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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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It certainly smelled like a shill account, until it started switching sides and just posting crap for laughs. I had even warned the poster that they would be discovered (it sure sounded like something our pal Parrothead would say). Yet another proof of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.



The weird thing (or maybe not) is he never posted anything meaningful or substantial... just stupid random tidbits based on nothing.


Yeah I thought it was too over the top to be legit and the account did get a few responses from people here. I ended up ignoring Janus after a couple posts, so more than half of what Albert quoted was all new to me. I can't wait to tune into this thread tomorrow morning and see what happens next!

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Excellent video! I loved the "Office Space" reference at the end. You're right: even if this project were legitimate, there's no reason at all for someone like Mike to be a part of it, much less at the head of it.




Life is difficult for the citizens of Retro Land... they were invaded by North Coleco... their leader turned out to be a false prophet... Mikeonomics is destroying their economy... and all the supporters fleeing the project in droves has created a refugee crisis.

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Or just sell the shells as a kit. This is a product with niche appeal. Make it flexible enough for end users to bring their own computer or screen.


I can't quite see the appeal of the old mini-arcade form factor in 2016, except as a novelty. I have an iCade Jr which is adorable, but it's also completely impractical for anything but looking nice.


A more ergonomic handheld, however ... Mmmmmmmmm


Maybe. If you like portable gaming. I personally generally do not.


When I talk classic gaming at the country club, a universal theme is that no one single form factor is going to appeal to everyone equally. Some guys want hand-held controllers, others want the mini-arcade for the desktop, some want all-in-one handhelds, others like full-size arcade cabinets or bar tops. And yet still others like an STB with a set of detachable control panels that does it all, which is my choice.


One thing is universally common, it all comes down to having ergonomically attractive controls. And the definition varies as much as there are players.

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Then you'd have the corporate equivalent of seller's remorse. The corporation that gave up the licensing rights would now be feeling quite badly for itself when it eyes the startup that got the formula right and sold 500,000 mini-mame cabs.


Companies know that and think that way today, now. And they pre-emptively stop the situation from arising by not licensing in the first place.


In the end nothing gets done legally and above-board.



Thanks for editing my good/bad thing ... you get what I was trying to say. The profit motive is wrecking this. Once these games are no longer commercially viable, maybe we will see a return to sanity. Plug-n-play units seem to be mostly finished, and retro collections are no longer in season. Oh if only software copyright could be shortened to something within our lifetimes. At least no one to my knowledge has gone to jail for having a kickass MAME setup.

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Wow, the Janus thing is unreal. I was sure the account was just a troll messing with us, I would've never thought it to be a shill account.


I've seen some strange posts in the Jaguar forum over the years, but this saga takes the cake by far.

I only figured that Janus couldn't be a shill account because he/she acted like a troll. Jesus that's unprofessional. I was going to wait to get the last 3 issues of RETRO that I am owed before selling off my mags, but something tells me that I've already received them all. Honestly, for everything that's happened in this whole saga so far, this Janus thing might actually take the cake for me. At least that David Giltinan guy had the class to step down and apologize after his shenanigans. I don't see how MK is going to ever be able to do anything in the public eye again. He's ruined. I felt sorry for him for a while, but not anymore.

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You have no idea....


I illustrated exactly what happened with the Jaguar molds situation according to Mike himself in a video I just posted:


The Mikeonomic System of Retro Land Explained!




Interesting video. I either missed or forgot about the incestuous Jag mold dealings. So it wasn't just about shutting some people out, but also some other sneaky dealings.


Also, maybe shout-out to AA in the description as a source? :thumbsup:

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The Janus Reveal just put me over the top: Albert, I'm putting in for a Subscription! Seriously, I've spent more $$$ on less entertainment, it's only fair. This thread alone has been more interesting than anything else I've bought this year...

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Now that Piko is out of the MK adventure, it might be time to remove the giant CC picture here: :)




I'm really impressed by Piko's choice to take all criticism head on, and not deleting left and right (both on AA and FB).

However, I think it is okay to remove this:



A link to the tell all interview on his blog would be a good idea. I am surprised he hasn't done the 2.0 yet. A summary in his own words of what he discussed in the audio podcast would be great PR for Piko Interactive.

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Somewhere, Pat and Ian are reading this and saying, "Godammit, we were *just* about to wrap up the new podcast!" :-D

This whole thing is simply unbelievable. You couldn't make this story up. And it just keeps going, getting more and more pitiful and more and more embarrassing. Which in turn makes it more and more entertaining to follow.

Albert, how did you find out Janus' true identity? (Sorry if that's already been answered; this thread moves like a chat room.)

Edited by BassGuitari
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Given the fact the Mini arcades are 10,000% more likely to see the light of day compared to the Chameleon, I'm actually somewhat excited about them. I just wish they could reissue Donkey Kong, but due to the iron fist of Nintendo, is unlikely to happen.


Mini-arcades & Barcades which are bigger than a vectrex and smaller than the upper half of a full-size arcade cab are stupid popular in my part of town.


Nice thing is they are solid and semi-portable. And you can even power them by battery for extended lengths of time. Like for example out on the deck or next to the pool - without extension cords.


I've got a standing order to build 4 of them before spring begins. And that's only a few weeks away here!

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This thread is amazing. It's like Myth Busters, but with Con-men instead of myths.


This is the real CSI in Retro Land.


Someone should make a visual novel out of this hahahah

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Interesting video. I either missed or forgot about the incestuous Jag mold dealings. So it wasn't just about shutting some people out, but also some other sneaky dealings.


Also, maybe shout-out to AA in the description as a source? :thumbsup:


Thanks! Yep, it explains why it's so hard to find a post where Mike explicitly says the molds "paid for themselves." He knows it's not true.


And yeah, I didn't think about it but the shout-out's a good idea. However, the main quote from Mike (which was the basis for the chart) was actually lifted off of the Retro Gaming Roundup forums and the other one where Mike claims the molds won't be paid for with the campaign funds was taken from NeoGaf.


But I took your advice anyways and added AA in the description since the recent fake proto I mentioned in the beginning was obviously discovered here first. And a shout-out to the RGRU forums too!

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Well, I'd say its time for me to turn this saga into an RPG Maker game. Maybe I'll finish before the next name of the Chameleon is announced.

The Misadventures of Chameleon Mick in Retro Land


Lol i would play that

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I just discovered that the user Janus, who had been trolling in this thread (including repeatedly calling people here "haters") until I finally kicked "her" out, is actually Mark Kaminski, who works for RETRO Magazine. Janus had a previous account by the name Mr Retro, although he hasn't used that one since last September


Wow... I mean, uhm... Wow...


I shall address this in retroterms, as is fitting.





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Well, I'd say its time for me to turn this saga into an RPG Maker game. Maybe I'll finish before the next name of the Chameleon is announced.

Mike fighting haters on a burning bridge wearing a suit of level 8 black tape armour. Jag case for a shield and a magical DVR sword that deletes comments.

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