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Lots of Earthbound news!


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Yeah, SM.net is my main site. :D Seeing the link to the site from here... it's such a small world! We just sent out the petition last Monday. The petition reached our goal of 30,000 sigs. The petition was professionally bound and sent to:


Nintendo of America

Nintendo of Japan

Shigesato Itoi (the MAN behind the EB series)

Electronics Gaming Monthly


A REALLY sweet art book accompanied each petition:








http://starmen.net/petition/inside3.jpg (these are CDs of fan made EB remixes. They're called "Rock Candy.")


However, "The News" came out on the day the petitions were taken to the post office. :ponder:


Yeah, I'm kind of bummed that Mother 3 won't come out for the GameCube, but WHAT THE HEY IT'S A NEW EARTHBOUND GAME FINALLY!!

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Yea I know.Sometimes Nintendo doesn't make sence.I mean,why not take the 90% done version of Mother 3 for N64,beef up the graphics like they did with Animal Crossing and then realease it?I mean the GC needs more games and they can't count on the GBA to always make money for them. :roll: :|

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If anything, I'd MUCH RATHER have a GameCube Mother 3.. I mean Earthbound 2.


I was so mad when they cancelled the 64 version. Whatever happened to it? They seemed to be so far done with the game! Then they're like "Oops.. we ain't gonna finish it." Same thing happened with Mario 64 2.. and look what they gave us instead. Ugh.


Earthbound is an awesomely great RPG. The comedy is great and the perspective from a childs view is so funny. And the graphics are the best feature. Like a kids cartoon.


Would have been neat to see Earthbound 64.


Hopefully one day we'll get a GCN version and maybe they'll make it have the new Zelda Cel Shading look with outlines like a cartoon.

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Probably too much game for the Nintendo 64 to handle?  Or maybe it's something to do with the Dynamic Drive adapter that never got released here?
That's probably it. It was designed for the 64DD and never took off. Damn it, then. We need a 3D Earthbound! Base the look on the Smash Brothers versions of the levels.


I was all pumped to play EB64 back then. Guess I'll have to get by with finishing Zelda for now.

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But it won't be the same.


And still,I don't see why Nintendo made this decision. :roll:  :x


I do. If the 3-D engine for Mother 3 was fundamentally hosed, it only makes sense to go back down to SNES level where the graphics already worked, intergrate the game design into that style, and present it all with the release of 1+2 for GBA so they're all on the same platform.

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But it won't be the same.


And still,I don't see why Nintendo made this decision. :roll:  :x


I do. If the 3-D engine for Mother 3 was fundamentally hosed, it only makes sense to go back down to SNES level where the graphics already worked, intergrate the game design into that style, and present it all with the release of 1+2 for GBA so they're all on the same platform.


Platform Shmatform. If that were true, SMW and M64 would have been NES games as would Mario Land 1,2 and 3.


All the Kirby games would also be just on GameBoy.


StarFox 64 would have been a SNES game.


Zelda would never have left the SNES either.


EB would be more FUN on the GameCube. I tire of GB games way too fast. I need it on a TV! And no, the Player won't do because I need it FULL SCREEN. If Nintendo had been SMART enough to make the GBA have a TV resolution (320x240) and A,B,X and Y buttons, it would be worth it.


A GBA version of the sequel is not worth it.


Ok, it is. I'll probably get it, but I will tire of it way to soon and will be mad I spent all that money on something my Brother will play more than me.


EB would be PERFECT with the same Wind Waker style look.

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I do.  If the 3-D engine for Mother 3 was fundamentally hosed, it only makes sense to go back down to SNES level where the graphics already worked, intergrate the game design into that style, and present it all with the release of 1+2 for GBA so they're all on the same platform.


They were 90% doen with it,why not just finish it and make the graphics like Animal Crossing,fans would like it more and chances are it would sell better. :roll:

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Here are some interesting tidbits. This following response comes from a recent interview with Itoi:


Originally posted by Sikkei:


"No, Tomato's right.

Itoi says that there's a guy that's gay in mother2.

That guy that lives in a country like England and

is a very very close friend.

Itoi doesn't directly say his name but it has to be Tony.

Itoi says that Tony is characterized as a gay kid.

Itoi says that if you live in a normal society

there will be gay kids and Itoi also has gay friends.

So he thought there should be one in the game.

Also Itoi says that Mr. Saturn symbolizes innocence.

Like a character that cannot function in normal

society but has a gift and is loved by people.

Kinda like Forest Gump.


About the father....

Itoi says that he did not live with his daughter

when he was making the game and the fact that

Ness's father lives far away and is looking after his child represents Itoi's situation.

By the way, the Japanese Mr. Saturn's font is said

to be based on Itoi's daughter's handwriting.


He says he can say all things now because it's been

so long since the game was released.

The Mother series is a very personal game for Itoi."

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