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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Welp, I don't see anything else we're going to need to post on this thread, I guess we shall move on to dank memes until there's a breaking news on Mike Kennedy or the project.


Come on now, you could at least add another 10 pages of arguing about the fact that I am lying about having nothing but good deals with seanhq.

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Welp, I don't see anything else we're going to need to post on this thread, I guess we shall move on to dank memes until there's a breaking news on Mike Kennedy or the project.


It's a matter of when, not if, Mike chimes back in with another whopper.

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more press about this stuff, obviously nothing new because we are the source. but check out the comments section, its pretty chill. or this one?




obviously people will continue to write about this as long as mike is willing to post. color me surprised tho

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Most forums declare that anything posted is the property of the website owner.


Not sure that true these days or a wise thing to do as it puts the site's owners at risk of lawsuits, particularly libel. May as well put up a big sign saying "BLAME ME" when someone takes issue with something that's been posted.

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Not sure that true these days or a wise thing to do as it puts the site's owners at risk of lawsuits, particularly libel. May as well put up a big sign saying "BLAME ME" when someone takes issue with something that's been posted.


No, you don't see lawsuits like that because that problem was mostly taken care of by the Communications Decency Act. It immunizes people who run a public site from unlawful content posted on there by a third party. As long as the admins don't do something stupid like encouraging the illegal conduct, they should be fine.

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I've learned something new and Section 230 of that Act is some good stuff. It's cool that the "decency" part of the Act didn't make it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_230_of_the_Communications_Decency_Act


I also just learned one way that Samuel L. Jackson manages his stutter. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/samuel-l-jackson-stutter-swear_n_3389403.html

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It's a matter of when, not if, Mike chimes back in with another whopper.

Believe the only reason he responded to this thread was because of the retro gaming magazine VS retro video gaming magazine fight he is having


A lot of the conflict is Mike naming his Mag almost the same name as Carl's, which I don't blame Carl for being angry about, since the Mike brand is currently poison.



The Below post are from Mike uneditied as you can tell, he is only mainly posting about Carl, and I doubt Sean is the reason for him posting here now



And as a side note, Carl Williams IS NOT taking over RETRO Magazine nor has he ever talked with me about it. And I am not selling it or giving it to ANYONE! Carl? Explanation?



Carl. I am the majority shareholder and the only one that matters. Seems strange I never heard anything about this from you. And, we've had lots of complements on issue #10. Issue #11 is going out this week and will be great as well. So we are continuing to make good on our committments to all our subscribers. And the magazine team is still in tact, less two.


Hey Everyone.

First off, this post isn't pointing fingers at anyone in this community whatsoever, but will single out one Carl Williams. This is directed at him and asking him why he seems to have it out for me? I think you can agree that his 30,000 words accusing me of everything has tons of holes in it after you read further. I too, have mastered the art of copy and paste.

I think it is safe to say that Carl is a bit obsessive in trying to ruin my reputation and character. Take a look at what he is saying in all his rants and he goes way out of this way to create mountains out of molehills in everything he writes about me. And, yes, I've banned him from our Facebook page so he can't spread his deceitful tabloid written crap over there.

I will address the rewrite of the press release shown on RetroVGS.com. I made some additional clarification on that release after it was appearing that some people, not all, were not understanding what our relationship with "Coleco" was, a licensing deal with the new rightful owners of the brand name that ultimately would legally adorn the COLECO brand on our product. I was in effect, doing what many wanted, clarifying the situation that this was not a deal I made with the original company, which yes, everyone could take two seconds to see have been out of business since 1988. Most people would have known this without taking the time to look at. But Carl, took it upon himself to yet again undermine my character and reputation by blowing things way out of proportion. This is happening over and over and everyone here is trusting this guy. You might want to question him instead of me.

He says that I never had any "real" discussions with Konami? Well, here you go Carl! http://readretro.com...-opportunities/


Note the email from Mike Rajna to me kindly asking me not to discuss our internal discussions until some sort of official deal is made. I then kindly asked Carl Williams to remove any mention of the Konami mentions in his stories, at the request of Mr. Rajna. Here you will also see some original discussions beginning with Howard Phillips and Owen Rubin. Two of the other people I am accused of name dropping.

Guys, in the pursuit of opportunities to successfully bring this product to market I have tapped deep into my contacts and friends of contacts which are all legitimate contacts in the industry.

Those look like real opportunity seeking discussions to me. This is what you do running a business. You seek out opportunities. This is what I was doing (and have continued to do throughout this process) reaching out to companies like Konami. I never once said anywhere that I had a deal with any of these companies. Only that I was in discussions. This is where opportunities begin. I was being very open and honest about this to the gaming world as it was important to me to build a fan base for this product prior to lighting up a Kickstarter campaign. I wanted to do as much groundwork as I could in the beginning to show people we were serious about trying to go after some of these cool games we would like to all see brought back in some form.

Carl has had it in for me and the only reason I can see is that I successfully crowdfunded RETRO magazine (Twice) to his failure of even reaching $1K in funding on Kickstarter.

I have real legit contacts in this industry and it can be seen from the writing team I put together on my magazine. This is the same model I was going to apply to the console, tapping into friends and colleagues to help make this a cool gaming platform for all to enjoy.

I have admitted that we F'ed up on the hardware but I am not going to sit back and admit to or be accused of lying to any of you about anything. Many here have known me on my podcasts and other dealings and I can't believe I have to come in here and defend myself against someone who is questioning everything I do and using my situation as a springboard for his own gain. Do you guys think I am out of line here?

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No, you don't see lawsuits like that because that problem was mostly taken care of by the Communications Decency Act. It immunizes people who run a public site from unlawful content posted on there by a third party. As long as the admins don't do something stupid like encouraging the illegal conduct, they should be fine.


Thanks. You just triggered my memory. What I mentioned is what used to happen. I now remember that the revamped Defamation Act over here also now has provisions to protect website owners. It's probably the only thing the new Act improves upon. Much of the rest is just garbage.

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So, I have a question:


If this is all true (it's not, but for the sake of this question, let's say it is), why did he delete all pictures and posts from his kickstarter that showed this was all a fraud? He claims he didn't want to look into whether or not the system was real, but then he did EVERYTHING possible to make sure everyone was silenced when bringing up to Mike's attention that it was a fake. And then furthermore making fun of everyone who was trying to tell the truth regarding both prototypes.


He knew. Ok? He knew all this was a lie. He thought we were idiots, and he got caught with his pants down. He can go jump into a pit of snakes. Good luck trying to EVER get a job again. I heard McDonald's is hiring.

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So, I have a question:


If this is all true (it's not, but for the sake of this question, let's say it is), why did he delete all pictures and posts from his kickstarter that showed this was all a fraud? He claims he didn't want to look into whether or not the system was real, but then he did EVERYTHING possible to make sure everyone was silenced when bringing up to Mike's attention that it was a fake. And then furthermore making fun of everyone who was trying to tell the truth regarding both prototypes.


He knew. Ok? He knew all this was a lie. He thought we were idiots, and he got caught with his pants down. He can go jump into a pit of snakes. Good luck trying to EVER get a job again. I heard McDonald's is hiring.


Not only did he know, but the only excuse he can give (without really admitting it was him hitting the delete button) is "Well, I trusted Sean more than hundreds of people who were proving me wrong, so I thought I knew better and didn't need to listen to any of you." It's almost as if Mike wants to blame us for being right, just so he doesn't have to own up to ANY deception. Because that's the last lie Mike is trying to push: that he never intended to deceive, when that is literally the only thing he's been doing since this project was announced.

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