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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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That is why I'm using the word "may".

I was partly answering the people who had said similar things before, can't be bothered to wade back through the thread and find who they were.


Mike's biggest expense was likely the videos and renderings, again it could have all been no cash upfront or done as a favour though. The website used Starfield Technologies Go Daddy Website Builder so I hope he didn't pay anyone to do that.




I am still up for that offer you sent about the Round up; I have a story so large that 3000 words post won't cover it lol.

Get that thing recorded, we've been left hanging after the cliffhanger you dropped last night! If UKMike is busy I'm sure there would be a lineup of others to take his place.

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Sounds just like another MK hater to me. Just wait until it's revealed. What everyone here fails to realize is that Daniel Kayser and David Giltian SAW the working FPGA board. Did you ever think maybe the DVR was just a clever marketing smoke-screen? Like I said, just wait and see, this console is a movement.


This is anything but a "clever marketing smoke-screen". If it is, this is the biggest marketing slip up in history. They have completely shit on any remaining good will they may have had and lost essentially all potential customers, excluding you. I personally won't go anywhere near a product, magazine or otherwise, with Mike Kennedy's name attached to it. I should hope we are all just losing the sarcasm in your post over text and this isn't your heartfelt feelings on the manner.

Edited by gnarlynick
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As far as users like Janus are concerned, I think "Don't Feed The Trolls!" is good advice. A substantial percentage of the people who are still on the "pro-Mike" side of the RVGS/Chameleon story seem to thrive on public attention.


True, but I can't escape the fleeting scent of satire in her posts.

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This is anything but a "clever marketing smoke-screen". If it is, this is the biggest marketing slip up in history. They have completely shit on any remaining good will they may have had and lost essentially all potential customers, excluding you. I personally won't go anywhere near a product, magazine or otherwise, with Mike Kennedy's name attached to it. I should hope we are all just losing the sarcasm in your post over text and this isn't your heartfelt feelings on the manner.


He's just doing shtick that has grown stale/tiresome. Not everyone can write for The Onion.

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On the good side we got UKMike and Pipercub to write more of the story.

We got gamester to make some apologetic statements.

Both Collectorvision and Piko made clear their positions, I'm plenty satisfied with that.


We're missing "the team" to chime in and say their side of the story.


Mike cannot feign ignorance 3 times in row. It was bad after 2 already, but 3 times?

No, he's NOT innocent, ignorance as a defense????? Really???? From the president and mastermind behind the project?????

The one that builds new companies, transfers IPs just for the sake to cut out the old guys and "welcome" the new ones and in general just makes sure HE controls the show? Pipercub already revealed 3 entities used to "shuffle the IP".



I just dislocated my jaw.....

innocent ....

ahhahahhahhaha ....

I just saw a pig flying .....

ahhahahhahhaha .....

wait hell just froze ....

ahhahahhahhaha .....

Edited by phoenixdownita
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Wow this thread moves fast! Juat caught up.


Gamester has shown a lot of balls and honesty coming here and posting a - in my eyes - very sincere and explaining post. I hold no grief against him. Mike K should follow this fine example.


With this in mind i think it is silly to blame 3rd party suppliers for this. Both Piko and Collectorvision have been honest and upfront about this and dragging these supposed 3rd party devs down who were looking to make a buck selling games for it is not OK especially with the explanations, honesty and now excuses we have gotten.


I seriously doubt anyone are blaiming the companies that made aftermarket wheels, spoilers and other 3rd party car accessories for the DeLorean because John DeLorean was a criminal involved in cocaine-smuggling and other criminal shenanigans in the 80's around the time his car company fell to pieces.


Now that we know that MK is around i do look forward to hearing his explanation about this debacle if there is any. We all know he still might try to push this cart along though... I also look forward to that Carlsen interview once the fire department has put out the hellfire currently raging in Triverse servers.

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Yeah, I don't buy the ignorant defense either. He may have been ignorant in the RVGS days but he definitely learned better since. If anything, he is the guy who knows the most judging by how he compartmentalised every third party attached to this project. Everything I read on the manner shows he is the puppet master behind the scenes. He may not be a hardware guy but he definitely knew and/or called the shot on slipping a SNES in the Jag shell for Toy Fair, a DVR card in the Jag Shell for the nay-sayers. He can only try and make this look as unintentionally deceitful for so long before it looks completely intentional, which we are already there and beyond. I would never trust another thing coming from him again, even the apology everyone is waiting for with bated breath; it will be more an apology for getting caught over an apology for trying to pull one over on his potential customers.

Edited by gnarlynick
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Usually video game consoles have to be released before they can fail. But that's not enough for the Chameleon.


It failed before it even existed. Bravo, bravo. It's a shame that so many were duped on this, because it shows there is a demand for these products. An honest demand for retro consoles - even if they aren't exactly "retro" - and all that potential consumers got was empty promises, faked prototypes, faked.. everything, really.


If I've learned anything from this dumpster fire, it's that legitimate, first-party retro system rereleases could sell! Or they would have, before things like this put a bad taste in consumers' mouths. Perhaps Nintendo could rig up a SNES Model 3 for pennies on the dollar, throw in a multi-cart, sell it for $50, and roll in the cash.

Edited by Csonicgo
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However, as things have come to light, it is quite clear that he has no hardware, even after all this time, he has no hardware and he certainly knows that. He cancelled the Kickstarter for a reason and that reason may come to light at some point but rest assured he cancelled it for a reason.


Mike cancelled the Kickstarter because btbfilms76 (from Jag Bar and Lynx Lounge) refused to shoot his campaign video unless he produced a working prototype. I for one am glad someone had the integrity to stand up out of principal.



Thanks for your thoughtful input that Mike Kennedy is not only a pathological liar but clueless at the same time. Sorry things had to work out this way. I hope you guys can patch your friendship when the smoke clears.

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I just can't do this anymore, I have to get back to my life today. Can't someone just sum up this shit show in one post? I don't want to read posts for another 12 hours straight!!!

Scamming scammer caught scamming. Used to be a good dude, now, not. Friends caught in the crossfire. People who supported this also caught in the crossfire but now realize their mistake.


If something sounds too good to be true it probably is.


Nostalgia is a helluva drug.

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If I've learned anything from this dumpster fire, it's that legitimate, first-party retro system rereleases could sell! Or they would have, before things like this put a bad taste in consumers' mouths. Perhaps Nintendo could rig up a SNES Model 3 for pennies on the dollar, throw in a multi-cart, sell it for $50, and roll in the cash.

Kevtris, we need your Zimba 3000, now more than ever. :)

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But the real reason I even bother posting is that comment I quoted up top. There have been an alarming number of people making comments in very poor taste about "what Mike Kennedy should do". I love this forum, because it's usually the equivalent of a sleepy, rural, friendly little village of us dust-loving Atari folk. I'm not terribly sensitive, and I've got a particularly disturbed sense of humor, but suggestions of suicide are just gross and tacky. I've dealt with depression, and while I try to be an upstanding guy, the thought of being ruined on this crazy, public, "burn-up-on-reentry" level is pretty anxiety-inducing. Let's keep this civil.


Mike Kennedy may be innocent in all this. He might also be a sleazy, money-grubbing, manipulative, shady, snake-oil rip-off artist without an iota of foresight or common sense in his head. If he's the latter, I sure as hell hope he gets his in both a legal and karmic sense, in a big way. But let's none of us wish harm on him as a person. And props to those of you who've already pointed this out.


Rage on, AtariAge.

For the record, I dealt with depression myself 15 years ago and it is not fun at all. I almost do feel a kind of sympathy for him, despite what he has gone through and should have know better, he was clueless at times about the going-ons around him and I was concerned that maybe there was more behind the Chameleon train wreck than just Mike. Regardless of Mike's guilt or deceptive tactics, I express sympathy for his condition and state of mind, and you quote one line of my post out of context, then bring up your disgust with others who suggested that harm should come to him. I never suggested such and even criticized others who stepped over the line. Yes, I have made jokes at Mike's expense, but never once suggested harm towards Mike, either at his own hands or by others. I believe the he definitely needs counsel, whether legally, psychologically, or just sound advice from an old friend. Also an apology to the community and an admittance, "Yeah, I fucked up..." would go a long way towards aiding his recovery and damage to his reputation. But it is hard to forgive someone unless they ask for it first.

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Ok, so the RVGS/Chameleon is a complete sham. We know that now, and it has become clearer and clearer with passing time.


But I wish people would lay off the third-party guys like Gamester81. Ok, so maybe there was a time he believed that the RVGS may have had a fighting chance at becoming a reality, and he publicly lent support for the project as another possible platform for Collectorvision software. So what? What would all of us have done in that situation? (cue up the monday morning quarterbacks: "Well, as the perfectly unflawed person I am with my unimpeachable business acumen, I would have searched high and low for all possible evidence pointing to a scam, up to and including gazing into the future, and base my actions and statements on that.. as Gamester should have done, if he wasn't such a money-grubbing, disingenuous shill!")


Unless you object to the very notion of there being a "Collectorvision" at all, what crime was committed here? I just don't see the mens rea to warrant the scorn. I'm pretty sure Collectorvision is not the man's day job... let's be realistic about what level of "due diligence" is even possible.


And he used the terms "toxic" and "haters" in a commentary somewhere, referring to this thread. I can't believe that people are actually up in arms about this, trying to paint this thread and its contents as some kind of beacon of internet benevolence that has nothing but the purest intentions in "informing the community." Give me a break... as it sits right now, it's 182 pages long.


What's a reasonable number of posts to allocate to laying out all the info needed for "community informing" duties? Maybe a dozen? Two dozen? Heck, I'll grant you 100. What makes up the rest, then? Ridicule, caustic sarcasm, memes, and piling on, mostly. I won't even say that this kind of negativity was unreasonable, but it's still negativity, and one need not look any further than the page count for evidence that it has been excessive. Gamester81 called a spade a spade... again I ask, so what?

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Coleco Chameleon Kickstarter over before it even begins


I like the line "many, including game journalist and historian Frank Cifaldi, identified the board inside". He was just following this thread or someone else who was, even combined images created by me in the first tweet.


Would a Retron 5 fit inside a Atari Jaguar shell? I'm asking for a friend...


Yes, you could install drawer sliders inside to position the appropriate cart connector under the Jaguar shell's slot.

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Mike cancelled the Kickstarter because btbfilms76 (from Jag Bar and Lynx Lounge) refused to shoot his campaign video unless he produced a working prototype. I for one am glad someone had the integrity to stand up out of principal.



Thanks for your thoughtful input that Mike Kennedy is not only a pathological liar but clueless at the same time. Sorry things had to work out this way. I hope you guys can patch your friendship when the smoke clears.


I think I have other story on why the KS was cancelled.

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I like the line "many, including game journalist and historian Frank Cifaldi, identified the board inside". He was just following this thread or someone else who was, even combined images created by me in the first tweet.



Yes, you could install drawer sliders inside to position the appropriate cart connector under the Jaguar shell's slot.


That Engadget "journalist" is really bad at her job. You can tell she has zero motivation to dig any deeper than what she sees in front of her. Her first Chameleon article was just sad.

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