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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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I think it's just lazy and amateurish, like the Videogame Critic. There's nothing wrong with that, but they want so badly to be the second coming of EGM (and had a lot of good writers lined up) that it's odd that their online stuff was so lackluster.


I think the old (pre internet) term was formulaic writing? I thing some of those are actually taught in some writing workshops. If it's very common in one issue it's probably the same guy writing all of those to fill space...

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As a tiny sidenote, I clicked a 4500 sub contest video of that RetroGamingTube85 guy and he thanks Gamester81 for featuring him on his website and attributes that for giving him a big head start on YouTube.


I speculate that this is why it took him so long to really blast the Chameleon despite giving it a lot of coverage.


Well of course, dont forget before john, this guy was the first to feel butthurt for Pat's videos, he called Pat "a guy that gives fitness advices that think is a gamer" probably (just speculation) he is one of the people telling John "hey man Pat's talking shit about you!"


The reason why Mike won't make a public statement is obvious when you read what I wrote- Mike is not a professional. He doesn't get how to conduct himself in a professional capacity as a CEO. That's why he makes up little bullshit titles for himself and his cronies. He probably doesn't even know what a COO actually does. In his mind, starting and managing a retro console business is like a trivia game about video game history. He should have a little bracelet that says "WWND?" (What Would Nintendo Do?). He thinks every problem he will encounter requires a Nintendo-like solution. When he wants to explain why he won't have patch and update support, well, Nintendo didn't have it! They made a seal of quality and likewise we'll check games to make sure they're up to spec!


So now, what happened when Nintendo was caught faking a prototype several times? It never happened, they're not stupid enough to get themselves into a mess like that. Mike has to deal with this problem all on his own but since there's no Nintendo-like solution from the past to look to for guidance, he turns and hides. His true nature is showing.





Piko mentioned it in the Retrogaming Roundup (RGR? RR? Retrogamingroundup? Retro Gaming Round Up?) interview, discussed a bit here and here. Basically at one point when "The Mysterious Mr. Lee"™ was talking to Piko on the phone, he was trying to impress Piko about the big corporation that he worked at, saying that they had showers at work and he worked out of the "Goldeneye Room".


I bet "Goldeneye Room" means the janitor closet.



there are still people calling for blood, if only because they think Mike pulled a fast one or something. That's not the case.


He's a compassionate guy and took even more flack for the Chameleon than anyone we could imagine, and now he can go back and focus on making the magazine everything it should be.



As someone stated, the first is true, he didnt puleld a fast one, but oh sure things he tried, no good intentions behind that! As for the second, if he is so compassionate, why he hasnt replied to Gamester81? If he is that compassionate, where is a public statement if he was nothing but good intentions? *cough* shenanigans! *cough*


Thank goodness he defended Mike on his way out. *eyeroll* "I quit because of this, but only because people are out for blood. I wan't really doing anything for the magazine, anyway. Viva Mike."


Sounds like he quit cause Mike didnt let him write reviews anymore and hes just using this as an excuse to get simpathy or something and to promote his other crap. Who is giving this guy flack? Has anyone else here never heard of him before?


Also like how he says Mike didnt pull a fast one, but next sentence says he knows nothing about it.


The timing was perfect, someone that nobody knew about, someone that i am sure never got a single hate mail, tweet or anything related to the Coleco Chameleon, but hey the man wanted his 15 minutes of fame and pats in the back. Funny enough another "victim" that keeps defending Mike.


I didn't realize it before, but Workman was one of the hosts in the infamous TalkRETRO podcast #24 with David Giltinan and former editor Daniel Kayser.



the trutworthy journalists everyone trust and loves, oh boy cant wait to listen their new podcast! Not.

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I'm surprised no one has connected the dots between the "GoldenEye Room" and "Janus"


Janus is the villain in GoldenEye.


People know Janus the mythical figure is "two faced" but that's actually a modern misinterpretation of the myth. Janus isn't really two faced as we use the expression today as someone with ulterior motives or a double agent. He has two faces because he sees into the past and the future. Although I do think the double agent misinterpretation was intentional in GoldenEye.

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I remember the first time viewing that ad. Very ineffective marketing. It almost made me question my decision to buy a backer console off someone who had second thoughts. Ultimamately, I'm glad to have participated in the Ouya revolution. It was a fun ride, and if Ouya did anything, it prooved that microconsoles were marketable. I'm currently considering upgrading to Razor Forge, but ultimately major corporations like Nvidia, Google, Apple, and Amazon are the winners in this crowded market.


Someone remarked some pages back that the first inventor usually doesn't meet success, but his competitors who perfected the product. A lot of lessons to be learned here and Ouya did play an intergal role in prooving that microconsoles could be a thing.

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I'm surprised no one has connected the dots between the "GoldenEye Room" and "Janus"


Janus is the villain in GoldenEye.


People know Janus the mythical figure is "two faced" but that's actually a modern misinterpretation of the myth. Janus isn't really two faced as we use the expression today as someone with ulterior motives or a double agent. He has two faces because he sees into the past and the future. Although I do think the double agent misinterpretation was intentional in GoldenEye.


The Janus Syndicate.


Janus = Mr. Lee, confirmed.




Eli, time to check that 'phone bill and see if those mystery Mr. Lee calls are listed with a number. If not, but if it's at all possible to be traced via your provider, it would be good if you could. Even if there is a cost involved, I'm sure someone can help with that :lolblue:

Edited by sh3-rg
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And imaginary!


the chip placement seems done by someone trying to give the impression that the board is complicated, more than the impression that the board is real.


Also the mosfet heat sincs aren't actually attached to mosfets.

I am pretty sure the heat sinks were going to be mounted to that heat pipe that they ripped out of an old CPU cooler. On the "real" product they were going to get a custom one made and terminate it on those heatsinks I'm pretty sure. Guessing their switching regulators don't need heatsinks since they should've been fairly high efficiency.


IMO they would've been better off with a passive aluminum plate over top of the SOC. The FPGA does not need heatsinking; not sure if the SOC did or not, since I dunno what model it was supposed to be, otehr than a TI product that was being released in november of last year.

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Since the mobile gaming crowd is less sophisticated and orders of magnitude more numerous than the vintage/classic gaming gang, Zenergy should do pretty well. Dontcha think?


Besides, who will get upset over a $1.99 app gone bad?

Edited by Keatah
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Yes, because LETTERS are in the names of ALL GAMES not named solely with numbers or marks, at least 250 games can be correlated to these people with names made of LETTERS!

Mike goes mobile

"Zenergy Games is a new mobile game studio led by industry execs and a cast of seasoned gaming veterans with over 250 games to their names."



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Zenergy's first game will be the Self Titled Zenergy, their debut.
Because Video Games can be like Music, and each set of games will be anal bum. yeah... and when the reuse other peoples games, those will be anal bum covers.


Call Sean Connery people!


And because Zenergy is totally original...




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well we're still owed TWO issues


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Retro Mag is dead. Unless Mike K hires a couple college interns to do the layouts for issue #11 and some badly written articles for issue #12 that would barely earn a C+ in Freshman Comp, because no professional writer will want to be associated with Mike Kennedy's pet projects after the Chameleon Quagmire.

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