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Doom II

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According to GameFAQs, there was a Macintosh version as well... although I guess that's not a console.


I could have sworn there was a Saturn version... but I guess not.


There's also Doom 64... while it's definitely not Doom II, it's actually closer to being Doom II than it is to being Doom I, since it has the double-shotgun, and all the new enemies. It also steals a level design or two.



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Learn all you want about the various Doom incarnations from perhaps the most useful video game faq of all time, the "Doom Comparison FAQ"


Follow this link:




and click on "Comparison Guide"


It states that Doom II was ported to PSX and Saturn as part of those platforms' versions of Doom, which reorganized the levels into a continual series. Both PSX and Saturn versions featured the same 8 new levels not found on the PC, but lacked other levels originally found on PC.


Doom II was also ported directly to the GBA, with the only significant change being that two levels had to be split into parts "A" & "B", because they were so large. The GBA port has no new levels.

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Learn all you want about the various Doom incarnations from perhaps the most useful video game faq of all time, the "Doom Comparison FAQ"


Awesome FAQ, thanks for posting that! I just took a quick look through it. I had no idea there was even a Doom II for the GBA already. I played the first one a bit and was simply awed at seeing Doom running on the GBA, complete with the music that was missing from the Jaguar version. I imagine it's even better on the GBA SP!



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It states that Doom II was ported to PSX and Saturn as part of those platforms' versions of Doom, which reorganized the levels into a continual series.  Both PSX and Saturn versions featured the same 8 new levels not found on the PC, but lacked other levels originally found on PC.  


Sweet. :D I'm getting a Saturn from a co-worker this week, so I'll have to pick it up. Thanks for the link. :thumbsup:

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I had a rough time finding Doom II (GBA) at retail. It was released on Halloween of last year, and the Gamestop empire is no longer stocking it in. K-B didn't have it, either, nor did the FYE. I eventually found a pile of them at Toys R Us.


It's pretty cool having Doom II on your GBA, even if the frame rate isn't the best.

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OMG!! Doom II is considered "Classic Gaming" now???


:sad: :sad: :sad:


Now I DO feel old.....


Interesting question.. What is "Classic"????




(Of course, I having trouble considering NES a classic myself... I'm thinking "Classic" as: PacMan, Donkey Kong, Centipede era arcade and 2600, O2, Intellivision era console... As for handhelds, if it's C, it's not classic.. LED!!!)



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LOL, yeah. 1994. Hard to believe it was that long ago. And before that, we had Wolfenstein and all its clones. Remember when THAT was state of the art?


I actually had a 3d (Graphics rivaling that of StarFox on the SNES) on my 286. When I discovered it on my computer (Albeit in 1997, YEARS after having played DOOM and Wolf.), I was surprised it could handle it that fast. 3D? Actual 3D on a 286? What'll they think of next? Unfortunately, Wolf needed a 386 and 256 colors to run. So much for our 286 with 16 color monitor.

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Don't be so surprised about 3D... many computers less powerful than 286's have done it. Just look at Elite on the C64... it didn't have filled polygons, but I believe it had vertex clipping so that the wireframes didn't look crappy. All that in about 60k I believe.



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I seem to recall the 7800 was designed well before the NES, just Atari held on to it, so I grandfather it in as CLASSIC.. :-)




(Didn't someone on one of these board recently say Atari actually sold a few of the 7800's early, then pulled them, and then re-released them after NES????)

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I think Atari stocked the 7800 in a warehouse and was ready to ship them in 1984 but Jack Tramiel bought Atari and wanted nothing to do with videogames (for that matter he didn't want to have anything to do with Atari's history either). Only after Nintendo was successful with the NES in 1986 did the 7800 get released and by then, it looked pale in comparison.

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For those who want a nostalgia trip, and the perks of the latest hardware, check this out


Since Id released the source for Doom, these guys have been enhancing and re-writing the engine for modern hardware/effects....pretty cool stuff IMO

I've had DoomLegacy on my iMac for a while. It's amazing at what they've done to such a formerly limited game. I hope it develops much further.

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