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Entry 2015: Slalom!

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That's a neat demo. I agree with GroovyBee that in a two-player simul-play scenario, you don't need as much visual detail, so a stray tree here and there should suffice. You could do something clever like define three trees that could be shown on the screen at a time, of which two are on the same side (randomly placed, of course) and re-use the same cards.



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So, with the split screen mode, would you be able to see the other player on your side of the screen. Say one guy is red and one is blue, when they are on the same place on the hill would each skier show up on the other players side of the screen. The. If the red player pulls away, the blue player would be left behind on his screen and vice versa. That would be cool.

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With my demo you need 8 cards to represent each on-screen card due to the one pixel shift without using sprites. To get lots of stuff on screen you would have to be pretty resourceful, say using the flag pole as the tree base for example. As mentioned earlier you don't need a lot on screen, just something to represent downhill movement.


So, with the split screen mode, would you be able to see the other player on your side of the screen.


This is why I wrote the code without using sprites. When the opponent is on your half of the screen, you would also be on their half of the screen, utilizing 4 of the 8 sprites assuming only 1 sprite per player.


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This is why I wrote the code without using sprites. When the opponent is on your half of the screen, you would also be on their half of the screen, utilizing 4 of the 8 sprites assuming only 1 sprite per player.


Cool. So, instead of a tree or flags you could have a jump or ramp every so often. That would be cool. I could also see this turned into a downhill mountain biking game using the motocross bike instead of skier and then have an occasional tree and jump.

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I could also see this turned into a downhill mountain biking game using the motocross bike instead of skier and then have an occasional tree and jump.


That's funny you mention it. I was planning on making an excitebike clone after I finish some of my other projects, only change the scroll to horizontal.

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I think Excitebike would be an excellent port to the Inty. If you can get the physics to mimic the Nintendo version, wow. I really like the way you can control the bike and the angle so you can land and keep your speed, etc. whales, skiing, motocross. You have eclectic Inty tastes. I like it!

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I think Excitebike would be an excellent port to the Inty. If you can get the physics to mimic the Nintendo version, wow. I really like the way you can control the bike and the angle so you can land and keep your speed, etc. whales, skiing, motocross. You have eclectic Inty tastes. I like it!


You know what would be even better? An brand new and original game. ;)


I think this technique of "simul-play" is very clever useful for many types of games. It would be a shame to just re-do some existing one.



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You know what would be even better? An brand new and original game. ;)


I think this technique of "simul-play" is very clever useful for many types of games. It would be a shame to just re-do some existing one.




I agree the time and energy it takes to make a game could be better spent on new/original ideas, although I would love to see Excitebike with multiplayer as the NES version didn't have it.



whales, skiing, motocross. You have eclectic Inty tastes. I like it!


Well, it was carlsson's idea for a skiing game so I don't want to take credit for that. Plus fsuinnc did a great job on Stunt Cycle. I would say we all have eclectic taste and enjoy helping each other!

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If you take a cross between downhill skiing and motocross, would you get water ski? If anyone wants inspiration, I think this C64 game (of which similar games may exist on other platforms) could benefit from an overhaul. I imagine you could even have two player support without requiring GRAM techniques for individual scrolling, it could probably be challenging enough with both players on the same screen, using hardware scroll.


Edited by carlsson
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  • 1 month later...

Added title music and game play music. Carlsson, thanks for letting me edit.

REM Slalom
  REM by Anders Carlsson <anders.carlsson@sfks.se>

  REM 2015-02-15: Initial version
  REM 2015-12-31: Compo version
  REM 2016-03-29: Added Title Music Track

REM $0000 = BLACK    | $1000 = GREY     | $2000 = DA.GREEN | $3000 = CERISE
REM $0200 = BLUE     | $1200 = CYAN     | $2200 = MI.GREEN | $3200 = L.VIOLET
REM $0400 = RED      | $1400 = ORANGE   | $2400 = YELLOW   | $3400 = LI.GREEN
REM $0600 = L.YELLOW | $1600 = FO.GREEN | $2600 = WHITE    | $3600 = D.CERISE

REM $xx00 = BLACK    | $xx04 = DA.GREEN
REM $xx01 = BLUE     | $xx05 = MI.GREEN
REM $xx02 = RED      | $xx06 = YELLOW
REM $xx03 = L.YELLOW | $xx07 = WHITE

  DEFINE 0,13,graph:WAIT
  DEFINE 13,5,graph2:MODE 1:WAIT

  SPRITE 0,0,0,0
  FOR i=1 TO 12:PRINT COLOR $2600,"                    ":NEXT
  PRINT AT 0 COLOR $2604,"\262\268\258\268  \257\265 \268  \262\268\258\265 \257\264\268"
  PRINT "\268\260\263\268  \262\267\258\268  \268\261\264\268\265\268\264\268"
  PRINT "\260\265 \268  \268\262\264\268  \268\261\264\268\260\261\264\268"
  PRINT "\259\261\264\268  \268\267\264\268  \268\261\264\268 \261\264\266"
  PRINT "\267\268\263\268\268\264\268\261\264\268\268\264\267\268\263\268 \261\264\268"

	Play Simple
    Play MusicTitle

  PRINT <>score

  IF CONT.BUTTON = 0 THEN GOTO waitbutton



  Play Off
  FOR row=1 TO 11:PRINT AT row*20 COLOR $2600,"                    ":NEXT

  GOSUB draw_flags
  #skier = $0878 : REM 00sc 1000 0111 1ccc
	Play MusicAction

  IF oy=0 THEN od=4:oy=7 ELSE oy=oy-1
  SPRITE 0,$0300 + px,$0100 + py - oy,#skier
  SCROLL 0,oy,od:WAIT
  od=0:IF oy=7 THEN GOSUB clear_row

  IF CONT.LEFT AND px>0 THEN px=px-1:#skier=$0878
  IF CONT.RIGHT AND px<167 THEN px=px+1:#skier=$0880

  IF COL0 AND $0100 THEN GOSUB collision
  IF life>0 AND misses>0 THEN GOTO loop

  GOTO title

clear_row: PROCEDURE
  PRINT AT 11*20 COLOR $2600,"                    "
  port=port+1:IF port=6 THEN GOSUB draw_flags:port=0:GOTO no_trees

  IF RAND%3=0 THEN x1 = RAND%20:PRINT AT 11*20 + x1 COLOR $2604,"\269"


draw_flags: PROCEDURE
  REM RAND is updated once per frame, so the subsequent calls will
  REM pretty much work like calling a variable, not a function

  x1=2 + RAND%7:x2=3 + RAND%3

  PRINT AT 11*20 COLOR $2607,"\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273"

  PRINT AT 11*20 + x1 COLOR $2601,"\270"
  FOR i=1 TO x2:PRINT COLOR $2607,"\256":NEXT
  PRINT COLOR $2602,"\270"


collision: PROCEDURE
  REM check BACKTAB at $0200 and forward

  REM in foreground/background mode, STIC is oriented as follows:
  REM   13   12   11   10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
  REM +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
  REM |BG  |BG  |GRAM|BG  |BG  |      GRAM/GROM Card #       |   FG Color   |
  REM |Bit2|Bit3|GROM|Bit1|Bit0|          (0 - 63)           |   Bits 0-2   |
  REM +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+

  REM bits 14-15 are unused by STIC and could be used to store information


  REM cy will always be 2 (fixed at py=20)

  minx=cx-1:if minx<0 then minx=0
  maxx=cx+1:if maxx>19 then maxx=19

  REM nnbb rbbg gggg gccc

  #val=(PEEK(512+cx+cy*20) AND $09F8)/8

  REM PRINT AT 201 COLOR $2601,(#val/100%10+16)*8+6
 REM PRINT (#val/10%10+16)*8+6
  REM PRINT (#val%10+16)*8+6

  IF #val=256 THEN
     SOUND 0,100,10:FOR i=1 TO 5:WAIT:NEXT:SOUND 0,1,0
  IF py<80 THEN py=py+4
  REM Don't remove slalom posts!
  WHILE (PEEK(512+minx+cy*20) AND $09F8)/8<>270:minx=minx-1:WEND
  WHILE (PEEK(512+maxx+cy*20) AND $09F8)/8<>270:maxx=maxx+1:WEND
  ELSEIF #val=273 THEN
  FOR i=1 TO 20:SOUND 0,600+i*20,10:WAIT:next
  SOUND 0,1,0:PRINT AT 4,"            ":misses=misses-1
  FOR i=1 TO 20:SOUND 0,800+i*10,10:WAIT:next
  SOUND 0,1,0:PRINT AT 5,"          ":life=life-1

  FOR i=cy-1 TO cy+1:FOR j=minx TO maxx:POKE 512+j+i*20,$2600:NEXT:NEXT


REM 256 = between posts
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"

  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"

  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"

  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"

  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"

  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"

  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"

  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"

  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"

  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"

  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"

  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"

  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"

REM 269 = tree
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00111100"
  BITMAP "01111110"
  BITMAP "00111100"
  BITMAP "01111110"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"

REM 270 = post
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00111000"
  BITMAP "01111000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"

REM 271-272 = skier
  BITMAP "00010000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011001"
  BITMAP "01101110"
  BITMAP "10001000"
  BITMAP "00010000"

  BITMAP "00001000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "10011000"
  BITMAP "01110110"
  BITMAP "00010001"
  BITMAP "00001000"

REM 273 = outside
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"

	Data 3
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	C4Y   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	G4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D5   	,	-
	Music  	C5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	B4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	F4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	A4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	F5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E5   	,	-
	Music  	D5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	F5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	G4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C5#  	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	G4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D5#  	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	G4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	A4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	F5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	B4   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C5   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music	 Repeat

	Data 4
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music  	E2Y   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E3   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D3   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	C3   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	B2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	B2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	E3   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D3   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	D2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	A2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	A2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	B2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	B2   	,	-
	Music  	S    	,	-
	Music  	-    	,	-
	Music	 Repeat
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  • 1 year later...


Back in February 2015, as my first experiment with IntyBASIC, I wrote a very simple slalom game. In honour of the competition and that there was nothing good on TV on a New Year's Eve, I decided to try to wrap it up with some scoring, lives and difficulty ramping. To most part it is tongue in cheek, and if nothing else an example of how easy it is produce smooth scrolling on the Intellivision.






  REM Slalom
  REM by Anders Carlsson <anders.carlsson@sfks.se>
  REM 2015-02-15: Initial version
  REM 2015-12-31: Compo version
REM $0000 = BLACK    | $1000 = GREY     | $2000 = DA.GREEN | $3000 = CERISE
REM $0200 = BLUE     | $1200 = CYAN     | $2200 = MI.GREEN | $3200 = L.VIOLET
REM $0400 = RED      | $1400 = ORANGE   | $2400 = YELLOW   | $3400 = LI.GREEN
REM $0600 = L.YELLOW | $1600 = FO.GREEN | $2600 = WHITE    | $3600 = D.CERISE
REM $xx00 = BLACK    | $xx04 = DA.GREEN
REM $xx01 = BLUE     | $xx05 = MI.GREEN
REM $xx02 = RED      | $xx06 = YELLOW
REM $xx03 = L.YELLOW | $xx07 = WHITE
  DEFINE 0,13,graph:WAIT
  DEFINE 13,5,graph2:MODE 1:WAIT
  SPRITE 0,0,0,0
  FOR i=1 TO 12:PRINT COLOR $2600,"                    ":NEXT
  PRINT AT 0 COLOR $2604,"\262\268\258\268  \257\265 \268  \262\268\258\265 \257\264\268"
  PRINT "\268\260\263\268  \262\267\258\268  \268\261\264\268\265\268\264\268"
  PRINT "\260\265 \268  \268\262\264\268  \268\261\264\268\260\261\264\268"
  PRINT "\259\261\264\268  \268\267\264\268  \268\261\264\268 \261\264\266"
  PRINT "\267\268\263\268\268\264\268\261\264\268\268\264\267\268\263\268 \261\264\268"
  PRINT <>score
  IF CONT.BUTTON = 0 THEN GOTO waitbutton
  FOR row=1 TO 11:PRINT AT row*20 COLOR $2600,"                    ":NEXT
  GOSUB draw_flags
  #skier = $0878 : REM 00sc 1000 0111 1ccc
  IF oy=0 THEN od=4:oy=7 ELSE oy=oy-1
  SPRITE 0,$0300 + px,$0100 + py - oy,#skier
  SCROLL 0,oy,od:WAIT
  od=0:IF oy=7 THEN GOSUB clear_row
  IF CONT.LEFT AND px>0 THEN px=px-1:#skier=$0878
  IF CONT.RIGHT AND px<167 THEN px=px+1:#skier=$0880
  IF COL0 AND $0100 THEN GOSUB collision
  IF life>0 AND misses>0 THEN GOTO loop
  GOTO title
clear_row: PROCEDURE
  PRINT AT 11*20 COLOR $2600,"                    "
  port=port+1:IF port=6 THEN GOSUB draw_flags:port=0:GOTO no_trees
  IF RAND%3=0 THEN x1 = RAND%20:PRINT AT 11*20 + x1 COLOR $2604,"\269"
draw_flags: PROCEDURE
  REM RAND is updated once per frame, so the subsequent calls will
  REM pretty much work like calling a variable, not a function
  x1=2 + RAND%7:x2=3 + RAND%3
  PRINT AT 11*20 COLOR $2607,"\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273\273"
  PRINT AT 11*20 + x1 COLOR $2601,"\270"
  FOR i=1 TO x2:PRINT COLOR $2607,"\256":NEXT
  PRINT COLOR $2602,"\270"
collision: PROCEDURE
  REM check BACKTAB at $0200 and forward
  REM in foreground/background mode, STIC is oriented as follows:
  REM   13   12   11   10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0  
  REM +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
  REM |BG  |BG  |GRAM|BG  |BG  |      GRAM/GROM Card #       |   FG Color   |
  REM |Bit2|Bit3|GROM|Bit1|Bit0|          (0 - 63)           |   Bits 0-2   |
  REM +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
  REM bits 14-15 are unused by STIC and could be used to store information
  REM cy will always be 2 (fixed at py=20)
  minx=cx-1:if minx<0 then minx=0
  maxx=cx+1:if maxx>19 then maxx=19
  REM nnbb rbbg gggg gccc
  #val=(PEEK(512+cx+cy*20) AND $09F8)/8
  REM PRINT AT 201 COLOR $2601,(#val/100%10+16)*8+6
 REM PRINT (#val/10%10+16)*8+6
  REM PRINT (#val%10+16)*8+6
  IF #val=256 THEN
     SOUND 0,100,10:FOR i=1 TO 5:WAIT:NEXT:SOUND 0,1,0
  IF py<80 THEN py=py+4
  REM Don't remove slalom posts!
  WHILE (PEEK(512+minx+cy*20) AND $09F8)/8<>270:minx=minx-1:WEND
  WHILE (PEEK(512+maxx+cy*20) AND $09F8)/8<>270:maxx=maxx+1:WEND
  ELSEIF #val=273 THEN
  FOR i=1 TO 20:SOUND 0,600+i*20,10:WAIT:next
  SOUND 0,1,0:PRINT AT 4,"            ":misses=misses-1
  FOR i=1 TO 20:SOUND 0,800+i*10,10:WAIT:next
  SOUND 0,1,0:PRINT AT 5,"          ":life=life-1
  FOR i=cy-1 TO cy+1:FOR j=minx TO maxx:POKE 512+j+i*20,$2600:NEXT:NEXT
REM 256 = between posts
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
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  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
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  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11110000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "00000000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "00001111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "11111111"
REM 269 = tree
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  BITMAP "00111100"
  BITMAP "01111110"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
REM 270 = post
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00111000"
  BITMAP "01111000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
REM 271-272 = skier
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  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "00011001"
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  BITMAP "10001000"
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  BITMAP "00001000"
  BITMAP "00011000"
  BITMAP "11111111"
  BITMAP "00011000"
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REM 273 = outside
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  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"
  BITMAP "01010101"
  BITMAP "10101010"




is this the only rom?


or any other updated one floating around?

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I suppose First Spear might have compiled the extended version with music, but when it comes to gameplay, I haven't done anything. Rather I would offer this game for anyone interested in developing it further, as it started off as a feature test of the language that I whipped up as a roughly playable game on the very late hours on New Years Eve right before the contest ended, partly to fill out the competition so it wouldn't be short of entries.

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