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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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how do you change themes? i looked in 'my settings' and didnt see it, maybe i didnt look deep enough tho


Bottom left of your page here on this thread, says "Change Themes". Next to the orange wifi lookin logo. Below the "___users are browsing this forum"

This is gonna quickly get buried, but here goes...


Super cool and awesome Deflection theme, or as I like to call, the Vader 2600 verison of Atariage.


Welcome to the dark side... :jango:


Highly recommended if you like to sub stuff, use the "only when not online" option so your inbox doesn't get stuffed with 500+ notification emails daily from the Chameleon thread: :thumbsup:



Your welcome! ;-)

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This is gonna quickly get buried, but here goes...


Super cool and awesome Deflection theme:



So your inbox doesn't get stuffed with 500+ notification emails daily from the Chameleon thread:



Your welcome! ;-)


Well lad di freakin dah, with your fancy embedded screen shots, and your flashy organized steps. ;)

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From my perspective everything lines up that they have a custom board but it doesn't work. So they pulled a switcheroo for the Toy Fair. Of course Mike didn't design the board, he never said he did.


Problem is they've backed themselves into a corner by showing SNES era games at the Toy Fair. If they can't deliver the SNES FPGA or a custom architecture that can do that quality, they'll have to admit their deceit.


My guess is the 'hardware guy' said he'd have that working by the 26th. Didn't work out.

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From my perspective everything lines up that they have a custom board but it doesn't work. So they pulled a switcheroo for the Toy Fair. Of course Mike didn't design the board, he never said he did.


Problem is they've backed themselves into a corner by showing SNES era games at the Toy Fair. If they can't deliver the SNES FPGA or a custom architecture that can do that quality, they'll have to admit their deceit.


My guess is the 'hardware guy' said he'd have that working by the 26th. Didn't work out.

Ive never designed something like this before, but would they not get it working on a standard development board first before making custom PCBs?


I fell that they have not shown anything that would make me believe what they are saying is true.

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no need dude, i looked it up it's not


damn. Oh well, it does confirm my theory that had he used the GamerzTek clone he could have gotten away with his Toy Fair deception since it doesn't have the overhang of a real SNES. So he wouldn't have to make his electrical tape masterpiece, plus- it has an LED!



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My guess is the 'hardware guy' said he'd have that working by the 26th. Didn't work out.


Nah, I'm pretty sure if "hardware guy" could be blamed, he'd have experienced the bus today.

Which suggests that "hardware guy" doesn't exist, or is exempt from blame for some reason.

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Just noticed that their 3D renders call for 4 USB ports on the front, 2 on each Jag port, this new "proto" has only 2.

Guess the remaining 2 will be added onto the next "proto" because .... you know you always start with NOT what you're gonna need then tack it shit as you go along hoping to make it to the end.


Many of you would think this is minor but then again normally you would "proto" on your entire design not leaving too many pieces out ..... or maybe this is their way to "make it better" .... forget the 4 USB ports, RetroPlayers have hardly any friends, 2 ports are enough to remind them when they used to have some.


EDIT: Maybe I am wrong, can't tell for sure.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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Just noticed that their 3D renders call for 4 USB ports on the front, 2 on each Jag port, this new "proto" has only 2.

Guess the remaining 2 will be added onto the next "proto" because .... you know you always start with NOT what you're gonna need then tack it shit as you go along hoping to make it to the end.


Many of you would think this is minor but then again normally you would "proto" on your entire design not leaving too many pieces out ..... or maybe this is their way to "make it better" .... forget the 4 USB ports, RetroPlayers have hardly any friends, 2 ports are enough to remind them when they used to have some.


EDIT: Maybe I am wrong, can't tell for sure.

they made sure to mention that one astroids clone game supported 4 players.

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Triverse seems to be logged in I hope he is typing something ;)



EDIT: PikoInteractive also said there would be a blog 2.0 (https://pikointeractive.com/blog/) but for now nothing. To be fair he said after the KS, so it may be a while.


EDIT2: thenavguy is online too, maybe he can share something new now that the KS is gone, hopefully the pressure is low enough.


EDIT3: PikoInteractive is online as well, hopefully he can share something of his experience.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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