wanted: Feedback For Ace of Aces & Mean 18 Ultimate Golf


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Thanks again for all the comments to my previous posts. I try to include all the comments that are posted by the time I record. I think they really help make the podcast better!

I'm looking for feedback for the next episode of the Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast (you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube or use this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/78gbg )

What are your memories and/or thoughts on Ace of Aces & Mean 18 on the 7800?

Also, how would you rate them? I use a system of 4 choices (From Best to Worst):

Hall of Fame Game (Top 5 game on the system)

Solid Game

"Meh" Game

Trash Game (Bottom 5 game on the system)

These games will be covered on Episode 18.

You can also e-mail text or audio to atari7800podcast@aol.com

Just keep it family friendly :)

You can also send feedback on previously covered games or the system itself. Thanks!

PS-I will be taking a short break after this episode as I will be having family visit. There will be a 4 week break in between EP 18 & EP 19. If you've been meaning to catch up on the podcast or the games that have been covered, this is a great time for that. If you want to play ahead, the next four games I will cover after these two will be DK, DK Jr, Mario Bros. and Fight Night.

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I very much enjoy Mean 18 and consider it a very solid game. I played the HELL out of it on my grandfather's PC Jr back in the day and the 7800 is almost as enjoyable. Has nice graphics which draw quickly (compared to a PC Jr anyway!)


It's frustrating that the yards aren't marked on the power meter, but in a weird way, that's actually kind of realistic. You need to learn how many yards a ball goes with X club at X spot on the power meter. Like finding your range in real golf to some degree. OTOH....it would be a lot more approachable to newcomers WITH yard markings.


Short putting (due to the weird way your shots angle off your club but your player doesn't move) is also kind of...weird.


I do wish there were more courses than...one. That's kind of a killer in a golf game IMO. PC version had expansion disks, which obviously wasn't a 7800 option.

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Ace of Aces is a "meh game". In terms of flight simulators for the system it is better than F-18 Hornet. The graphics and animation is impressive. But I consider the gameplay a bit slow and tedious. Especially that you are constantly toggling between cockpit and map views.


Mean 18 is a "solid game". Well more like a great game! It has a great and easy to play learning curve. Takes about a half an hour to a little over to play a full 18 hole game, the graphics and animation is impressive plus the golfers swing fluidily, no winds affecting the ball direction, and simple and easy to play. I was really impressed with it despite not getting into golf video games.

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I'll be brutally honest... the last time I played either of those games was back in the 1980s... but I distinctly remember them well because I really enjoyed them. I liked Ace of Aces a lot... but I think I liked Mean 18 more. I felt like the 7800 version played better than the PC version.

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Glad (and surprised!) to see so much Mean 18 love.


Hoping some of that Mean 18 love ends up with perhaps a game hack, someday.


Always thought it would be pretty sweet if Mean 18 - the putting/'on the green' portion of the game - was hacked into a miniature golf game, complete with obstacles providing (mini-)challenges. That would be so cool.


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Hoping some of that Mean 18 love ends up with perhaps a game hack, someday.


Always thought it would be pretty sweet if Mean 18 - the putting/'on the green' portion of the game - was hacked into a miniature golf game, complete with obstacles providing (mini-)challenges. That would be so cool.


So long as they make it so the character sprite can turn!


But how about Mean 18 Deluxe? With options such as:


Putting challenge

Long Drive challenge

Par 3/Birdie Challenge

An option to play the 18 holes in random order

Maybe a color swap option on the course (to simulate season change) and a golfer color option


And of course: A marked power/swing meter!


I know poo about programming but as these would all be basically simple rulesets or color swaps, seems like they are doable. Of course the cherry would be a new course, but that is a different story!

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