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Atari Jaguar kiosk wanted. Any exist on the east coast?


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I've been searching for an atari jag kiosk for a while now and I ended up picking up some random atari kiosk I have never seen before from my uncle who got it out of a store that closed sometime in the 80s I'm guessing. As cool as it is its not a jag kiosk. If anyone can find me a reasonably priced one or knows of anything regarding this kiosk I have (pics coming soon) please let me know. Everyone's 2 cents is appreciated.

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Taking a not so wild stab here and judging by the styling, looks to be for the A8 XL line of computers. And if I had to guess, maybe the 1200XL? Can't tell if it's deep enough for a monitor, but kinda looks like it was designed to be parked up against one (looking at the cutout), so that there'd be room for the 1200XL. If there's a shelf for the monitor, maybe even the 800XL. Who knows, but gotta be for one of the XL's I'd say.


post-13896-0-53109200-1450398229_thumb.jpg post-13896-0-09785200-1450398230_thumb.jpeg

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Looks too new to be for the 400/800...? The silver sides and rounded corners scream XL to me. And yes... would agree it's for the computer line, unless maybe, just maybe it was for the 7800 when they were thinking it would be expanded into a computer? Thought the 400/800 kiosk looked more like one of these:


post-13896-0-94304600-1450399927_thumb.jpg post-13896-0-30229100-1450399929_thumb.jpg







Somebody else with more knowledge on this particular item will chime in, but only if you change the thread title from Jaguar Kiosk to Atari computer kiosk and post in the Atari 8-bit forum. :lol:

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