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Atari 2600 4 switch Vador "Help Requested!"


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Hi folks


Just recently performed a mod that would allow me to play my Atari 2600 on an LED/LCD television. As a result, I ran into issues which prevented me to obtain any sound or video when attempting to hook the Atari 2600 to my new television. I decided to start by replacing the 5v chip, RIOT chip, CPU internal clock, and the TIA chip. When powering up the Atari 2600 and hooking it up to my television, I was able to get a clear picture and good sound; "Great right", "Not really".


I inserted games such as Combat, Pac-man 4k, Princess Rescue, Turbo, Bowling, boxing and they played fine; however, I was having issues with games such as Centipede, Space Rocks, Asteroids, Tutankham. Mostly games that required constant firing of the joystick button. The games would work for about two minutes and than I would lose the fire button. The joystick would perform in all directions but no fire button operation. If I turned the power on and off and restarted the game it would work for 2 minutes again and stop.


"What could be the cause?". " Do I need to resolder the left joystick pins again?" Or should I consider replacing the Power Supply filter Capacitor. I replaced the Power supply +5 volt regulator: "The voltage reads fine".


"Is it possible that the Green (Chicklets) capacitors on the board need replacing as well?"


Looking for ideas before I attempt another lobotomy on this logic board.


Thanks folks!

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