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Multijoy for sale?


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Does anybody sell assembled MultiJoys or is that strictly a DIY project? I do have the RETURN magazine building instructions and think I could do it it but I'd need one next Saturday and it looks like a lot of soldering and messing around with the housing (which is definitely not my strong suit).


Thanks for any info.

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Hello guys


I might be wrong, but my guess would be that Harry builds them when somebody orders them. Since slx posted his question on Tuesday and needed it today, that left very little time for production. Even if Harry would have read his mail on Wednesday, started building the multijoy interface the same day and would have mailed it on Thursday, the package probably would not have made it to slx in time. Especially since it would have to cross one border.





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Next saturday referred to the 28th, but what 'next weekday' refers to is a bit ambiguous even in my mother tongue. I still contemplate building one of my own but will contact Harry. Thanks for the vector.



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Bit the bullet and started to make it together with my son. Stage 1 (mechanics) took us about 1:15 hours.

(Only at checkout did I realize that those 'stud' screws cost almost as much as all the other parts together...)


We were lucky to find the same box RETURN magazine used for their Multijoy article as the template they provide for download saved a lot of time measuring positions for the connectors and made driling holes in the right places a matter of minutes.

Electronics to follow tomorrow. And we forgot the hole for the power LED.

Edited by slx
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Why didn't you put the joystick ports in from the inside?



Because the instructions in RETURN magazine show it that way and - even more important - because those plates nicely hide how we butchered that box when we drilled and cut those holes....I certainly lack finesse as a tinkerer and cutting those holes to a perfection allowing them to be shown to the rest of the world is far beyond my abilities.

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Hello Lynxpro


According to Fandal's site 43. Some are especially written for the interface, some are patched.






Thanks, Mathy.


No M.U.L.E.? Hmmm. Or can the Multi Joy be read by XL/XE computers as if they were 400s or 800s with 4 joystick ports standard? Thanks. :)

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There are more than 43 games. Unfortunately Fandal had to remove some patches (like the Asteroids M4) from his archive due to Atari warning.


And new games appear time to time. There was one even in the Abbuc's Basic 10 lines games competition

Edited by krupkaj
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Multijoy finished in time but not working ;-(

That will be a lot of solder joints to check....

Any hints on where to start to narrow down possible causes?

Not at all or partly not working? Right extension cables?


It's just a bit of soldering. Did that last Christmas for family enjoyment ...

Edited by GoodByteXL
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Didn't work at all but due to the party starting almost immediately after the MultiJoy was finished, there was no time for correct troubleshooting and now I'm too busy to investigate further. The extension cables (from Lotharek) seem to have all wires connected and I measured continuity from the computer side of the extension cable to the circuit board connections of the IC. Next I'll measure continuity from the "#2" connector to the 8 joystick ports.

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