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Dear ATARIans...


make yourself a nice gift for x-mas:

The new issue is ready to ship and if all works fine all quick orders come in will be in your box until x-mas.

So hurry up ... !!!


A rabbit onto the cover?

A sad story with some lines in the preface of the magazine.

This was converted by our mighty Mario130XE - thanks for this!


And the content?


Time For A Quickie

again three games first-time played without any instructions mission handled by our mighty snkicklin


Report: Videogame Meeting

from our in southern-west based gamer meeting a nice report by ThorN


Rasta Converter Pictures

they are too cool just to watch onto the display or tv-set. So find a collection of nice art done with thse converter


Interview: Christopher Murray

The incredible Ross interviewed Christopher Murray, responsible for games like Henry's House, The Last Guardian, Mirax Force and more... Enjoy this nice trip back to times when english man coded for budget-labels!


Reviews by Jeff Parker of the following games:


Submarine Commander




Myself started the engine of the spaceship and dig in: FIRE! A Review of this great polish shooter...



Again charliechaplin done six images full of new software. A small report into the magazine and on the magazine images you can find more to read as charliechaplin done again the-magazine-into-the-magazine... Great games, nice pictures and much more which make every Atari heart bumping in high-speed.


Yeah, that's it for these nice issue. Again a lot to read and watch and play...

Just have much great time with your mighty Atari.


If there are questions just drop me a line to 8bit<at>proc-atari<dot>de


The magazine is easy to order into our shop.

Feel free to "walk" around there, some nice items added.

Do not forget especially the great CD of POISON...

A must-have for every Atari-Fan.


Thanks in advance for every order which means maximum support for our project and keep it alive!





Edited by powersoft
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You might want to mention you can get this from the pro© website http://proc-atari.de/

(English or German) and pay by paypal too :)

your order has been received and will be processed immediately. For your personal control you received an email with your order details! Thank you , for your purchase!


Look forward to reading the latest issue, looks like you have a growing number of contributors which makes for a better magazine :thumbsup: Please support this everyone and help it to break even. There are some boxed games and T-Shirts - I ordered two and they were delivered to the UK in a few days. Probably a little on the small size, so order a size larger? If there is enough support the magazine can grow in size one day perhaps :) And why not write something yourself, there are plenty of AtariAge threads that would make a good page of reading :)


& if you can help with English to German translation get in touch with Markus ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some feedback on Issue 8


Though the pictures from Rasta Converter are impressive I think the space available they should only be used to fill odd gaps rather than take up precious pages. A better way of including them (or others) would be an article on how to do them explaining the tools used and/or an interview with the person. A slideshow disk image with each magazine disk would be the way to go.


The new glossier paper format is nice, but, if it's at the expense of getting more pages using the original paper, then I'd vote for that instead.


The interview with Chris Murray was a great read, if the source code for Mirax Force was released the game could be so much better with some resistance adding to the ship's movement - for me it was too twitchy and despite the looks, I was really disappointed having purchased this on disk when it came out. Of course Henry's House is fantastic :)


I love the magazine and wish for it to continue and expand but that will only happen with enough support ;)



p.s. could you add a mention for the High Score Club Season 13 starting in your intro of the next issue. Thanks.

Edited by therealbountybob
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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you all for supporting the magazine while buying and giving content...


W are in progress for issue #9


We need a bit support for selling advertisement to keep all rollin.

Any idea's around whom we should contact to ask?

The ad prices are really small.

Any help is welcome and keeps it all alive...

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We need a bit support for selling advertisement to keep all rollin.

Any idea's around whom we should contact to ask?

The ad prices are really small.


Just thinking out loud......


Perhaps you could try to gain advertisements from non-Atari sources also? For example, someone here might work for Gillete razors and as most of us are male, it would be good to advertise razors. OK, your number of readers is lower than they are used to, but Pro© Atari will be cheaper than other publications. Is there anyone reading this that thinks that they could advertise for their company in Pro© Atari? (even if it isn't a computer company)


Perhaps one of the podcasts would like to advertise in Pro© Atari? I think that there's still a lot of people who don't quite know what a podcast is and how you get them. A full page advert with a guide of how to download podcasts would be good, sponsored by: Podcast XYZ


I notice that you don't do subscriptions for the next 3/4/6 issues. Could this be done? Then you can say, "Minimum Price for subscription: €12" but then allow people to send a little more. Some people will happily pay a little more if they have the money. You could then enter these people into a "virtual raffle" to win something (if there are enough additional funds).


Maybe you could have a page where people pay to have their name and a short message added? Some people like seeing their name in print.

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Crazy idea: How about asking Atari inc.? I think I read somewhere that they were changing their policy regarding some type of users/using... Maybe with a good explanation of your intentions and the number of people that will know even if they aren't buyers and offer them a page to marketing their products? They don't close mags like Retro Gamer and Return that has others new and old products with the Atari name and an in yours advertisement will be much more cheaper...


Edited by José Pereira
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Crazy idea: How about asking Atari inc.? I think I read somewhere that they were changing their policy regarding some type of users/using... Maybe with a good explanation of your intentions and the number of people that will know even if they aren't buyers and offer them a page to marketing their products? They don't close mags like Retro Gamer and Return that has others new and old products with the Atari name and an in yours advertisement will be much more cheaper...



Crazy ideas are sometimes the best ideas. What do you think Markus?

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Thank you all for supporting the magazine while buying and giving content...


W are in progress for issue #9


We need a bit support for selling advertisement to keep all rollin.

Any idea's around whom we should contact to ask?

The ad prices are really small.

Any help is welcome and keeps it all alive...


What are the ad prices out of curiosity?

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Well... Thanks for your great feedback here.


Actually for the named companies the magazine is on business side too small. Such companies advertise with magazines 50k+

They do not work on side how cheap it is, just how many people to reach.

I would like to have cool partners in like we had with mighty Fred and Rewind Games...

He supported the magazine one year with the ad - this is amazing.

He done four ads which I had to tell - this is a really cool support.

And it also came back, the scene supported Rewind Games.


The price for an ad (if there are booked for one year = 4 advertisements) is Euro 75,00 per issue.

This is price for 500 german and 500 english editions.


I got an idea around in my mind to get also new readers.

What to expand the magazine with a few pages for VCS2600?

I love this system and we will get new readers maybe.

Does anyone of you got a problem if we try to find some VCS contributors and expand the magazine with it?

Your ideas and thoughts?



I done the shop to finance at least the magazine.

Some of you really support this in a massive way.

By purchasing any items there like the shirts, the boxed Software, the mighty Chiptunes by our incredible Poison etc.

This will help all.

No worries if there are no new partners for ad's:

The magazine will continue as long as I got the feedback and contributor text's ;)


Party hard in 8bit ;)

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My thoughts on putting 2600 content into the magazine: I think that this is good, as long as you do not reduce the number of pages for Atari 8-bit content.


As bad as this question sounds, I must ask it: How about asking Psytronik (who published Soulless) from the C64 to see if they would like to advertise? We're all a lot more grown up now and realise that there are a lot of C64 users who like the Atari and vice-versa. I own a C64 though I prefer the Atari. People like me might buy Psytronik software.


What if you advertise your music company in the magazine? Some people will like the music. I liked some that you told me about before.

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I think you should consider selling smaller adverts, for example A6 size. These days people are not making a lot of money by selling Atari stuff. Most of them are just doing this for a hobby, just like you and me ;-) And then 300 euros (for one year) is a lot of money.


But I think you should try to contact some of the larger Ebay stores, like The Attic Bug, Retrogamebase and Videogames-orbit (there are lots more). Looking at their auctions they are commercial sellers, maybe some of them are interested?

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How about asking AtariAge to advertise ?!


Snicklins idea on the pod cast guys is good - perhaps they can take out something together - have a news page telling what they are covering. There are (sort of) 4 A8 pod casts plus there might be some other ones that might be interested in some new listeners - they might have some contacts for this.


The smaller ads is a good idea too - you might get a few individuals with other projects to take one or two, would be interesting.


The more people who buy the magazine, the more chance people will advertise ;)


I've asked before but is there a cover price figure that would cover the costs? Would we pay it?


I don't know but suspect there is a lot of coverage of other machines including the 2600 so would think sticking to the A8 is best unless you can expand the magazine and readership - I think the page count is already at the minimum.


Don't worry about content I'm sure plenty of people will be contributing :grin:

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Love the magazine! Question: Are you selling this magazine at a loss? If so, why not charge enough per issue to at least cover the printing?

This is what I was getting at - maybe a choice of boxed game or t-shirt or CD plus 4 issues a year price could be the way :)


Any more feedback on the content is welcome, I'm sure the other contributors would like to hear what people like/dislike :-o :D

I quite like the variety of things :)

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The magazine itself don't cover the cost.

If you calculate the vat, also the postage I ask is less than I pay myself.

And the Paypal charges are also a factor of cost.

So if you order one magazine the amount getting to me (after all costs except printing) are Euro 1,05

(remember you pay Euro 2,00 for the magazine and Euro 3,50 for postage for purchasing one copy)


At the end I do it all as I LOVE printed magazines.


Any support like TRBB said to buy any other release in the shop (T-Shirt, Chiptune Music, Boxed Game) helps.

Because the shop is runned to save the magazine, so all income from the shop benefit into the magazine.


Good news: German issue #9 is 80% finished...

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