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WTB: Super Mario 64 -- Cart Only


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Have you tried cleaning the contacts with alcohol and cotton swabs?


Yeah, I always try the 90% Alcohol/Q-tip method first; for this one, though, it just wouldn't work. So I opened her up and there appears to be a good bit of rust inside. This game has always worked, though, until last night. In this condition, is this even salvageable?



Edited by TaskenLander
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I would try deox it next . Doubtful you have a can just laying around though .


I do :)


As far as that board, those chips look pretty beat. The main chips looks kinda like it has seen heat. Unless you can visibly see a trace that has rusted apart then odds are it is a chip. Take a pic of the board again both side w/out the plastic and aluminum casing attached.

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