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Riding For the Brand (New IntyBASIC game project)


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Hey Groovy...


I updated the .bas file and made some adjustments to eliminate the CS_CYAN. Still cannot get it to work properly. Perhaps you could lend me a hand. :)



I tried the GROM 0 card, but that gave me a black screen. Then I tried using my empty GRAM tile and I got the same result. I am likely missing something, so perhaps some fresh eyes would help?


This is the same basic loop I have used for all my screen drawing thus far... The only difference between this iteration (which doesn't work properly) and the others is the use of a BG_xxx. all my other cards are defaulted to the black screen color as a background.


Thanks in advance. ;)




REM **************
REM **************
         FOR VERT=3 TO 6
         FOR HORZ=1 TO 18
         NEXT HORZ
         NEXT VERT

REM sky character (264)
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"
           BITMAP "........"

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Try this :-

        MODE SCREEN_FB     ' Enable foreground/background mode.
        WAIT               ' Only changes on the next VBLANK.
        FOR VERT=3 TO 6
            FOR HORZ=1 TO 18
            NEXT HORZ
        NEXT VERT

Its also a good programming habit to indent loops so you can easily see what code belongs to what loop.

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Try this :-


        MODE SCREEN_FB     ' Enable foreground/background mode.
        WAIT               ' Only changes on the next VBLANK.
        FOR VERT=3 TO 6
            FOR HORZ=1 TO 18
            NEXT HORZ
        NEXT VERT

Its also a good programming habit to indent loops so you can easily see what code belongs to what loop.


Sorry to jump in here. what is the #BACKTAB? The IntyBASIC manual says "#BACKTAB array (direct access to screen)"

How does this differ from SCREENPOS(HORZ,VERT) COLOR FG_YELLOW+BG_CYAN, " " ?

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Sorry to jump in here. what is the #BACKTAB? The IntyBASIC manual says "#BACKTAB array (direct access to screen)"

How does this differ from SCREENPOS(HORZ,VERT) COLOR FG_YELLOW+BG_CYAN, " " ?


#BACKTAB is a predefined IntyBASIC array where index 0 is the top left corner of the screen and index 239 is the bottom right corner. It would be my personal preference to use it instead of print, when writing single cards to the screen.

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#BACKTAB is a predefined IntyBASIC array where index 0 is the top left corner of the screen and index 239 is the bottom right corner. It would be my personal preference to use it instead of print, when writing single cards to the screen.

Thanks, I think I understand. Why do you prefer this over Print?

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