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new unit CURVES


Procedure Curve (p1, p2, p3: TPoint; Segments: Byte); 
Procedure CubicBezierCurve (p1, p2, p3, p4: TPoint; Segments: Byte); 
Procedure Catmull_Rom_Spline (NumPoints: Byte; var Points: ArrayPoints; Segments: Byte);
Procedure BSpline (NumPoints: Byte; var Points: ArrayPoints; Segments: Byte);


curve_test.obx curve_test.pas

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Can we get an example of how to use the banked ram option ? As in, load a small binary file to a 130 XE ram bank, and have some code that was loaded into main ram invoke a subroutine that resides in the code that was loaded into the bank. I've read the doc, but it's not clear how you actually define things correctly such that the mainline program can invoke a bank loaded subroutine.

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example 1: library loaded into RAM from disk (address $6000 in this example, library are not relocatable)


 xio(40,1,0,0,'D:TEST_LIB.OBX');    // load and run executable file


test_lib.pas -> Compile -> Assembly -> mads test_lib.a65 -hm -x -i:[madpascal\base]   // switch '-hm' is important for LIBRARY

test.pas -> Compile -> Assembly -> mads test.a65 -x -i:[madpascal\base]                    // in this case switch '-hm' is not relevant

create folder 'disk'

build.bat -> 'copy test_lib.obx disk' -> 'copy test.obx disk\autorun.' -> 'dir2atr.exe -md -B foxdos.obx disk.atr disk\' -> 'altirra64.exe disk.atr'


	function dodaj(a,b: integer): integer; external 'TEST_LIB';

define function 'dodaj' as external from library 'test_lib'


	w: integer external tmp 'test_lib';

define variable 'w' as external about alias 'tmp' from library 'test_lib', this allows you to redirect names occurring in the library to names occurring in the program






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example 2: library loaded as resource (DOSFILE)


test_lib 	DOSFILE 'test_lib.obx'

RCLABEL 'test_lib' is not relevant, is not considered


program test;

{$r test.rc}

uses crt;
	function dodaj(a,b: integer): integer; external 'TEST_LIB';
	w: integer external tmp 'test_lib';
 w := dodaj(4512,23345);


 repeat until keypressed;




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example 3: library loaded to banked ram (resource LIBRARY)


lib0	library 'test_lib.obx'


program test;

{$r loadlib.rc}

uses crt, objects;

	function dodaj(a,b: integer): integer;  external 'TEST_LIB';

	lib0=3;      // PORTB BANKS = [0..xx]
	w: integer;  // variables are not available in libraries in banked memory

 w := dodaj(4512,23345);


 repeat until keypressed;





revised version of MP to make compilation for banked memory work




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