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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Thanks for your insight Kevtris.

p.s I was looking up old unlicensed console games as I find that stuff interesting and stumbled upon your logo:






"JY Company is a company that published many pirate games, most notably many of Hummer Team's games. They appear to have been active from 1989 to late 2003."

Yes that is right. We found this... thing... in several of those "pirate original" games they made. I had a fun time reverse engineering their customish mappers then dumping the games for play on emulators. Interestingly enough we found this logo awhile before we knew how to actually trigger it, so the original version of my avatar on a few forums had the wrong palette at first. As for what it is, I dunno, but it looked strange enough to use as an avatar picture.

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I'm listening to the Retro Gaming Roundup interview with Piko. This is some crazy shit! I'm really starting to wonder- is it possible that "Lee" is a god-tier troll that got Mike?


He sounds like a real piece of work. He's talking about doing contract work for Boeing, military, etc... the latest prototype pics were taken in their "Goldeneye room" and that they have their own team of lawyers. It all sounds like so much BS. But for someone like Mike who spews out equally ludicrous BS, maybe he believed it?


It's a beautiful thing. It's like two Nigerian Princes meeting each other.

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I'm listening to the Retro Gaming Roundup interview with Piko. This is some crazy shit! I'm really starting to wonder- is it possible that "Lee" is a god-tier troll that got Mike?

Like I said, if that is the case, it's someone in this thread, has to be :lol:

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I'm listening to the Retro Gaming Roundup interview with Piko. This is some crazy shit! I'm really starting to wonder- is it possible that "Lee" is a god-tier troll that got Mike?


He sounds like a real piece of work. He's talking about doing contract work for Boeing, military, etc... the latest prototype pics were taken in their "Goldeneye room" and that they have their own team of lawyers. It all sounds like so much BS. But for someone like Mike who spews out equally ludicrous BS, maybe he believed it?


It's a beautiful thing. It's like two Nigerian Princes meeting each other.

Whatever it is, let's not forget what the JagBar guy said.

If memory serves Mike asked him to fake the video anyway, so Mike knew, don't you think ;-)


Whatever bs Lee sold to Mike, I don't care anymore although it would make for an interesting reading.

At the same time what were the other 5 members of the "fantastic team" doing?

Just drink down the Kool-Aid Mike says that Lee said? It still doesn't add up no matter how you slice it.


Maybe Mr Lee is an angel of vengeance from one of Mike's former pals that got so mad that made it a giant hoax, sure why not?

Aside Mike has anyone of the "dream team" ever seen or spoken with Mr Lee? If not then nobody even knows his face .... great, what can go wrong :grin:

If instead they do I'm sure this part of the tale will unfold itself pretty soon.

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Its funny that people on this thread are probably more interested on the hardware of the projects being taken by kevtris, and NG Dev

Yeah, not to mention the new retrousb one--but those are all real projects by people with a history of actually producing things, so of course they'll get a warmer reception. I'll bet not one of them started their design with the exterior case, much less started by 'borrowing' one. They have plans, and know exactly what they want their system to do.


Also, I don't think any of them have asked for my money yet. Though honestly, that wouldn't have really saved the retro vgs, IMO. I was making fun of it well before that...

Edited by Reaperman
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The thing that not a lot of people remember about old console setups is that, in the 1970s and early 1980s, video game consoles were designed to be placed near where the player was sitting, not next to the TV. That's why they had super-long RF and power cables (that could be hidden under a rug or snaked around furniture, for example), but relatively short controller cables. If you stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense: you'd want the console close to you because that makes it easier to swap out cartridges. Why put the console next to the TV? You'd only have to get mile-long controller extension cables, not to mention getting up every time you want to change a cartridge.


Anyway, putting the Pause button on the console, like the SMS or Atari 7800, isn't so bad in that "classic" configuration, since the console would be right there.

I can attest to this, as I just recently hooked up my Sega Master System for the first time in 10 years. I forgot how long the AC adapter and RF cable were...crap! And, I must say, I love it...makes it easier to move the console around or get around back with so much slack. The XBox 360 cords are probably the worst in this regard.


PS, anyone in Louisville this weekend for the Louisville Arcade Expo? I am driving down tomorrow for the morning and early afternoon. I am hoping to catch Billy Mitchell at his panel discussion at noon, but if any of you are there, we can talk "Chameleon!" :)

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Back then, I was always sitting in the floor in front of the television with the console less than an arm's length away. Didn't matter much. These days it seems odd because people are used to wireless controllers and the system being across the room. Gotta remember, some of the first game systems we played, all the controls were actually on the system. (Those pong clones like tele-games and telstar and such...)


These days, when I play my older systems... well... I'm still sitting in the floor in front of the television with the console less than an arm's length away. Only real difference is that now it's harder to get up off the floor after a gaming session. :grin:

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Whatever it is, let's not forget what the JagBar guy said.

If memory serves Mike asked him to fake the video anyway, so Mike knew, don't you think ;-)


Oh yeah, I'm not trying to say Mike isn't at fault here. I still agree he knew everything, if he wasn't culpable he'd have explained himself already. And if he admits he was scammed, that looks even worse on a guy who claimed he could successfully manage $500,000 of other people's money.


But imagine if Mike didn't even know that the PCB he posted was a fake? What if "Lee" is just stringing him along and telling him to post shit? Think about it- Piko actually spoke to Lee so either Lee is A) the worst hardware guy on the face of the earth, B) Mike's accomplice in a scam, or C) a god-tier troll that convinced Mike he could make his hardware and is really just doing all of this for his own amusement.

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I like to imagine that the mysterious 'Mister Lee' is actually Mike's live-in manservant, who attacks him randomly to 'keep him on his toes.' I mean, I probably shouldn't assume this 'Mister Lee' is asian, (or even a real person) but with so little to go on, I'd rather let my imagination have some fun. And casting Mike as a clouseau-type is a lot easier now than it was a year ago at this time.



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I'm listening to the Retro Gaming Roundup interview with Piko. This is some crazy shit! I'm really starting to wonder- is it possible that "Lee" is a god-tier troll that got Mike?


He sounds like a real piece of work. He's talking about doing contract work for Boeing, military, etc... the latest prototype pics were taken in their "Goldeneye room" and that they have their own team of lawyers. It all sounds like so much BS. But for someone like Mike who spews out equally ludicrous BS, maybe he believed it?


It's a beautiful thing. It's like two Nigerian Princes meeting each other.



personally, im starting to think lee was actually mike using a voice changer or something. piko, do you recall any instances of MK and lee being in the same place at the same time, meaning when you talked to lee on the phone at the toy fair, was mike within sight distance?

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In the interview with Piko they say (one of the interviewers, not sure which one) Lee is suspected to be a certain Marshall Lee.

They say we at AA actually came up with that name, I don't recollect any of that.


So I'll play along and report it here.


Funny thing there's one Marshall Lee (in Linkedin) in Orange County CA with a profile related to hardware engineering, ASICs, semiconductors.

Not sure he's connected or not, likely just an homonym. His company (enmotus) seems to specialize in cloud hybrid storage solutions, so I hope he's the wrong match.

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personally, im starting to think lee was actually mike using a voice changer or something. piko, do you recall any instances of MK and lee being in the same place at the same time, meaning when you talked to lee on the phone at the toy fair, was mike within sight distance?

Either that or he was just another shadowy person in Mike's vast network of friends who was posing as a "hardware guy" to make Mike's organization look bigger than it really was.

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Either that or he was just another shadowy person in Mike's vast network of friends who was posing as a "hardware guy" to make Mike's organization look bigger than it really was.


the stuff that piko says lee told him reeks of mk-isms. i would say its a possibility unless piko could say for certain its not.

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Okay, so I've read more than once that John (Gamester81) owns the Jag molds...was he the initial buyer or did he buy them from Mikey Kennedy? OR has he owned them this whole time and as such is a partner in the whole endeavor? I apologize if this has already been covered.

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The Gamester81 owns the molds thing seems to be a completely false lead. There's been no evidence that he ever owned the molds at any time. Mike on the other hand has posted more than enough info to show that the molds left the previous owner who made the shells for Imagine and sold them to him and no one else in between.


I don't know where Larry Bundy heard that rumor. But speaking of which, I remember seeing his comments on the Facebook page after the Toy Fair. He seemed genuinely interested in the Chameleon. I always wondered why Mike never reached out to him, he has a big following online. I attribute that oversight to him just plainly being out of touch with the retro scene and not knowing some of the heavy hitters.

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Lee could also be a troll, since just about everyone that knows Mike that posted of this thread said he know very little about technology and managing those types of projects


Plus no electrical engineer I know will work free on any project, especially when some electrical and computer engineers can make over 100,000 working for the government just starting



My bet its Stan Lee


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