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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Good for you! ;-) The condescension was in response to weeks of your overly-simplistic views of the world ... but you're 150% within your rights to disagree and fight back.

Actually, I'd prefer if you quit addressing or talking to me because you sound like an abusive person. Any reasonable person would discuss any issue that they had with what I said instead of resorting to tactics attacking my intelligence. That speaks volumes about the type of person you are.


If I could somehow block you then I would. Please quit talking to me, unless it is to apologize for how you choose to address me.

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Also, to Carl....I strongly advise you not to go down the print magazine path. I recommended this to the Manci Games Magazine guy and I even said it to Mike Kennedy when he was hatching the idea. Neither listened to me, which makes me the world's worst consultant, but I can't say it loudly enough. It's a financial black hole and there are really no assets there that you need. You don't need the name and you don't need the domains. Just keep your name and your niche and expand digitally if you feel the need. I know you are thinking, "yeah...but I KNOW I can do it better and make it successful." Don't chase that rainbow. Just my friendly advice.

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I re-read your post several times to try to understand the point, but I'm afraid that it escapes me. I never said that anyone owed me, or any other YouTube content creator, a living wage. I am sorry that you seem to think that anyone who creates YouTube content is either trying to cash in, or trying to become famous (some certainly are). I started making videos because I enjoyed it and because it's a creative outlet for me. That being said, my channel has become more popular than I ever expected it to, and I am not about to just leave money on the table because of some altruistic sense of community. Some of my videos take the better part of 100 hours to make and are enjoyed by 10's of thousands of viewers. So while it is true that YOU do not owe me a "living wage" for running my channel, I believe that I have earned the right to treat my channel like the business that it now is.

You are right, I overstepped the bounds of polite conversation, and I apologize.


You have every right to be proud of your accomplishments, and to attempt to monetize them ... and you are actually one of the "good guys" here in that respect in that you don't carpet-bomb this thread with links to your own videos.


My distaste for various aspects of the modern-world doesn't have any relevance to this thread, and I apologize to everyone for intruding it here.


YouTube, and YouTube channels are just another example of Sturgeon's Law.


There are some stand-out exceptions, and the Retro-VGS/Coleco Chameleon saga has given us some wonderful videos.


I, for one, really hope that StopDrop&Retro gets to make his documentary.

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Actually, I'd prefer if you quit addressing or talking to me because you sound like an abusive person. Any reasonable person would discuss any issue that they had with what I said instead of resorting to tactics attacking my intelligence. That speaks volumes about the type of person you are.


If I could somehow block you then I would. Please quit talking to me, unless it is to apologize for how you choose to address me.


To "ignore" a user, click on your username in the very upper right of the window, then click "manage ignore prefs". Add the username of the user you waould like to ignore and click the boxes for posts, signatures, messages, etc. You will not see their posts any more. The only downfall is that you may see their posts if someone replies to them. It's not perfect, but it helps.

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To "ignore" a user, click on your username in the very upper right of the window, then click "manage ignore prefs". Add the username of the user you waould like to ignore and click the boxes for posts, signatures, messages, etc. You will not see their posts any more. The only downfall is that you may see their posts if someone replies to them. It's not perfect, but it helps.

Thanks! :-)

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I just want to say I only just found out about the Coleco Chameleon after all the news and it really upset me. Having a name like Coleco endorse your project is a very awesome thing, but then to let it all slip away due to being dishonest just blows me away. Think of the opportunity here! I actually liked the idea of using Jaguar shells to make the console I thought that would be kind of cool and actually a nod to the past because Coleco always made copycat stuff Atari made back in the day and some times it came out better! But this was so sad. I guess I'm really not upset that he was dishonest and couldn't get a prototype out I'm more upset at the oppurtunity to do something great that he let slip away. IF they were able to actually put it out, it could have been a really nice addition to gaming history. I wish I could have been that guy with that same chance of endorsement from Coleco, I would have played my cards a little different and made it something special. Thats just my 2 cents.

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You are right, I overstepped the bounds of polite conversation, and I apologize.


You have every right to be proud of your accomplishments, and to attempt to monetize them ... and you are actually one of the "good guys" here in that respect in that you don't carpet-bomb this thread with links to your own videos.


My distaste for various aspects of the modern-world doesn't have any relevance to this thread, and I apologize to everyone for intruding it here.


YouTube, and YouTube channels are just another example of Sturgeon's Law.


There are some stand-out exceptions, and the Retro-VGS/Coleco Chameleon saga has given us some wonderful videos.


I, for one, really hope that StopDrop&Retro gets to make his documentary.




Thank you. I honestly do appreciate you taking the high road. We all have our moments on the forums, and I am certainly no exception.

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My take on the YouTube stuff (just because I do think it ties into the Chameleon/RVGS) is for so many people, money changes everything. I'm all for everyone monetizing videos and making every dime they can. There is everything from legit movies to dumb shit no one has any reason to watch on YouTube and that's fine. There's a fine line you cross when you start making gaming videos on YouTube. It all goes back to AVGN, but he didn't do it for money and he was kind of just shooting the shit, making jokes about old games. It was fantastic. But, then he started gearing toward legit review sections in his games, but the games he reviews are not worth reviewing. How many times do you really need to hear, "you can't even explain these controls, you just gotta play it!" in bad game reviews? As hardcore gamers, we can pretty much tell how fucked a game is by watching someone else play it.


But AVGN is king, he really set the bar high when it came to this type of thing, my issue is when you have random jagoffs playing bad games just because that's the cool thing to do since James did it and whining about how bad they are or trying to be like him. On the opposite side, some people think James is the only guy who can swear while playing games and I hate when people call those being themselves rip offs. My point is James is a b-movie film fan, he likes some awful dreck much like I do. It makes sense for him to play bad games coming from this mindset, carrying over from his love of bad cinema, MST3K, etc. It doesn't make sense for a lot of people to play bad games because they're not into that stuff and they just don't give off the right vibe when doing so. Rather than coming from the trash with panache perspective, you get some guy covering a bad NES game for YouTube that has no reason to play it just to bitch about it. And that just leads me to wonder why they even bothered in the first place? Was the world clamoring for a Dragon's Lair NES review from a guy who doesn't know Dragon's Lair and has no fondness for it? Even AVGN is guilty of this with recent reviews like The Crow on Saturn or that N64 Sub-Zero game. When the game ventures from what James actually knows, the review suffers because it means less, there is less to say and thus they become redundant. But James has done so many great videos, it's not like he has anywhere to go.


Back to the monetization, it goes back to someone starting a project out of love and then gradually worrying about the money aspects later. Once it becomes a little bit about the money, I begin to question if what I'm seeing is real. Is the person overreacting to add entertainment to get views or is it natural? It makes more sense to go to a place like AA and ask regular people who actually care if you want to know what a game is like. I prefer YouTube videos where the person is just shooting the shit, playing a game and cracking some jokes. I hate to say it, but there are virtually no credible video game reviewers because everyone is too afraid to admit that shit like the lack of saving in SMB3, the terrible Metroid health farming system and bad controls in Castlevania has to be used negatively against these games in a partial video game review. "But it's a classic" or "It's old, so that's ok" doesn't cut the mustard if you're going to be a credible source.


TL;DR James Rolfe went to film school and was an NES kid. He was born to do what he does. You buying a shitload of games and bitching/talking about them on camera isn't the same.

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Wow. That was some real hard hitting commentary. If you thought for even one second there was a Super NES in that thing then you're a conspiracy theorist. How has that lasted for 60 episodes?


Yeah, but at least they don't have any ties to MK :)

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I just want to say I only just found out about the Coleco Chameleon after all the news and it really upset me. Having a name like Coleco endorse your project is a very awesome thing, but then to let it all slip away due to being dishonest just blows me away. Think of the opportunity here! I actually liked the idea of using Jaguar shells to make the console I thought that would be kind of cool and actually a nod to the past because Coleco always made copycat stuff Atari made back in the day and some times it came out better! But this was so sad. I guess I'm really not upset that he was dishonest and couldn't get a prototype out I'm more upset at the oppurtunity to do something great that he let slip away. IF they were able to actually put it out, it could have been a really nice addition to gaming history. I wish I could have been that guy with that same chance of endorsement from Coleco, I would have played my cards a little different and made it something special. Thats just my 2 cents.


Keep in mind that the original Coleco hasn't existed since 1988. Now it's just a name for hire from people who had nothing to do with the original company. There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest, but it's not the same as getting "an endorsement from Coleco" in the way that you describe it.

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Also, to Carl....I strongly advise you not to go down the print magazine path. I recommended this to the Manci Games Magazine guy and I even said it to Mike Kennedy when he was hatching the idea. Neither listened to me, which makes me the world's worst consultant, but I can't say it loudly enough. It's a financial black hole and there are really no assets there that you need. You don't need the name and you don't need the domains. Just keep your name and your niche and expand digitally if you feel the need. I know you are thinking, "yeah...but I KNOW I can do it better and make it successful." Don't chase that rainbow. Just my friendly advice.


Each choice has it's own disadvantages. Personally, digital magazines don't interest me unless they're cheap. Veeeerrry cheap. I'm talking pocket change cheap. I will pay good money for a physical magazine to arrive at my door. The thought of getting magazines in the mail was one of the things that got me most excited about RETRO when I backed them. I know it's a trivial point but for a magazine that inherently appeals to collectors with memories of the old days, it's print or nothing.


There comes a point where you have to separate digital magazines from blogs and I don't know about you guys but there are many blogs I'll take the time to read but few I would pay to read. That's where RETRO fucked up for me. Most of their content didn't cut the mustard and when they let me down I no longer cared about it being in print, it wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. But I wouldn't have given him a chance in the first place had it not been in print to begin with.


I know what you're saying- print is a money pit, and that makes sense in hindsight. But if Mike Kennedy took your advice I doubt he would have even made 10% of his first Kickstarter goal. I know there would be absolutely no way I would have backed if it was digital only. So he had to go to print to have any chance of success in the first place. I would argue that if it's 100% digital it has an even greater chance of failure because you won't get off the ground at all.

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I know what you're saying- print is a money pit, and that makes sense in hindsight. But if Mike Kennedy took your advice I doubt he would have even made 10% of his first Kickstarter goal. I know there would be absolutely no way I would have backed if it was digital only. So he had to go to print to have any chance of success in the first place. I would argue that if it's 100% digital it has an even greater chance of failure because you won't get off the ground at all.


There's nothing wrong with print other than the fact that large numbers of people don't really care about it anymore, with that number likely continuing to trend down. I agree that digital is no better in that regard, really, and has many downsides of its own, some of which may be eventually overcome and some of which may never be overcome (e.g., likely being replaced by what sites like Wired and The Verge do now).


I think the primary argument against a print magazine is advertising, or the lack thereof. Getting sufficient advertising and sufficient advertising that pays for a magazine of similarly sufficient size has to be incredibly difficult these days. I don't know their financials, but I imagine that's why RETRO went back again to the Kickstarter well. The magazine probably never made enough in advertising to be self sustaining, although you have to think that that would have been the goal (or should have been the goal). There's probably not enough money for advertising from individuals and companies that specialize in the "retro" market, and larger companies likely wouldn't want to advertise in what is arguably a niche publication. That's no doubt part of the reason why the mission statement changed to cover more modern things, and may in fact be inevitable for a publication intended for the newsstand.

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None so far. He's reportedly away on vacation, and I say he's earned it. After all, even with the help of "The Mysterious Mr. Lee," coming up with so many fake prototypes and banning people on Facebook 24/7 must have been exhausting.


I believe that's also known as "laying low until the heat's off"

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He's probably trying to figure out where to go from here knowing that:


1. He's screwed over his investors and they're not about to forget

2. He's annoyed a large part of the classic gaming community and they're not about to forget

3. He's ticked off Coleco Holdings and they're really not about to forget


At this point if I were him I'd disappear for a long time too.

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Steve hasn't tweeted about the project since this one in September: https://twitter.com/SteveWoita/status/645364352665546752


19 Sep 2015

It would be so cool to have this #new #cartridge #game #system !

Help make it happen for #RETRO VGS on @indiegogo http://igg.me/p/1429853/twtr/12157634


His last interaction with any part of RETRO was to retweet RETRO Magazine on 24th of September. He could have purged his Twitter feed, but I don't think so as there are a bunch of Retro VGS Tweets in August and September.


He's posted about a bunch of other subjects in the 5 and a bit months since he started posting about the RVGS/CC. Did he ever say anything publicly in support of the Chameleon? Did he even know his photo and bio were still on the website?

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Holy smokes what a read. Unfortunately this isn't the first saga I have read about in all the years since my discovery of forums. It gets disheartening over time, and a lot of bridges, and reputations get burned. But, I think if it would have been successful it may have been cool. Who knows in the alternate realitly, and a functioning console was produced it could've picked up steam. With tons of games in it's arsenal. But, in reality it is very hard to gain any kind of audience with these ip's holding the rights to many older games regardless of it being in a current state of release, or even ones that haven't seen a release in many years. Who knows what their mind set is in keeping those lisnces locked down if they never plan any new games from them? Would make more sense in a business aspect to sell limited rights for them as an old game that they haven't made a cent on in years would now be making atleast something.

I have kind of skimmed the other threads on this endeavor, but have read this one to end. This forum is the most civil of all of them I have been a part of. Yes, some conversations got heated. However, it didn't turn into chaos, and mudslinging like the many I have witnessed. I have literally seen forums end after an event like this from the rift created, more than I want to count...

Lots of knowledgeable people here, as I probably would have never connected the dots on the SNES mini. Though would have found it very odd it was using a Nintendo's exclusive Composite cable, and boy do those cart connectors look familiar. I have never owned a second gen SNES, and have only seen one in person at a glance. LMAO, but that computer card! I saw right away that was hinky, but didn't know exactly what it was. I did start looking because, now, I am no game hardware guy. But, wondered why a game console that was cartridge based would need an IDE?... Then the pic surfaces of the capture card.. Wow, no words come to mind. I'll not speculate what the intention was, and just hope it was a desperate last second attempt to get his console Capitol going to finally make it a reality. Sometimes bad things come from good intentions, but there is also the possibility of less than honest practices taking place unfortunately.

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Lots of knowledgeable people here, as I probably would have never connected the dots on the SNES mini. Though would have found it very odd it was using a Nintendo's exclusive Composite cable, and boy do those cart connectors look familiar. I have never owned a second gen SNES, and have only seen one in person at a glance. LMAO, but that computer card! I saw right away that was hinky, but didn't know exactly what it was. I did start looking because, now, I am no game hardware guy. But, wondered why a game console that was cartridge based would need an IDE?... Then the pic surfaces of the capture card.. Wow, no words come to mind. I'll not speculate what the intention was, and just hope it was a desperate last second attempt to get his console Capital going to finally make it a reality. Sometimes bad things come from good intentions, but there is also the possibility of less than honest practices taking place unfortunately.


I strongly believe it was that. And a "why risk my money when I can risk yours?" attitude.

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He's probably trying to figure out where to go from here knowing that:


1. He's screwed over his investors and they're not about to forget

2. He's annoyed a large part of the classic gaming community and they're not about to forget

3. He's ticked off Coleco Holdings and they're really not about to forget


At this point if I were him I'd disappear for a long time too.



Forever wouldn't be long enough.

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I'm trying to figure out the difference between desperation and normal promotion. For example, TV shows have started putting hashtags on the screen every time anything slightly noteworthy happens. Commercials aren't enough anymore? Are people actually going on Twitter and posting "#manstubbedhistoe on Survivor! Like and Retweet!!!!!!!!!!"? I hope it's a fad like Disco.


Honestly, I think there's more value in Disco than in those Twitter hashtags if for no other reason than the covers of some of those albums were entertaining. I have yet to see a hashtag that was even remotely either useful or entertaining.

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