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Just bought an N-64...suggestions please


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Super Mario 64

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Mario Party

Doom 64

Paper Mario

Rocket: Robot on Wheels

Ridge Race 64

Resident Evil 2

Mario Kart 64

Starfox 64

Tetris 64 (Japanese)

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

Pokemon Snap

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Star Wars: Episode I - Racer


Sin & Punishment (Japanese)

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Mario 64

Mario Golf

Mario Kart


007 Goldeneye

Perfect Dark




Mario Party 1,2,3

Zelda Ocarina

Zelda Mask


Wipeout 64

Star Wars Rogue Squadron

Diddy Kong Racing

Banjo Kazooie,tooie



You can't go wrong with either Rare titles or Nintendo first party titles usually.

My favorite game for the system is Mario Golf...And I usually hate golf!

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I think Goldeneye is overrated too. The only reason I can think that it has as much popularity as it does is because it was the first FPS game that most kids got to play... meanwhile, those of us who played Doom and Quake on a computer with a mouse and keyboard didn't really get what the hype was all about.


It also doesn't help that I don't have the attention span to bother with all these nonsense stealth games like MGS and Perfect Dark. In fact, none of my N64-owning friends really cares much for Goldeneye either.


I'm not saying it's a bad game... I just don't think it's as great as everyone makes it out to be. It definitely wouldn't make my All-Time Top 10 List.



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I agree with a lot of lists here and will tell you to pick up golden eye and the 2 zelda games. Conkers is pretty good as well. I have mario golf and I have yet to get to paly it. ;) Ive heard some very good things about it though. I have quake II that Id trade for mario 64 off of someone.



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Mystical Ninja- Starring Goemon; crazy shit.. im a big fan of the trippy goemon games


Good stuff,but I think I like the SNES one better.I also heard word of the new one comnig to the US,thank God for Working Design.



As for the good N64 games:


2 Zeldas


Perfect Dark


Mischief Makers

Paper Mario

And Pokemon puzzle league is fun if you turn off the sound. :D

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I think Goldeneye is overrated too. The only reason I can think that it has as much popularity as it does is because it was the first FPS game that most kids got to play... meanwhile, those of us who played Doom and Quake on a computer with a mouse and keyboard didn't really get what the hype was all about.


It also doesn't help that I don't have the attention span to bother with all these nonsense stealth games like MGS and Perfect Dark. In fact, none of my N64-owning friends really cares much for Goldeneye either.


I'm not saying it's a bad game... I just don't think it's as great as everyone makes it out to be. It definitely wouldn't make my All-Time Top 10 List.




Well, I think I know why I liked it at least. It was because of the multiplayer!!! I'm on dialup, so it's not too easy to play multiplayer FPS games. It was really fun playing 3 or 4 player goldeneye with my brother and our neighbor and occasionally somebody else. I really liked the single player mode aswell. I also really liked the control on it(but now I have an optical mouse, and like the keyboard/mouse combo better 8) , and now I have a 1.1ghz PC, so I'm not nearly as limited as I used to be with PC games)


The multiplayer was really what did it for me though.

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Nagano Winter Olympics (great curling game in that one!!!!!!!!)


Whoa! Curling in a video game? I thought it had never been done before! I used to Skip my High School curling team and even back then ('84-'85) I thought there should be a curling video game. I even got around to designing about 50% of it on my Commodore 64! All the graphics were done, the 3-D shot of the rink and a nice overhead of the house. The real problem I had was with the Physics and Mathematics, was just a young punk and didn't know how to do it.


But, I just bought this cart on your advice, will let you know.


Also, I picked up my N64 fairly recently so I've been actively looking into what games are good or not. I've seen Wave Race mentioned in a few lists in this thread and can't help but think..."Why?" Am I missing something? I mean it seems ok, but nothing to write home about.


As Always,

Markimus of K.


PS: If you're American and asking "what is Curling?" feggadaboutit. You would like it as much as Canadians like Nascar.

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Wave Race was definately a :sleep: when it came out..it was only the 3rd game released for the N64 iirc...I remember buying it and thinking the same thing as you.." Wave Race ho hum..."..mind you this was back in 96-97...anyway...I will never forget how BADD A$$ the water looked in this game back then!!! I know now that it would probably look mediocre to today's standards, but this game set the standard for water effects in video games bar-none..And to boot the racing and the tricks interface is awesome as well! Pick up this game you won't be dissapointed...DAMN..I wish I kept my N64 now!!! anyway here's my pics for must have N64 games that I've played..


Mario 64, Pilot Wings, Mario Kart 64, WaveRace 64, Golden Eye 007, Diddy Kong Racing, Legend of Zelda: OoT, Banjo Kazooie, Doom 64, ..and I know I'm forgetting more..but those are some of my favs...

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Well Markimus, I hope you enjoy it...I've always had a fascination with Curling...although I've never played. I thought that Nagano Olympics game did a pretty good job simulating the game...hope you feel the same. I'm always nervous when somebody buys a game on my say so...


They also did Curling in ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 (I think that's the name) on Gamecube...again, not bad (and the only real reason to play that game...)

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I just don't understand how it is only one person recommends TUROK: The dinosaur hunter.


That game made my jaw drop back in the day. I rented and then imediately went and bought it. Was I just an exception or did this series rock on the N64!!???

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